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姓名 張堡清(pao ching chang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 土木工程學系
論文名稱 透水性鋪面保水與溫差成效之評估 -以中壢市龍慈路為例
(Assessment of Water Holding and Differential Temperature Response for Permeable Pavement - In Chungli City, Long Chee Road as an example)
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★ 軍用機場跑道鋪面維護管理暨搶修作業機制之研究★ TAF 檢驗機構認證申請之研究- 以混凝土後置式化學錨栓檢驗為例
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★ 鋪面養護決策支援分析模式之研究★ 營建材料實驗室量測系統評估及誤差分析
★ 以績效為基礎的公路養護組織與機制之研究★ 智慧型鋪面檢測車平坦度量測驗證與應用
★ 公路設施養護管理程序建立及成本分析之研究-以IDEF方法建立鋪面養護作業程序★ 利用花崗岩及玻璃回收料製造功能性人造石材之研究
★ 自動化鋪面平整度量測分析與破壞影像偵測系統之研究★ 鋪面缺陷影像辨識系統應用於路網檢測之研究
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摘要(中) 近年來,台灣氣候變化多端,颱風侵襲降雨強度增強,鋪面設施負荷太大,造成各地水患頻傳。透水性鋪面可使雨水下滲,降低地表逕流流量、延緩洪峰、洪水控制及地下水補注,非常符合水資源永續利用之觀念。另外,透水性鋪面兼具保水之功能與水份的蒸發,於鋪面表面溫度明顯低於一般傳統密級配瀝青混凝土鋪面,有效助於都市中溫度的調節。透水性鋪面尚未廣泛使用於一般交通量及市區道路,故本研究鋪設試鋪道路於市區道路,使用多孔隙瀝青混凝土於面層,底層分為透水混凝土、低密度透水混凝土及C-40碎石級配,用於評估不同材料透水之能力。
摘要(英) In recent years, Taiwan′s climate changing, typhoon rainfall intensity increased, paving facility load is too large, resulting in frequent flooding around. Permeable pavement allows rainwater infiltration and reduce runoff flow, delaying flood, flood control and groundwater recharge, very consistent with the concept of sustainable use of water resources. In addition, both permeable pavement evaporate water retention function and moisture in the pavement surface temperature is significantly lower than the general conventional dense graded asphalt concrete pavement, effective help to the city temperature regulation. Permeable pavement has not been widely used for general traffic and urban roads, so this research trial paved roads paved roads in urban areas, the use of porous asphalt concrete on the surface layer, the bottom is divided into pervious concrete, low-density pervious concrete and C-40 graded gravel, used to assess the ability of different materials permeable.
The results are as follows, a natural rainfall analysis, simulated rainfall and water retention test section Jieke found three (C-40 graded gravel) the best, followed by cross-section a (pervious concrete), the latter two sections (low-density porous concrete). Second, permeable pavement can effectively reduce rainfall intensity moment when the heavy rain, can slow the burden of drainage facilities. Third, by the time this study was to measure the amount of the maximum temperature and CFD simulation pavement building indoor and outdoor temperatures are lower than in other sections among the three temperatures. Fourth, permeable pavement surface temperatures are lower than the general traditional grading, can reduce the indoor temperature.
Taiwan in recent years gradually extended heavy flooding situation and the ambient temperature rises, the study found that permeable pavement when rain has reduced rainfall intensity, slow drainage, water retention and lower the temperature, the proposed flood prone areas can be laid permeable pavement.
關鍵字(中) ★ 透水性鋪面
★ 洪峰延滯
★ 降低洪峰
★ 保水性
★ 鋪面溫度
關鍵字(英) ★ Permeable pavement
★ Hongfeng Yan stagnation
★ lower peak
★ water Holding
★ pavement temperature
論文目次 摘要 I
Abstract II
致謝 IV
目錄 V
圖目錄 VIII
表目錄 XII
第一章 緒論 1
1.1研究背景與動機 1
1.2研究目的 2
1.3研究範圍 2
1.4研究流程 3
第二章 文獻回顧 6
2.1透水鋪面國內外使用之現況 6
2.1.1國外使用之成效 6
2.1.2國內使用之成效 10
2.2透水鋪面對熱島效應之影響 11
2.2.1熱島效應 11
2.2.2降低都市熱島效應對策 14
2.2.3相關研究方法及成果 16
2.3透水鋪面保水及洪峰延滯 17
2.3.1透水鋪面保水 17
2.3.2透水鋪面洪峰延滯 19
2.4熱島效應分析軟體(CFD) 20
2.5透水性鋪面成效 21
2.5小結 25
第三章 透水鋪面試鋪道路設計及施作 26
3.1試鋪道路介紹 26
3.2試鋪道路規劃設計 27
3.3材料與施工規範 31
3.3.1透水混凝土配比設計 31
3.3.2 C-40碎石級配 32
3.2.3 多孔隙瀝青混凝土 34
3.4試鋪道路品質試驗規劃與結果 35
3.4.1品質檢驗規劃 35
3.4.2品質檢驗結果 37
3.5試鋪道路施工流程 42
3.6儀器佈設位置 48
3.6.1氣象因子量測 50
3.6.2土壤溫度量測 51
3.6.3雨水流出量量測 52
3.6.5雨量感測器 52
3.6.6現地資料擷取設備 53
3.6.7資料擷取軟體 53
第四章 透水鋪面試鋪道路整體成效分析 55
4.1洪峰延滯及降低洪峰 55
4.1.1自然降雨 55
4.1.2模擬降雨試驗設計 63
4.2試鋪道路各斷面延緩逕流時間之探討 66
4.3試鋪道路保水性 69
4.4鋪面溫度吸放熱 70
4.5試鋪道路對於建築物之影響 72
4.5.1建築物外牆溫度 72
4.5.2建築物室內溫度 73
第五章 結論與建議 75
5.1結論 75
5.2建議 76
參考文獻 77
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指導教授 林志棟、陳世晃(Jyh Dong Lin Shih-Huang Chen) 審核日期 2014-8-28
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