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(Consumers′ Cognitive Dissonance towards the FREE Product)
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摘要(中) 免費一詞運用於促銷活動中,經常能吸引為數眾多的消費者,然而消費者對於提供免費產品方式的想法並不一定能滿足廠商欲達成之效果。本研究藉助影響消費者的因素,欲探索消費者於認知表現上對於免費產品的反應以及行為預測.


一、 行為意圖對於認知失調具有顯著影響
二、 品牌認知對於認知失調的調節效果並未有顯著影響
三、 涉入程度對於認知失調的調節效果具有顯著影響
摘要(英) Free product is simply a product offered FREE, this leads the consumer to a perception of greater value concerning the receive the product. Since the value of non-monetary products are usually exaggerate. The dissonance presence between the reality and expectation.

To test the purpose of this article, 194 validity respondents were volunteered through the scenario experiment. Results calculated by Partial Least Squares Approach. Including the reflective and formative indicators to cause the latent variables.

Results show that behavioral intention has positively affect on the cognitive dissonance. The involvement plays as a moderator also has significant effect. The promotional offers that highlight the Free feature of promoted product. Increasing the size of information of promoted product to perceptions of greater product quality precisely and has unfavorable consequences for behavioral intention of promotion offer.
關鍵字(中) ★ 免費
★ 行為意圖
★ 品牌認知
★ 涉入程度
★ 認知失調
關鍵字(英) ★ Free
★ Zero
★ Behavioral Intention
★ Brand Awareness
★ Involvement
★ Cognitive Dissonance
論文目次 1. Introduction
1.1 Background
1.2 Problem Statements
1.3 Research Objectives
2. Literature Review
2.1 Behavioral Intention
2.2 Involvement
2.3 Brand Awareness
2.4 Cognitive Dissonance
3. Methodology
3.1 Study Design
3.2 Data Collection
3.3 Operational of Independent Variables
3.4 Operation of Moderate Variable
3.5 Operation of Dependent Variable
3.6 Measures
4. Data Analysis
4.1 Measurement Model
4.2 Structural Model
5. Discussion
5.1 Findings
5.2 Practical Implication
5.3 Limitation
5.4 Future Study
6. Reference
Appendix A.

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指導教授 薛義誠(Yih-Chearng Shiue) 審核日期 2014-7-24
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