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姓名 林達偉(Da-wei Lin)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 大氣物理研究所
論文名稱 鹿林山大氣汞分布與乾濕沉降特徵及來源推估
★ 雲凝結核計數器的製作與測試★ 桃園地區硫沈降之觀測與模擬
★ 亞洲沙塵暴之模擬★ 不同空氣源次微米氣溶膠活化能力之探討
★ 桃園地區降水化學特性分析★ 鄰近國家嚴重核事故之大氣長程輸送對台灣的影響評估
★ 桃園地區降水化學與硫化物清除係數探討★ 亞洲沙塵好發期間雲水化學特性分析
★ 光達及太陽輻射儀之應用:2005中壢氣膠光學垂直特性及邊界層高度之變化★ 2001年東亞硫沉降之模擬
★ 亞洲生質燃燒氣膠對區域大氣輻射之衝擊及對氣象場的反饋作用★ 鹿林山與中壢氣膠光學垂直特性之監測與比較
★ 北台灣冬季層狀雲化學特性分析★ 鹿林山空氣品質背景監測站之背景值分析
★ 微脈衝光達及太陽輻射儀之應用: 2005-2007年中壢地區氣膠光學垂直特性分析★ 多重濾鏡旋轉輻射儀與太陽輻射儀之應用: 2006-2008年鹿林山氣膠光學特性之探討
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摘要(中) 台灣位居東亞大陸下風處,冬季季風可將東亞大陸空氣污染物傳送至台灣,而春季高層西風則可將中南半島生質燃燒排放之污染物傳送至台灣山區,影響空氣品質與環境生態。鹿林山大氣背景站位於台灣中部山區,海拔高度2862公尺,是東亞少數具有代表性的的大氣背景測站,有助於了解與特徵化東亞大陸汞排放的長程傳輸,以及對下風區域的影響。
2010年鹿林山觀測到氣態元素汞(gaseous element mercury, GEM)、氣態二價汞(reactive gaseous mercury, RGM) 與顆粒汞(particulate mercury, PHg)平均濃度(±標準差)分別為1.56(±0.42) ng m-3、13.95(±31.32) pg m-3與0.71(±2.65) pg m-3,CO平均濃度為143(±67) ppb,O3平均濃度為33.8(±15.0) ppb。GEM與CO濃度有高度正相關(r = 0.78),顯示鹿林山大氣汞濃度變化與人為影響有關。同期間雨水汞權重平均濃度為8.8 ng L-1,總降水量為3173.2 mm,濕沉降量為33.7 µg m-2。模式推估的乾沉降量估算為69.5 μg m-2,其中GEM乾沉降量為58.8 μg m-2,RGM乾沉降量為10.6 μg m-2,PHg乾沉降量僅0.1 μg m-2。夏季濕沉降量高於乾沉降量,其它季節則相反,因為中南部山區降雨集中於夏季。文獻資料顯示北美地區(溫帶氣候)大氣汞以乾沉降為主,年乾沉降量(RGM+PHg) 約15 µg m-2,年濕沉降平均為10 µg m-2,台灣(熱帶/亞熱帶)山區雖然也是以乾沉降為主,但濕沉降量約為北美地區的3倍,此差異主要係由於台灣降雨量高於北美所致。
摘要(英) Taiwan is located to the southeast of the East Asian continent. In winter, the northeast monsoon can transport air pollutants from East Asia to Taiwan. In spring, the prevailing westerlies can transport the biomass burning emitted pollutants from the Indochina Peninsula to the high elevation mountain areas of Taiwan. This long-range transport of pollutants can influence the air quality, environment, and ecosystem of Taiwan. Lulin Atmospheric Background Station (LABS, 2862 m a.s.l.) was established in central Taiwan in 2006 to study the impact of regional and long-range transported air pollutants on the environment and ecosystem in Taiwan. Therefore, the location of LABS is ideal for the study of characterizing the export of mercury(Hg) from the East Asian continent to its downwind region.
In 2010, mean concentrations(±SD) of gaseous element mercury(GEM), reactive gaseous mercury(RGM) and particulate mercury(PHg) measured at LABS were 1.56(±0.42) ng m-3, 13.95(±31.32) pg m-3 and 0.71(±2.65) pg m-3, respectively. Mean concentrations(±SD) of carbon monoxide(CO) and ozone(O3) were 143(±67) and 33.8(±15.0) ppb, respectively. Good positive correlation between GEM and CO(r = 0.78) indicated that the variation in GEM concentrations was related to anthropogenic activities. The volume-weighted mean (VWM) concentration of mercury in rainwater was 8.8 ng L-1. Total precipitation depth was 3173.2 mm. Wet deposition flux was 33.7µg m-2. Total dry deposition flux was 69.5 μg m-2, with 58.8, 10.6 and 0.1 μg m-2 contributed by GEM, RGM, and PHg, respectively. Wet deposition flux was higher than dry deposition flux in summer because of higher rainfall amount. The opposite was observed in the other seasons. It has been suggested that the dry deposition flux was more important in North America (Temperate Zone). Mean dry and wet deposition fluxes in North America were about 15 and 10 µg m-2, respectively. The wet deposition flux in North America is about one-third of Mt. Lulin’s (Subtropical Zone) value because of higher rainfall in Taiwan.
關鍵字(中) ★ 大氣汞
★ 長程傳輸
★ 生質燃燒
★ 源與受體間關係
★ 沉降
★ 後推氣流軌跡
★ 聚類分析
關鍵字(英) ★ atmospheric mercury
★ long-range transport
★ biomass burning
★ source-receptor relationship
★ deposition
★ backward trajectory
★ cluster analysis
論文目次 中文摘要 i
英文摘要 ii
致謝 iv
目錄 v
表目錄 vii
圖目錄 viii

第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究動機 1
1.2 研究目的 2
第二章 文獻回顧 3
2.1 汞的介紹 3
2.1.1 汞的基本性質 3
2.1.2 汞的來源 4
2.1.3 汞的危害 4
2.2 大氣汞沉降與長程傳輸 5
2.3 乾沉降的量測與估算 6
2.4 大氣汞相關研究回顧 7
第三章 實驗方法 11
3.1 研究地點 11
3.2 大氣汞採樣分析 11
3.3 雨水汞採樣分析 12
3.4 乾沉降估算方法 13
3.5 濕沉降估算方法 15
3.6 濃度權重軌跡分析方法 15
3.7 數據分析流程 16
第四章 結果與討論 18
4.1 氣象資料與後推軌跡 18
4.2 大氣汞與氣態污染物分布 18
4.2.1 日夜分布 19
4.2.2 季節分布 21
4.2.3 RGM與PHg高濃度月份分析 22
4.3 大氣汞與氣象因子與氣態污染物的相關性 23
4.4 大氣汞乾濕沉降特徵 25
4.4.1 乾沉降估算 25
4.4.2 濕沉降估算 26
4.4.3 大氣汞沉降特徵 27
4.5 污染物源區與受體間的關係 28
4.5.1 濃度權重後推軌跡法 28
4.5.2 軌跡聚類分析 28
4.5.3 軌跡聚類與人為活動污染物的相關性比較 30
第五章 結論與展望 32
5.1 結論 32
5.2 未來展望與建議 33
參考文獻 34
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指導教授 林能暉、許桂榮(Neng-Huei Lin Guey-Rong Sheu) 審核日期 2014-7-28
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