博碩士論文 102322062 詳細資訊

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姓名 鄭年佑(Nian-you Zheng)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 土木工程學系
論文名稱 淡水河口風吹砂及水下沙丘之特性分析
★ 不均勻圓形橋墩之局部沖刷研究★ 砂礫河床之跌水沖刷分析
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★ 均勻入滲時坡面地下水流之理論解析★ 尾檻設置對下游之局部沖刷效應
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摘要(中) 本研究針對淡水河口沙嘴的風吹砂及水下沙丘進行現地監測與分析,並探討其形態及輸砂特性。風吹砂效應之研究乃分析風速及影像資料,以了解風場對淡水河口沙丘及灘線的影響,並以α值代表風場均勻之狀態。水下沙丘之型態則以Van Rijn(1984)方法進行分析,並估算沙丘運移距離。風吹砂研究結果顯示以主要風向及各風向均勻度,可判斷出控制沙丘運移之主要風向,於冬季時,風場最為均勻,沙丘運移距離也最大;本研究分析之沙丘運移結果,顯示淡水河口之風吹砂效應是向西南方運移,與灘線之變化趨勢不一致,因此,灘線變遷與風吹砂效應的關聯性不明顯。淡水河底床型態分析結果,顯示底床型態分類屬於沙丘。本研究分別於河口外(A)、河口內(B)兩段進行水下沙丘之測量,A段於8月7日至10月20日平均約向下游運移94公尺,B段於8月7日至10月20日平均約向下游運移65公尺。懸浮載的輸送量大於底床載,且在沙丘波峰處兩者都有較大值出現。
摘要(英) The aeolian sand transport and subaqueous sand dunes at the river mouth of the Tamsui River are explored in this study. The aeolian sand transport is analyzed based on the wind speeds and dune fronts on the sand spit of the Tamsui Rivermouth. The homogeneous state of the wind field is represented by a coefficient α. The dune forms on the riverbed are classified as lower regime dunes by using Van Rijn (1984) method. The aeolian sand transport are in line with the primary wind directions. In winter, wind field is the most uniform and the distance of sand dune migrated is the longest in the southwest dirction. While the beach line extents in the northeast direction at the same time. So the sand spit is many controlled by wave-induced littoral transport instead of aeolian transport. Two segments of sand dunes on the riverbed were investigated. One is outside the estuary (A) and the other inside the estuary (B). During the period between August 7 to October 20, 2014, the dunes migrated in the downstream direction with the distances of 94 meters and 65 meters, for A and B, respectively. Suspended loads are greater than bed loads and both shows peak values at the dune crests.
關鍵字(中) ★ 淡水河口
★ 風吹砂
★ 沙丘
★ 輸砂
關鍵字(英) ★ Tamsui Rivermouth
★ sand spit
★ aeolian sand transport
★ sand dunes
論文目次 摘要 ..............................................I
Abstract ......................................II
致謝 ..............................................III
目錄 ..............................................IV
圖目錄 ..............................................VI
表目錄 ..............................................IX
第一章 緒論 ......................................1
1.1 研究緣起 ......................................1
1.2 研究目的及方法 ..............................2
1.3 論文架構 ......................................2
第二章 文獻回顧 ......................................4
2.1 風吹砂的輸砂特性 ..............................5
2.2 水下沙丘 ......................................9
第三章 研究區域及方法 ..............................13
3.1研究區域 ......................................13
3.2資料收集 ......................................17
3.2.1 風場 ......................................17
3.2.2 流場 ......................................18
3.2.3 沙丘型態 ......................................20
3.3分析方法 ......................................21
3.3.1 沙丘型態及風場 ..............................21
3.3.2 水下沙丘 ......................................22
第四章 結果討論 ......................................23
4.1 夏季風場分析結果 ..............................23
4.1.1 風向、風速分析 ..............................23
4.1.2 風場均勻度(α值)分析結果 ......................26
4.2 秋季風場分析結果 ..............................29
4.2.1 風向、風速分析 ..............................29
4.2.2 風場均勻度(α值)分析結果 ......................33
4.3 冬季風場分析結果 ..............................36
4.3.1 風向、風速分析 ..............................36
4.3.2 風場均勻度(α值)分析結果 ......................39
4.4 春季風場分析結果 ..............................42
4.4.1 風向、風速分析 ..............................42
4.4.2 風場均勻度(α值)分析結果 ......................45
4.5 沙丘輪廓 ......................................49
4.5.1 沙丘輪廓變化 ..............................50
4.5.2 沙丘運移距離 ..............................54
4.5.3 河口灘線變化 ..............................56
4.6 水下沙丘分析結果 ..............................59
4.6.1水下沙丘型態 ..............................59
4.6.2水下沙丘運移及輸砂量 ......................61
第五章 結論與建議 ..............................67
5.1 結論 ......................................67
5.2 建議 ......................................68
參考文獻 ......................................69
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指導教授 周憲德 審核日期 2015-7-29
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