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姓名 楊國慶(Kuo-ching Yang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 電機工程學系
論文名稱 自組式鍺奈米球/二氧化矽/矽鍺合金閘堆疊異質結構之介面工程最佳化探討
(Optimization on self-organized Ge-nanoball/SiO2/SiGe gate-stacking heterostructure with interface engineering)
★ 高效能矽鍺互補型電晶體之研製★ 高速低功率P型矽鍺金氧半電晶體之研究
★ 應變型矽鍺通道金氧半電晶體之研製★ 金屬矽化物薄膜與矽/矽鍺界面反應 之研究
★ 矽鍺異質源/汲極結構與pn二極體之研製★ 矽鍺/矽異質接面動態啓始電壓金氧半電晶體之研製
★ 應用於單電子電晶體之矽/鍺量子點研製★ 矽鍺/矽異質接面動態臨界電壓電晶體及矽鍺源/汲極結構之研製
★ 選擇性氧化複晶矽鍺形成鍺量子點的光特性與光二極體研製★ 選擇性氧化複晶矽鍺形成鍺量子點及其在金氧半浮點電容之應用
★ 鍺量子點共振穿隧二極體與電晶體之關鍵製程模組開發與元件特性★ 自對準矽奈米線金氧半場效電晶體之研製
★ 鍺浮點記憶體之研製★ 利用選擇性氧化單晶矽鍺形成鍺量子點之物性及電性分析
★ 具有自我對準電極鍺量子點單電洞電晶體之製作與物理特性研究★ 具有自我對準下閘電極鍺量子點單電洞電晶體之研製
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摘要(中) 本論文利用選擇性氧化複晶矽鍺柱/氮化矽/矽基材的結構來形成一體成型鍺奈米球/二氧化矽/矽鍺合金之金氧半異質結構。在透過元件結構的實驗設計,包含利用提升鍺奈米球的直徑大小來增加鍺奈米球的電容,以及將非鍺奈米球區域製作區域性的溝渠隔離區來降低寄生效應。成功地將鍺奈米球所貢獻的電容與周圍寄生電容的比例提升至約1比1左右,以利於提升鍺奈米球區域之介面缺陷密度萃取的準確性以評估探討介面特性。此外,本文同時製作“鋁/二氧化矽/鍺奈米球”以及“鍺化鎳/二氧化矽/矽鍺合金”之兩種金氧半電容結構,分別探討“二氧化矽/鍺奈米球”以及“二氧化矽/矽鍺合金”之間的介面品質。
透過變溫高低頻之電容-電壓量測分析,所萃取出二氧化矽/鍺奈米球之間的介面缺陷密度約3-4×1011 cm-2eV-1,二氧化矽/矽鍺合金之間的介面缺陷密度約3.5-5.5×1011 cm-2eV-1。兩者皆證明鍺/二氧化矽/矽鍺合金的介面之異質結構具有元件等級的介面品質。此外,本文透過調變鍺奈米球的大小與鑽入矽基板的深度來得以有效地控制矽鍺殼的長度與厚度,再搭配鍺奈米球介面的應力工程,有利於日後鍺通道金氧半電晶體的製作。
摘要(英) In this thesis, we demonstrated a unique approach to generate a self-organized Ge-nanoball/SiO2/SiGe heterostructure on the Si substrate through the selective oxidation of poly-Si0.83Ge0.17 nano-pillar over buffer layers of Si3N4 that were deposited over the Si substrates. In order to investigate the interface properties of this designer heterostructure, experimental designs of device structures, including increasing the diameter of Ge-nanoball to enhance the capacitance of Ge and making trench isolation to reduce the parasitic effect are employed. We are able to further increase the ratio of the capacitance contributed by Ge-nanoball to that by the surrounding parasitic capacitance to about 1:1, leading to more accurate extraction of interface trap density within Ge-nanoball region. Accordingly, we fabricate Al/SiO2/Ge-nanoball and NiGe/SiO2/SiGe metal oxide semiconductor capacitors to explore the interface quality properties between SiO2 and Ge-nanoball as well as between SiO2 and SiGe shell, respectively.
The extracted interface trap density (Dit) from temperature-dependent high- and low-frequency capacitance-voltage (C-V) characteristics was about 3-4×1011 cm-2eV-1 between SiO2 and Ge-nanoball, and about 3.5-5.5×1011 cm-2eV-1 between SiO2 and SiGe. These results indicate superior interfacial properties in the studied Ge-nanoball/SiO2/SiGe on Si heterostructure, which is a promising candidate for high-performance Ge MOSFETs.
關鍵字(中) ★ 鍺金氧半電容
★ 鍺奈米球
★ 介面工程
★ 介面缺陷密度
關鍵字(英) ★ Ge MOS Capacitor
★ Ge-nanoball
★ interface engineering
★ interface trap density
論文目次 目 錄
致 謝......................................................................................................................................IV
目 錄......................................................................................................................................VI
第一章 簡介.............................................................................................................................1
1-1 前言.............................................................................................................................1
1-2 鍺材料的元件與製程挑戰.........................................................................................3
1-3 製作一體成型鍺奈米球/二氧化矽/矽鍺合金異質結構的回顧與利基..................5
1-4 研究動機....................................................................................................................6
1-5 論文的整體架構........................................................................................................6
第二章 鍺奈米球金氧半電容元件最佳化研究之模組開發..............................................13
2-1 前言...........................................................................................................................13
2-2 降低寄生電容...........................................................................................................13
2-2-1 提升鍺奈米球所佔面積的比例..................................................................14
2-2-2 減少非主動區的寄生電容..........................................................................15
2-3 鍺基板之標準清洗流程...........................................................................................17
2-4 利用自我對準之金屬鍺化鎳的製作與探討...........................................................18
第三章 鍺奈米球電容元件的製作.......................................................................................29
3-1 前言...........................................................................................................................29
3-2 鍺奈米球電容元件的製作流程...............................................................................30
第四章 鍺奈米球電容元件的量測與分析...........................................................................38
4-1 前言...........................................................................................................................38
4-2 常見的計算介面缺陷密度之方法介紹...................................................................38
4-3 變溫高低頻電容-電壓特性來萃取介面缺陷密度在能隙分佈的原理.................43
4-4 鍺奈米球電容元件的量測結果與分析討論...........................................................45
4-3-1 鋁/二氧化矽/鍺奈米球結構之電容特性分析...........................................45
4-3-2 鍺化鎳/二氧化矽/矽鍺合金結構之電容特性分析...................................47
第五章 總結與未來展望.......................................................................................................62
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指導教授 李佩雯(Pei-wen Li) 審核日期 2015-1-21
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