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姓名 周崇仁(Chung-Jen Chou)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 光機電工程研究所
論文名稱 能源系統之安全備援設計及驗證
(Development and Verification of An Energy System Architecture with Safe Backup Parallelism)
★ CIS數位影像處理平台之建構★ 微電鍍成長速度最佳化與影像監控
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★ 鋰電池殘電量測系統及校正★ 影像壓縮網路攝影平台
★ 智慧型網路攝影平台★ 無扭力計跑步機跑者步態量測
★ ESEMS太空氣象科學酬載叢集★ 影像辨識測試平台的開發
★ 智慧型網路攝影機開發平台★ 可補償高精度三軸地磁量測平台
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摘要(中) 為了將綠色能源模組可靠的運用在行動設備上,本研究開發具備併聯架構之電源管理系統為四處佈建的物聯網設備建構可攜式長效型直接甲醇燃料電池(DMFC)電源,也為大型車輛及電池儲能站建構可以熱插拔的高效能電池交換系統,均具備安全備援能力。
摘要(英) Promoting green energy in mobile applications, we developed energy management systems of architectural parallelism for a semi-active Direct Methanol Fuel Cell (DMFC) power station of extended life time for Internet of Things (IoT) applications in the field, and, also, for highly energy efficient battery hot swap technology for electric buses and power battery charging and exchange stations. Both of the applications realize the safety backup parallelism in the system for their fault tolerance.
For in field IoT applications, the conventional active DMFC with complexity optimized for the best electro chemical efficiency was simplified and optimized into the semi-active module for better production yield, easier assembly, and parallel operations. New battery management system were developed to coordinate the operation of the modules in parallel to scale up power capacity, to enhance power generation stability and its environmental endurance. The prototype survived 3600 hours of continuous outdoor tests throughout a winter and a summer while maintaining an average power output of 3.3W with a maximum 12W of transient load bearing capacity, complying to its design specifications.
On the other hand, to increase power capability, intelligent mobile battery packs with new integrated network capable battery management system were developed to allow battery hot swap and convenient, safe, reliable, energy efficient operation in parallelism. In the network of the plugged-in battery packs, the emerged primary pack coordinates the packs, through their control network, the mounting of the packs′ electric bus onto the common power bus directly and safely without voltage converters. Meanwhile, all other packs are the minors synchronizing to the whole network control status and getting ready to assume the primary role in case of any plug-in change and individual pack failure so that system is fault tolerant. The reliability of hot swap was verified through the tests of sequential plug-ins and random exchanges of battery packs. Our energy output efficiency is equivalent to a system of batteries connected together through voltage converters of efficiency as high as 99.2%.
關鍵字(中) ★ 直接甲醇燃料電池
★ 電池管理系統
★ 電池交換
★ 平行控制
★ 電源備援
關鍵字(英) ★ Direct methanol fuel cell
★ Battery management system
★ Battery swapping
★ Parallel control
★ Power redundancy
論文目次 摘要 i
Abstract ii
誌謝 iv
目錄 v
圖目 vii
表目 ix
符號說明 x
一、緒論 1
1.1 研究目的 1
1.2 IoT長效型行動能源系統 1
1.3 車輛電池交換行動能源系統 5
1.4 論文章節 8
二、DMFC理論及技術基礎 10
2.1 DMFC 反應原理 10
2.2 DMFC 發電機架構 12
2.3 主動式DMFC電堆系統 14
三、半主動式DMFC發電站系統設計 17
3.1 半主動式DMFC電堆模組設計 17
3.2 能源管理系統設計 19
3.3 可攜式DMFC發電站 26
四、戶外實驗與結果分析 27
4.1 實驗設置 27
4.2 實驗結果 28
4.2.1 溫度 29
4.2.2 發電功率 29
4.2.3 發電站維護 30
4.2.4 失效分析 31
4.2.5 失效管理與系統備援 33
4.3 結果討論 34
五、鋰電池管理理論及技術基礎 36
5.1 鋰電池開發歷史與種類 36
5.2 鋰電池組與電池管理系統 38
5.3 電池交換機制與電池管理系統 40
六、電池電源網路 42
6.1 電池交換應用中電源網路系統架構 42
6.2 主控電池組的身分決定 44
6.3 直接掛載的電壓閥值公式 47
6.4 掛載與卸載控制狀態機 51
七、電池交換實驗與結果分析 55
7.1 實驗設置 55
7.2 充電實驗結果與討論 58
7.3 放電實驗結果與討論 63
7.4 電池掛載與備援 68
7.5 能量損耗與效率 69
7.6 實驗小結 73
八、結論與未來展望 74
參考文獻 76
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指導教授 江士標(Shyh-Biau Jiang) 審核日期 2021-11-24
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