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姓名 林梓舜(Tzu-shun Lin)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 大氣物理研究所
論文名稱 地表水文循環過程與大氣耦合作用對土壤溼度以及氣象模擬的影響
(Effects of land surface hydrological processes on soil moisture and coupled impact on the meteorological characteristics)
★ 土地利用型態對地表能量收支與海陸風模擬的影響★ 探討邊界層參數化對氣象與空氣污染模擬結果的影響
★ 探討土地利用型態對珠江口沿岸地區氣象模擬的影響:高污染事件日之個案分析★ 探討台灣地區在春季期間經長程傳輸所觀測之一氧化碳濃度與綜觀天氣之關係
★ 探討地表參數對台灣地區氣象模擬的影響★ 探討區域尺度氣候變遷對台灣地區氣象場及汙染物濃度模擬的影響
★ 使用CMAQ-HDDM探討台灣地區臭氧之非線性 反應及估算高臭氧區的來源貢獻量: 2011年個案分析★ 使用VVM探討陸氣交換過程對台灣地區高解析氣象模擬的影響--理想個案模擬
★ 使用群集分析分類綜觀尺度天氣型態以探討台灣北部地區午後熱對流系統局部環流結構與系統發展特性★ 台灣中部山區局部環流結構特性與其對空氣汙染物傳送過程的影響
★ 開發適用於大氣邊界層觀測的無人機系統★ 雲林地區細懸浮微粒的來源解析
★ 臺灣中部山區埔里盆地之局部環流與邊界層結構特性★ 臺灣背風渦旋特性分析及其對空氣污染物傳輸過程影響
★ 探討地下水參數化對於臺灣地表水文過程之影響★ 臺灣西南部海洋邊界層垂直結構特性分析
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摘要(中) 隨著科技及電腦運算資源快速的進展,大氣及水文模式已能夠模擬更高解析度的現象,更突顯出地表特性的重要性如:地形、土地利用形態、植被覆蓋率及土壤質地等,地表可藉由能量及水文的循環和儲存影響短期天氣的事件及長期氣候的變異。土壤中的水分改變地表能量的收支,並影響著數值天氣預報的表現,土壤濕度與地表水文過程息息相關,並受到地形、土地利用及土壤質地空間異質性的分佈而有所改變。因此在時間及空間上對於土壤濕度的觀測及模擬,具有很高的挑戰性。此篇研究主要目的,在於瞭解地表水文過程對土壤溼度及大氣模擬的影響,並改善模式土壤初始化、土壤形態及次網格解析度的物理水文過程。
本研究使用WRF氣象模式,探討次網格水文過程及土壤濕度與大氣間的交互作用,並主要對於2013年8月29日至9月11日的個案進行討論。首先為了解並改善土壤初始場, 使用全球地表同化系統(Global Land Data Assimilation System, GLDAS) 0.25度的土壤溫度及土壤濕度來取代原先提供自再分析場的資料做為初始值。GLDAS相較於再分析場的資料提供了較乾的土濕,也與觀測值較為接近,透過近地表潛熱與可感熱的重新分配,進而影響溫度變化、邊界層、低層雲的發展,並調節了區域風場的結構。模擬的土壤濕度空間分佈也與給定的土壤質地形態的相關土壤參數有關,因此進一步針對台灣土壤質地分類進行更新,藉由野外實地的調查資料,呈現出更為接近真實的土壤形態空間分佈,結果顯示土壤濕度在空間上因土壤粒徑大小及水分傳導速率的不同而有所變化。
摘要(英) Heat and water storages of soil conditions memorize the signals of atmospheric information including short-term weather events and long-term climate anomalies. The amount of soil water is critical in determining the performance of numerical weather predictions, and affects the surface energy budgets. The spatial patterns of soil moisture are not only the results of land surface hydrological processes including precipitation, evapotranspiration, groundwater, and surface and subsurface runoff processes, but also are affected by the heterogeneity of topography, soil properties, and land cover characteristics as well.
In order to present the effects of land surface hydrological processes on soil moisture and its feedback on the meteorological characteristics, the two-way coupled WRF-Hydro modeling system is applied from 29 August to 11 September 2013. Due to the topography-induced lateral transport of overland flow and saturated subsurface flow, the results from WRF-Hydro model show the increase of soil moisture content in the low-lying areas, while the soil moisture content is reduced over the mountainous regions, and consequently inducing hydrometeorological responses. In addition, the better initial soil states from Global Land Data Assimilation System (GLDAS) and updated soil textures based on field investigations over the Taiwan areas are used to improve the simulations and explore the effects of the GLDAS analysis on the atmospheric model prediction. The soil initialization from GLDAS products can better reproduce the amplitude of temporal variations with observations. Simulated results reveal the spatial distribution of soil moisture is extremely relevant to the soil properties of soil types prescribed in WRF model and surface water budget is analyzed to understand the physical processes. These results show the improvement and heterogeneity of simulated soil moisture though the better representation of initial soil states, soil physical and hydraulic properties, and sub-grid scale hydrological responses. This study sheds light on the importance of fine-scale hydrological processes on soil moisture and its subsequent impact on the coupling of soil moisture-atmosphere interactions in Taiwan.
關鍵字(中) ★ 地表水文過程
★ 地表模式
★ 土壤濕度
★ 大氣水文耦合
★ 土壤質地
★ 土壤初始化
★ 陸氣交互作用
★ 逕流
★ 地表特性
關鍵字(英) ★ Land surface hydrological processes
★ Land surface model
★ WRF-Hydro modeling system
★ Soil moisture
★ Soil temperature
★ Soil textures
★ Land-Atmosphere interactions
★ Global Land Data Assimilation System (GLDAS
★ Runoff
★ Mosaic
★ Land surface characteristics
論文目次 摘要 i
Abstract iii
致謝 v
Table of Contents vi
List of Tables ix
List of Figures x
Chapter 1 Introductions 1
1.1 Background 1
1.2 Literature reviews 3
1.2.1 Soil initialization and spin-up process 3
1.2.2 Land surface characteristics 6
1.2.3 Land surface hydrological processes 8
1.2.4 Relevant studies in Taiwan 12
1.3 Objectives and novelties 14
1.4 Framework 14
Chapter 2 Methodology and datasets 15
2.1 Datasets 15
2.1.1 GLDAS-1 products 15
2.1.2 Soil textures datasets 17
2.1.3 Observations 19
2.2 Models 19
2.2.1 Atmospheric model - WRF 19
2.2.2 Land surface model – Noah 21
2.2.3 Hydrologic model – WRF-Hydro 24
2.3 Numerical experiment designs 27
2.4 Simulation episodes 27
Chapter 3 Results and Discussions 29
3.1 Overall model simulations 29
3.2 Effects of soil moisture initialization process (WRF-GLDAS) 32
3.2.1 Analysis of spatial results 32
3.2.2 Time series comparisons 35
3.2.3 Surface water budgets 36
3.2.4 Diurnal cycle changes 37
3.3 Impact of updated soil textures (WRF-GSoil) 40
3.3.1 Analysis of spatial distributions 40
3.3.2 Time series comparisons 41
3.3.3 Surface water budgets 43
3.4 Effects of hydrologic processes (WRF-GHydro) 44
3.4.1 Analysis of spatial distributions 44
3.4.2 Time series comparison 46
3.4.3 100-meter results 47
Chapter 4 Discussions 49
4.1 Role of soil moisture 49
4.1.1 Scatter plots of daily results 49
4.1.2 Scatter plots of 20 CWB stations 49
4.1.3 Scatter plots of observations at Lien Hua Chih flux tower 50
4.2 Impact of land surface characteristics 51
Chapter 5 Conclusions and future works 54
References 58
Tables 68
Figures 75
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指導教授 鄭芳怡(Fang-yi Cheng) 審核日期 2014-8-28
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