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姓名 黃建瑋(Chi-Wei Huang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 資訊工程學系
(Libra: A Compatible Method for Defending Against Arbitrary Memory Overwrite)
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摘要(中) Linux Kernel 的弱點數目在2013年達到高峰,更勝過去自1991年以來的弱點數目。本篇論文關注於Privilege Escalation攻擊類型中任意寫入memory的防禦方式。


摘要(英) There have been more vulnerabilities in the Linux Kernel in 2013 than there had been in the previous decade. In this paper, the research was focused on defending against arbitrary memory overwrites in Privilege Escalation.

To avoid malicious users getting root authority. The easiest way is to set the sensitive data structure to read-only. But we are not sure the sensitive data structure will never be modified by legal behavior from a normal device driver; thus, we posed a compatible solution between read-only solutions and writable solutions to enhance compatibility.

The main idea that we posed not only solves the above problem, but also the general problem which is ensuring that important memory values can only be changed within a safe range.

It is not just set to read-only.
關鍵字(中) ★ Linux Kernel Vulnerabilities
★ Exploit
★ Privilege Escalation
關鍵字(英) ★ Linux Kernel Vulnerabilities
★ Exploit
★ Privilege Escalation
論文目次 Abstract iii
誌謝 iv
Contents v
List of Figures vii
List of Tables viii
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Statistics of Vulnerabilities and Exploits 3
1.2 Attack Principle 5
Chapter 2 Mechanisms of Attack and Analysis 8
2.1 At the Second Step 8
2.2 Kernel Data Structures to Overwrite 9
Chapter 3 Related Work 10
3.1 Attacks Research 10
3.2 Defense Research 12
Chapter 4 Proposed Solution: Libra 13
4.1 Protection through Paging in x86 architecture 13
4.2 Background of the Page Fault Handler in Linux 14
4.3 A Case Study in CVE-2013-2094 with Read-only patch 15
4.4 Check the Compatibility 17
4.5 System Design 18
Chapter 5 Implementation 23
Chapter 6 Evaluation 25
6.1 Compatible Comparison 25
6.2 Performance 29
Chapter 7 Conclusion and Future Work 31
7.1 Conclusion 31
7.2 Future Work 32
APPENDIX A : Linux Memory Layout 37
APPENDIX B : A Case Study : CVE-2013-2094 38
B.1 In perf_swevent_init 39
B.2 In sw_perf_event_destroy 40
B.3 Attacks Layout 40
APPENDIX C : A Case Study : CVE-2013-2094 on x86 41
C.1 Modify the ptmx_fops 41
C.2 Attacks layout 41
參考文獻 [1] perf_event_open exploit AT&T ICS Galaxy Note I717, http://pastebicom/TLK9Qrgi
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指導教授 許富皓(Fu-Hau Hsu) 審核日期 2014-7-31
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