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姓名 陳宏哲(Hung-zhe Chen)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 機械工程學系
論文名稱 利用白金奈米粒子製備多孔矽結構梯度表面之潤濕性研究
★ 以流體式數值模擬直流磁控電漿濺鍍系統之磁場影響★ 利用鉻薄膜為濕蝕刻遮罩製備石英奈米針狀結構之研究
★ 石英蝕刻微結構之非等向性研究★ 具有微結構之石英表面聲波感測器之共振頻率數值模擬與分析
★ 以數值模擬方法探討電感耦合式電漿輔助製程之氣體溫度與腔體熱分析★ 石英柱狀微結構濕蝕刻製程之研究
★ 利用暫態熱微影技術製備高分子微結構★ 石英柱狀微結構之表面聲波感測器之研製與特性分析
★ 利用電子束微影製作高密度石英柱狀結構★ 利用暫態熱線法之微型熱傳導係數量測元件之設計與製備
★ 石英微結構對表面接觸角與潤濕性影響之研究★ 石英奈米針狀結構表面之潤濕性及遲滯性研究
★ 利用示差掃描熱量分析與雷射閃光熱擴散法 研究牛血清蛋白之熱變性★ MOCVD噴淋式腔體沉積模擬與進氣系統分析
★ The Deposition and Microstructure of Tungsten Oxide Films by Physical Vapor Deposition★ 利用聲子波茲曼方程式分析非對稱多孔矽之熱傳性質
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摘要(中) 近年來微流體的技術迅速發展,其應用擴及生物科技、醫療技術,機密機械潤滑等,尤其在生物醫學檢測的應用上具有非常大的潛力。透過半導體製程使生醫晶片微小化,降低檢測樣品試劑之體積,並增加感測精度。趨動微流體可利用壓力差、電濕潤、毛細力、化學梯度、熱泳或光泳等方式,其中利用結構表面粗糙度差異驅使液滴移動的方式具有操作容易與製程簡單的優點,然而大部分的研究多是利用分段的結構梯度進行相關實驗。本文利用金屬輔助化學蝕刻,利用遞增的金屬膜厚製備出連續的奈米多孔矽結構梯度,探討液珠於結構梯度表面移動情形。

摘要(英) Microfluidics has been grown up very fast recently, and widely used in biomedical and chemical analysis, and precision machinery lubrication. Microfluidic devices utilize microfabrication to minimize thier size, which can reduce the amount of test samples and reagents, enhance the accuracy of detection. The droplet-based microfluidic device is one of the promising technologies. The droplet can be driven by pressure difference, electro-wetting, capillary force, chemical gradient, thermophoresis, photopheresis and so on. Among these, the capillary force or the use of surface roughness changes has the advantage of simple operation and simple manufacturing process. However, most of the literatures only demonstrate the feasibility of water movement between two discrete surfaces with different roughnesses. In this study, we use metal assisted chemical etching to make nano porous silicon structure with continuous change in the surface roughness and investigate the drops movement on the surface.

Porous silicon structure has large surface to volume ratio Metal assisted chemical etching process is an simple and cost effective way to make porous silicon. In this research, we deposit platinum films and use thermal annealing to make nano particles for the following metal assisted chemical etching. The corresponding nano structures can be made by adjusting different thickness of platinum films and different etching times. The relationship between different thickness of platinum films and etching times is investigated. The contact angle and hysteresis are measured to study the wettability of the porous surfaces. Different metal thickness is made by steady pulling the sample out of the etchant, that is then annealed and etched to produce porous structural with continuous structure size gradients. The results show that the driving force given by continuous porous structural gradients is very small, and is unable to drive the liquid drops. On the other hand, we find that there is a different hysteresis between the structural gradients on the two sides from the contact angles measurements of the inclined surface. Finally, we use squalane to test the capillary motion on the surface, which shown that squalane will move further toward the area with smaller pore structures.
關鍵字(中) ★ 多孔矽結構
★ 金屬輔助化學蝕刻
★ 薄膜熱退火
★ 潤濕性
★ 液滴移動
論文目次 摘要 i
Abstract ii
誌謝 iv
目錄 v
圖目錄 viii
表目錄 xiv
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 前言 1
1.2文獻回顧 2
1.2.1金屬輔助化學蝕刻 2
1.2.2薄膜退火機制 5
1.2.3表面潤濕性研究 6
1.3研究動機與目的 11
1.4 論文架構 12
第二章 理論基礎 13
2.1 金屬輔助化學蝕刻 13
2.2 薄膜熱退火機制 15
2.3 接觸角理論 16
2.3.1 楊氏方程式 (Young’s equation) 17
2.3.2 溫佐模型 (Wenzel model) 18
2.3.4 混合模型 19
2.4 遲滯效應 20
2.3.3 卡西模型 (Cassie and Baxter model) 20
2.4.1 動態接觸角 21
2.4.2 表面改質原理 23
2.4.3 蓮花效應與花瓣效應 24
第三章 研究方法 27
3.1 研究架構 27
3.2 實驗流程 28
3.2.1 多孔矽結構製作 28
3.2.2 接觸角量測 30
3.2.3 結構梯度試片製作 31
3.3 統計及分析 32
第四章 結果與討論 34
4.1 奈米粒子生長 34
4.1.1 白金厚度影響 34
4.1.2 製程環境影響 38
4.2 蝕刻結果 41
4.2.1 分佈密度對結構影響 41
4.2.2 基準蝕刻現象及頂部蝕刻影響 45
4.2.3 白金厚度對結構影響 54
4.3 接觸角量測 81
4.3.1 靜態接觸角量測結果 81
4.3.2 動態接觸角量測結果 93
4.4 製備結構梯度與量測結果分析 98
4.4.1 結構梯度製備結果 98
4.4.2 結構梯度接觸角量測 104
4.4.3 結構梯度阻力分析 108
4.4.4 不同液體於結構梯度現象 115
第五章 結論與未來展望 119
5.1 結論 119
5.2 未來展望 120
參考文獻 121
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指導教授 洪銘聰(Ming-Tsing Hung) 審核日期 2016-1-27
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