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孫敬智(Ching-chih Sun)
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資訊工程學系在職專班 |
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基於Hypervisor結構下的惡意網站封鎖機制 (An Automatic Malicious Website Blocking Mechanism Based on a Hypervisor Architecture)
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摘要(中) |
本論文將會依序介紹雲端系統中最常應用的虛擬化技術及其類型,並且也會說明Hypervisor在虛擬化技術中所扮演的角色與其運作架構,同時亦是利用Hypervisor架構中預設提供的virtual switch,結合本研究所開發的程式模組,來建構一項自動化運作機制,輔助virtual switch側錄與防護功能,以期望能夠對虛擬機操作行為進行有效的監控與防禦,達成提高雲端虛擬化環境的系統安全防護。 |
摘要(英) |
As the cloud system brings benefits which effectively reduce costs , integrate , manage system , optimize the using of hardware resources, enhance the flexibility and performance of the system. Prompting many companies and even college more or less construct and use cloud service , cloud computing and related technologies. Although a cloud system brings convenience and higher-flexibility, simultaneously generates information security protection related issues. Also because virtualization technologies are used , disposed and built extensively. Enterprise information security policies will face new challenges and changes. Virtual environments launch a default virtual switch to handle network packets transmission between virtual machines that make the network architecture different from traditional physical network environments essentially. Moreover, there have been an appropriate protection equipment in the virtual environment, but still difficult to guard against the security issue caused by human operation. For example, people arbitrarily download and access each kind of file or data.
This paper will introduce the most popular virtualization technology and type in the cloud system , also describe what Hypervisor play the role in virtualization technology and its operation structure. Simultaneously, we will also use the default virtual switch in Hypervisor structure to combine with program modules of our development to construct an automated operation mechanism. It will assist the virtual switch to sniff and protect. We expect to monitor and defense behavior of operations on virtual machines effectively and reach to improve system security of cloud virtualized environment. |
關鍵字(中) |
★ 惡意網站 ★ 封鎖機制 |
關鍵字(英) |
★ Hypervisor |
論文目次 |
摘要 i
誌謝 iv
目錄 v
圖目錄 vii
表目錄 ix
一、 前言 1
1-1 研究動機與背景 1
1-2 研究目的 3
1-3 研究範圍 4
1-4 文獻與現況探討 5
1-4-1 虛擬化技術與架構介紹 5
1-5 名詞定義 14
二、 系統設計 15
2-1 系統環境設定與規劃 15
2-2 系統程式模組元件 17
2-2-1 Squid Proxy 18
2-2-2 檔案異動監控模組(File Change Logger) 19
2-2-3 檔名還原模組(File Name Restorer) 19
2-2-4封包監聽與記錄模組(Packet Sniffer Logger) 23
2-2-5 黑名單產生模組(Black List Generator) 24
三、 實驗環境 27
3-1 實驗環境 27
3-2 實驗環境配置 27
四、 實驗執行與結果 28
4-1 一般網站直接下載行為 28
4-2 SSL加密網站下載 30
4-3 SSL 模擬JavaScript auto-download 31
五、 相關研究 33
5-1 防毒架構與網站信譽 33
5-2 惡意網站偵測與防護 34
六、 結論與未來展望 36
參考文獻 38 |
參考文獻 |
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指導教授 |
許富皓(Fu-Hau Hsu)
審核日期 |
2014-8-5 |
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