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姓名 邱忠憲(Jhong-Sian Chiu)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 生物物理研究所
論文名稱 組成成分與溫度對生物膜彈性性質的影響
(Composition and temperature effects on the elastic properties of membranes)
★ 利用指向性圓二色光譜及多片層X光繞射技術研究抗菌胜肽與細胞膜作用的電荷效應★ 使用指向性圓二色光譜和多片層X光繞射研究Magainin 2與混合脂質雙層膜的交互作用
★ 使用指向性圓二色光譜與多片層X光繞射技術進行daptomycin與細胞膜作用之結構研究★ 細胞膜媒介麥角固醇與 α-crystallin 的作用
★ 羊毛脂固醇對 α-crystallin 和 SM 細胞膜間作用的影響
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摘要(中) 生物膜在細胞中扮演非常重要的角色,除了保護著細胞,許多由細胞膜媒
影響,我們利用 X 光繞射在不同溫度中測量不同脂質混合物的結構,進一步藉
DOPE 形狀相同生物分子會使得自然曲率半徑不變,其餘與 DOPE 分子形狀不
下降;最後蜂毒胜肽使得 DOPE 的六角型相態極為不易產生;在溫度上升時,
摘要(英) Biological membranes play very important role for the cell. They not only protect
the cell but also mediate the biological processes to maintain the activity of cell.
Therefore, studying biological membranes is very important. In the past decades, a lot
of membrane structure and membrane-mediated biological processes have been studied.
However, most of the mechanisms of these biological processes are still the puzzles. In
this report, we studied the elastic properties of membranes by biophysical method for
further understanding these processes.
Different types of cells have varied membrane composition of lipids. The lipid
composition and temperature are able to affect the membrane-mediated biological
processes. We used x-ray diffraction to determine the structure of membranes in
different compositions as well as different temperatures. The elastic properties of
membranes were extracted from X-ray data by changing the osmotic pressure. We
should understand the biological processes more through the determination of the
elastic properties of membranes.
Consequently, we found different molecular shapes of the additives compare to
DOPE cause the increase of intrinsic radius of curvature. The negative charged lipids
decrease the intrinsic radius of curvature slightly. Melittin hold DOPE membranes in
the lamellar phase instead of hexagonal phase. Finally, the intrinsic radii of curvature
of all lipid mixtures decrease with temperature increasing.
關鍵字(中) ★ 生物膜
★ 抗菌生態
★ 脂質分子
論文目次 摘要.................................................................................................................................i
致謝............................................................................................................................... iii
目錄............................................................................................................................... iv
圖目錄........................................................................................................................... vi
表目錄......................................................................................................................... viii
符號縮寫說明............................................................................................................... ix
1-1 生物膜 ..........................................................................................................1
1-2 生物膜的基本性質 ......................................................................................3
1-2-1 生物膜組成的與性質.........................................................................3
1-2-2 生物膜相態.........................................................................................4
1-2-3 彈性性質.............................................................................................6
1-3 生物膜的研究 ..............................................................................................7
1-4 實驗目的 ......................................................................................................8
2-1 實驗材料 ....................................................................................................10
2-2 實驗樣品製備 ............................................................................................11
2-3 實驗儀器 ....................................................................................................13
2-4 X-ray 繞射實驗........................................................................................14
2-5 理論 ............................................................................................................16
2-5-1 X 光繞射.........................................................................................16
2-5-2 Osmotic pressure method................................................................17
2-6 數據處理與分析......................................................................................18
2-6-1 數據處理...........................................................................................18
2-6-2 細胞膜的相態...................................................................................19
2-6-3 六角形相態的結構跟數據分析.......................................................20
2-6-4 數據分析...........................................................................................22
3-1 相圖(Phase diagram)..................................................................................25
3-1-1 DOPE 的相圖 ....................................................................................25
3-1-2 分子形狀對 DOPE 相圖的影響 ......................................................27
3-1-3 帶電的脂質對 DOPE 相圖的影響 ..................................................28
3-1-3 蜂毒胜肽對 DOPE 相圖的影響 ......................................................30
3-2 彈性性質 ....................................................................................................30
3-2-1 數據分析...........................................................................................30
3-2-2 脂質混合...........................................................................................36
3-2-3 溫度...................................................................................................38
4-1 分子形狀 ....................................................................................................39
4-2 帶電的脂質 ................................................................................................40
4-4 蜂毒胜肽 ....................................................................................................41
4-5 彎曲係數與成分組合 ................................................................................42
4-6 自然曲率半徑與溫度 ................................................................................42
4-7 生物膜的自由能 ........................................................................................43
4-7-1 排列缺陷(packing frustration)與誤差..............................................44
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指導教授 李明道(Ming-Tao Lee) 審核日期 2015-1-23
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