博碩士論文 102226065 詳細資訊

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姓名 林昆鋒(Kuen-feng Lin)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 光電科學與工程學系
論文名稱 高效率有機-無機鈣鈦礦薄膜太陽能電池製程與電光特性之研究
(Fabrication and Optoelectronic Properties of High Efficient Organic-Inorganic Thin-Film Perovskite based Photovoltaics)
★ 膜堆光學導納量測儀★ 以奈米壓印改善陽極氧化鋁週期性
★ 含氫矽薄膜太陽電池材料之光電特性研究★ 自我複製結構膜光學性質之研究
★ 溫度及應力對高密度分波多工器(DWDM)濾光片中心波長飄移之研究★ 以射頻磁控濺鍍法鍍製P型和N型微晶矽薄膜之研究
★ 以奈米小球提升矽薄膜太陽能電池吸收之研究★ 定光電流量測法在氫化矽薄膜特性的研究
★ 動態干涉儀量測薄膜之光學常數★ 反應式濺鍍過渡態矽薄膜之研究
★ 光子晶體偏振分光鏡之設計與製作★ 偏壓對射頻濺鍍非晶矽太陽能薄膜特性之研究
★ 負折射率材料應用於抗反射與窄帶濾光片之設計★ 負電荷介質材料在矽晶太陽電池之研究
★ 自我複製式偏振分光鏡製作與誤差分析★ 以光激發螢光影像量測矽太陽能電池額外載子生命期及串聯電阻分佈之研究
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摘要(中) 近年來全球對於綠色能源的概念漸漸興起,故而太陽能電池的研究發展備受矚目,其中鈣鈦礦結構 (perovskite absorber , PA) 薄膜太陽能電池自2012年進展最為迅速,鈣鈦礦結構是晶體結構的名稱,應用於太陽能研究中的吸光材料是以有機-無機物交錯而構成。其中以CH3NH3PbI3 、CH3NH3PbI3-x Clx 及CH(NH2)2PbI3為吸光層的電池中,各種結構的太陽能電池之功率轉換效率 (Power Conversion Efficiency , PCE) 的元件都有將近10% 以上的表現。

本篇論文使用溶液製程法來製備高效率的鈣鈦礦 (CH3NH3PbI3) 薄膜太陽能電池,並利用掃描式電子顯微鏡、二維X光繞射儀、吸收光譜儀、螢光光譜儀、奈秒時間解析螢光光

本篇論文的元件架構為:Ag/PC61BM/CH3NH3PbI3/PEDOT:PSS/ITO/glass。 Ag (銀) 與ITO (氧化銦錫) 各別為電池的陰極與陽極;[6,6]-phenyl-C61-butyric acid methyl ester (PC61BM) 與Poly (3-hexylthiophene-2,5-diyl) (PEDOT:PSS)各別是電池的電子傳遞層 (electron transport layer , ETL) 與電洞傳遞層 (hole transport layer , HTL);CH3NH3PbI3則是電池的吸光層。以旋轉塗佈法製作PEDOT:PSS薄膜、CH3NH3PbI3薄膜與PC61BM薄膜,最後使用真空熱蒸鍍的方式製作陰極層Ag,在優化製程參數下所得到最高效率之元件的功率轉換效率 (PCE) 達12.54%;短路電流 (Jsc) 達20.51 mA/cm^2,開路電壓 (Voc) 達0.93 V,填充因子 (FF) 達65.67%。
摘要(英) In recent years, the concept of greenergy is gradually risen in the global. Therefore, the research and development of solar cells get more attention. The power conversion efficiency (PCE) of perovskite absorber (PA) based solar cells have grown rapidly since from 2012. Perovskite is the name of a kind of crystal structure. The structure which is organic and inorganic materials interleaving constitution has been used as the light absorber in solar cells. CH3NH3PbI3, CH3NH3PbI3-XClX, and CH(NH2)2PbI3 thin films have been used as the light absorber, which can produce high PCE (> 10%) using different device structures.
In this thesis, the CH3NH3PbI3 based solar cells were fabricated using the one-step solution process with an in-situ washing treatment. We also use scanning electron microscope (SEM), two-dimensional X-ray diffractometer (2D-XRD), absorbance spectrum, photoluminescence (PL), nanosecond time-resolved photoluminescence (NTR-PL) and Raman spectroscopy to explore the structural and optoelectronic properties of perovskite thin films. After above mentioned analyses, the optimized parameters for device fabrication in our laboratory were obtained. We used the spin-coating process to fabricate the thin films. This process has some advantages about spending less time consuming and money.

The architecture of our solar cells is: Ag / PCBM / CH3NH3PbI3 / PEDOT: PSS / ITO / glass. Ag and ITO are used as the cathode and anode electrodes, respectively. [6,6] -phenyl-C61-butyric acid methyl ester (PCBM) and poly (3-hexylthiophene-2,5-diyl) (PEDOT:PSS) are used as the electron transport layer (ETL) and hole transport layer (HTL) ,respectively. CH3NH3PbI3 film is the light absorber of the device.

The PEDOT:PSS film, CH3NH3PbI3 film and PCBM film are fabricated by spin coating method. Finally, the Ag film was deposited on top of the PCBM film using a vacuum thermal evaporation method. In our research, the highest PCE of the perovskite solar cell is 12.54%. The short-circuit current density (Jsc) is 20.51 mA / cm2; the open-circuit voltage (Voc) is 0.93 V; and the fill factor (FF) is 65.67%.
關鍵字(中) ★ 鈣鈦礦材料
★ 太陽能電池
關鍵字(英) ★ Perovskite
★ Solar cell
論文目次 摘要...................................................i
第一章 緒論............................................1
1.2.2有機太陽能電池 (OPV)...............................7高分子有機太陽能電池..............................7小分子有機太陽能電池..............................9
1.2.3染料敏化太陽能電池 (DSSC)..........................10
1.4本文架構 (本論文共七章)..............................14
第二章 鈣鈦礦太陽能電池介紹與文獻回顧....................15
第三章 實驗方法........................................31
3.1實驗藥品與儀器 ......................................31
3.1.3太陽光模擬器 .......................................33
3.1.5 X光繞射儀........................................35
3.3.1 ITO基板之蝕刻及清洗...............................44
3.3.2 UV-Ozone Cleaner.................................45
第四章 鈣鈦礦薄膜太陽能電池製作結果分析...................48
4.1甲苯 washing treatment 對於鈣鈦礦吸收層之影響..........50
4.1.1甲苯 washing treatment與 J-Vcurve、SEM、XRD量測......50
4.1.2甲苯 washing treatment與 UV-vis、PL、NTR-PL量測......54
4.1.3甲苯 washing treatment與 重複性測試、IPCE量測........59
4.1.4甲苯 washing treatment結論..........................60
4.2.1不同熱退火溫度處理與 J-Vcurve、SEM、XRD量測...........62
4.2.2不同熱退火溫度處理與 UV-vis、PL、NTR-PL量測...........68
4.2.3不同熱退火溫度處理與 Raman 量測......................75
4.3.1不同熱退火時間處理與 J-Vcurve、SEM、XRD量測...........79
第五章 電子與電洞傳遞層對元件之影響.......................85
5.1不同重量百分濃度 PEDOT:PSS之影響.......................85
5.1.1不同重量百分濃度 PEDOT:PSS與J-V curve、UV-vis、SWV量測 ........................................................85
5.1.2不同重量百分濃度 PEDOT:PSS與 Raman 量測..............93
5.1.3不同重量百分濃度 PEDOT:PSS結論.......................95
5.2不同 PCBM 層材料以及轉速之影響.........................95
5.2.1不同 PCBM 層材料之影響..............................95
5.2.2不同轉速製備 PC61BM 層之影響.........................98
5.2.3不同 PCBM 層材料以及轉速結論........................107
第六章 最佳參數元件表現.................................109
第七章 結論............................................114
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指導教授 陳昇暉(Sheng-hui Chen) 審核日期 2015-8-21
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