博碩士論文 102233008 詳細資訊

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姓名 詹曜寧(Chan YaoNing)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 系統生物與生物資訊研究所
論文名稱 以miRNA為基礎開發偵測放射線治療抗性及預後的生物標記
(Develop the miRNAs as the biomarkers for diagnostic prediction and prognosis of cancer radiation therapy)
★ 探討牛樟芝CCM111對細胞訊息傳遞之影響★ Tyloxapol 在大腸癌細胞中的特異性及作用機制之研究
★ MAPK傳導路徑相關微型RNA在黑色素瘤細胞中功能之研究★ 利用MAPK訊息傳導路徑相關的miRNAs來治療BRAF抑制劑的抗藥性在黑色素瘤細胞中之研究
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★ 探討黑色素腫瘤中p53調控miR-524-5p及miR-596表現之機制★ 泌尿道上皮癌相關的miRNAs在膀胱癌之研究
★ 探討BRAF抑制劑透過細胞間訊息誘導腫瘤形成之研究★ 微型核糖核酸成為放射線治療的預後生物標記之研究
★ 發展以血中微型 RNA 作為冠心症(CAD)的非侵入性疾病指標★ microRNAs作為放射治療預後之生物標誌物與miR-148a-3p於頭頸癌放射敏感度之研究
★ 研究miR-524-5p和miR-567治療在黑色素瘤與BRAF抑製劑的抗藥性黑色素瘤★ 包覆性腹膜硬化症相關miRNAs在腹膜纖維化之研究
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摘要(中) 微型RNA又稱MicroRNAs (miRNAs)是一群高度保守非編碼的RNA,長度約為18~25個核苷酸所組成,目前已經被證實微型RNA可以透過後轉錄調控的方式,調控基因的表現,因此微型RNA表現也影響細胞的許多功能。最近的一些研究中指出,以微型RNA的表現為基礎的生物標記,會比傳統mRNA的表現或蛋白質的表現為基礎更具有潛力。另外因為微型RNA可以同時扮演抑癌基因的角色,或是致癌基因的角色,所以微型RNA很有機會用於癌症治療。
摘要(英) MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are a large family of high conserved non-coding RNAs. The length of miRNAs are about 18 ~ 25 nuleotides. miRNAs can regulate gene expression through post-transcriptional regulation and thus miRNAs can affect a lot of cell functions. Recent study reported that miRNA profiles displayed more potential as biomakers than mRNA profile. Moreover, miRNAs can act as oncomirs or tumor suppressors, it can be applied in therapeutic application such as cancer.
For the cancer treatment, radiotherapy, surgery and chemotherapy are the three primary modalities. Approximately 50% cancer patients will receive the radiation treatment including head and neck cancer and colorectal cancer. However, in some case, the cancer will recurrent with radioresistance and cause poor outcome. We try to develop the miRNAs cohort profiles as prognostic biomarkers for cancer patients. The results of this project could impact the survival rate for cancer patients and improve the quality of life.
The detection method for miRNA expression usually rely on quantitative RT-PCR. This method has been applied in many research of DNA or mRNA expression. we utilized the blood samples from head and neck cancer and colorectal cancer patients which provide from landseed hospital. There are twenty-nine cancer patient’s plasma samples, including nineteen patients who resulted in the good response to radiation therapy, and ten patients who resulted in the poor response in radiation therapy samples. We characterized a group of miRNAs which be involved in radioresistant by using RT-qPCR. Moreover, We used those candidate miRNAs to test the sensitivity, specificity and accuracy. The results discovered two sets of miRNAs. One is the diagnosis set , which can predict the good response or poor response before radiation therapy perform and the other is prognosis set which can predict the good response or poor response after radiation therapy, The accuracy of this diagnosis set is about 87% and the accuracy of prognosis set is about 75%. We hope the result from this study can be apply to clinical diagnosis and prognosis, and give some benefit to cancer patients in the future.
關鍵字(中) ★ 微型核醣核酸
★ 放射線治療
★ 癌症
★ 生物標記
關鍵字(英) ★ miRNA
★ microRNA
★ cancer
★ radiation therapy
★ biomarker
論文目次 中文摘要 v
Abstract vi
誌 謝 viii
表目錄 xii
圖目錄 xiii
符號說明 xv
一、 緒論 1
1-1 頭頸癌與大腸直腸癌 1
1-2 放射線治療 1
1-3 以微型RNA為基礎之生物標記 2
1-4 偵測微型RNA的方法 4
1-5 研究目的 5
二、 實驗材料及方法 7
2-1 實驗材料 (Material): 7
2-2-1 癌症病患檢體 (Patients and samples) 7
2-2-2 及時定量聚合酶連鎖反應用於微型RNA偵測 (RT-qPCR system and miRNA assays) 7
2-2-3 核酸萃取試劑 (Reagents) 7
2-2-4 分析軟體 (Software) 8
2-2 實驗方法 (Methods): 8
2-2-1 實驗步驟 (Experimental step) 8
2-2-2 分離檢體中的血漿 (Separate plasma from blood sample) 8
2-2-3 微型RNA的萃取 (miRNA extraction) 9
2-2-4 微型RNA之RT-qPCR實驗 (miRNA expression profiling) 9
2-2-5 資料分析 (Data analysis) 10
2-2-6 資料正規化與羅吉斯回歸 (Data normalization and logistic regression analysis) 11
三、 實驗結果 13
3-1 癌症病患背景資料 13
3-2 查篩組之微型RNA體剖析 13
3-3 查篩組”C”組之微型RNA分析 15
3-4 查篩組”D”組之微型RNA分析 15
3-5 查篩組放射線治療前後差異分析 16
3-6 查篩組之候選微型RNA相對比值分析 16
3-7 查篩組候選之微型RNA總覽 17
3-8 訓練組之候選微型RNA集群熱圖分析 17
3-9 訓練組候選之微型RNA相對比值分析 17
3-10 訓練組接收者操作特徵曲線(ROC)分析 18
四、 問題與討論 19
4-1 候選微型RNA在頭頸癌與大腸直腸癌的樣本中當作放射線治療之生物標記的潛力 19
4-2 候選微型RNA在其它癌症的發展狀況 21
4-3 候選微型RNA在頭頸癌與大腸直腸癌於臨床的應用 22
4-4 未來研究方向 22
五、 結論 23
六、 參考資料與參考文獻 24
七、 圖 27
八、 表 57
九、 附錄 58
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指導教授 馬念涵(Ma Nianhan) 審核日期 2016-1-15
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