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姓名 吳啟斌(Qi-bin Wu)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 機械工程學系
論文名稱 基於全內反射波長調制外差干涉術小角度測量
(Small-angle Measurement Based on Total Internal Reflection Using Wavelength-modulated Heterodyne Interferometry)
★ 外差光學式光柵干涉儀之研究★ 以二維影像重建三維彩色模型之色彩紋理貼圖技術與三維模型重建系統發展
★ 雷射干涉儀於共焦顯微系統之軸向定位控制★ 偏振干涉術使用在量測旋光效應及葡萄糖濃度
★ 準共光程干涉術之新式大尺度定位平台之研究★ 波長調制外差散斑干涉術應用於角度量測之研究
★ 全場光強差動式表面電漿共振偵測技術★ 新型波長調制外差光源應用於位移量測
★ 疊紋式自動準直儀系統★ 雙影像多視角結構光轉三維點資料技術發展
★ 偏振式駐波干涉儀應用於位移量測★ 雙共焦顯微鏡用於物體厚度量測
★ 以電漿診斷工具進行太陽電池用矽薄膜製程開發★ 基於全反射共光程偏振干涉術之折射率量測技術
★ 點繞射干涉儀應用於透鏡之像差量測★ Gioia 和 Chakraborty 紊流摩擦係數模型之研究
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摘要(中) 光學測角法中,光學內反射相位法運用的是偏振光的特性,具有對環境要求不高、測量範圍可調與體積小等優點,在生產線即時測量與空間受限的場合具有潛在的運用價值。但是目前的光學內反射相位測角法的研究由於普遍使用昂貴的電光調制器等移頻器件,限制了它的應用。鑑於此研究動機,本文通過直接對雷射波長進行調制,以達到外差干涉的效果,實驗驗證了其可行性外並開發了一新型差分共光路光學架構,具有體積小、架構簡單與成本低等優點。
摘要(英) Taking the advantages of polarized light’s characteristics, the method of measuring small angle based on total internal reflection has the advantages of being susceptible to environmental impact, adjustable measuring range and small size in the field of optical angle measurement which could make it possess the potential applications in on-line measurement and space-constrained fields. However, the widespread use of electro-optic modulator devices such as the expensive frequency shift which limits its applications. In order to solve this problem, the thesis develops a new method to modulate the wavelength of laser directly called wavelength-modulated heterodyne interferometry , the validity of this method is demonstrated. What’s more, a new differential common-path optical configuration has been developed, and it has the advantages of simple structure, small size and low cost.
There are two optical configurations studyed in the thesis. One is called single optical path configuration studied to verify the method of wavelength-modulated heterodyne interferometry’s feasibility. The other configuration called differential common-path optical configuration adds one quarter-wave plate and a mirror on the basis of a single path configuration. The modulated signals produced by the FG(function generator) is used to modulate the wavelength of laser. Due to the total reflection effect, the angular variations of the rotation stage is loaded in the phases of P light and S light which own the optical path difference. Finally, an oscilloscope is used to measure the phases of the heterodyne signals.
The experimental results are in agreement with the theoretical analysis. The analysis of the measurement characteristics include sensitivity, resolution, linearization, relative refractive index factors, the stability of the phases and the error analysis. In regard to the differential common-path optical configuration, the measurement range is about 10 degrees except the nomal incidence, the best sensitivity is 700 and the best resolution is 0.0014 degrees.
關鍵字(中) ★ 全內反射
★ 波長調制
★ 外差干涉
★ 小角度測量
關鍵字(英) ★ The total internal reflection
★ Wavelength-modulated
★ Heterodyne interferometry
★ Small angle measurement
論文目次 摘要 i
誌謝 iii
目錄 iv
圖目錄 vi
表目錄 viii
符號說明 ix
第一章 緒論 1
1-1 研究背景 1
1-2 文獻回顧 2
1-2-1 光學內反射光強測角法 3
1-2-2 光學內反射相位測角法 5
1-2-2 波長調制外差干涉法 10
1-3 研究動機、目的與方法 12
1-4 章節介紹 13
第二章 基礎理論 14
2-1 全反射相位變化 14
2-2 外差干涉法 17
2-3 波長調制外差干涉訊號 18
2-4 相位解調 24
2-5 小結 25
第三章 實驗架構 26
3-1 元器件規格 26
3-2 光學架構 27
3-2-1光源系統架構 27
3-2-2 單光路訊號載入系統光學架構 29
3-2-3新型差分共光路訊號載入系統光學架構 32
3-2-4 相位解調系統架構 35
3-3 小結 37
第四章 實驗結果與討論 38
4-1 外差訊號的產生 38
4-2 單光路光學架構 39
4-2-1 實驗結果 39
4-2-2 靈敏度分析 43
4-2-3 解析度分析 44
4-2-4 相位穩定性分析 45
4-3 新型差分共光路光學架構 46
4-3-1 實驗結果 46
4-3-2 靈敏度分析 50
4-3-3 解析度分析 52
4-3-4 相對折射率因素分析 53
4-3-5 線性分析 54
4-3-6 相位穩定性分析 56
4-4 誤差分析 57
4-4-1 相對折射率變化誤差 59
4-4-2 架構誤差 60
4-4-3 相位測量誤差 61
4-4-4 環境因素誤差 61
4-5 小結 62
第五章 結論與未來展望 63
5-1 結論 63
5-2 未來展望 64
參考文獻 65
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指導教授 李朱育(Ju-Yi Lee) 審核日期 2015-4-9
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