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姓名 楊逸琦(Yi-chi Yang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 化學工程與材料工程學系
論文名稱 表面粗糙度對接觸角遲滯影響之效應
(Effect of surface roughness on contact angle hysteresis)
★ 單一高分子在接枝表面的吸附現象-分子模擬★ 化學機械研磨的微觀機制探討
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★ 液滴潤濕與接觸角遲滯★ 親溶劑奈米粒子於高分子溶液中的自組裝現象
★ 具界面活性溶質之蒸發殘留圖形研究★ 奈米自泳動粒子之擴散行為
★ 抗氧化奈米銅粒子的製備及分析★ 柱狀自泳動粒子之擴散行為與沉降平衡
★ 過氧化氫的界面性質與穩定性★ 液橋分離與液面爬升物體之研究
★ 電潤濕動態行為探討★ 以耗散粒子動力學法研究奈米自泳動粒子輸送現象
★ 低溫還原氧化石墨烯薄膜★ 雙離子型磺基甜菜鹼基材之潤濕現象
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摘要(中) 現今對於基材表面粗糙度如何影響液滴接觸角遲滯的相關研究尚未清楚,本論文透過靜電紡絲與機械力研磨等方式在基材表面上提供粗糙度並且各基材上液滴接觸角遲滯是透過水滴的前進角與後退角量測所獲得的,然而粗糙基材上的潤濕性質可以透過全氟矽烷的蒸氣沉積法或者溶膠-凝膠法加以改善。隨著表面粗糙度增加時,液滴前進角會隨之上升但是對於後退角的潤濕行為可分為三種類型:(1)、隨粗糙度增加後退角隨之下降,(2)、隨粗糙度增加後退角隨之上升,(3)、隨粗糙度增加後退角存在最小值。針對此三種潤濕行為變化之合理說法可由粗糙結構中氣囊(air pocket)穩定程度獲得解釋。
摘要(英) The influence of surface roughness on contact angle hysteresis is not well understood. In this study, surface roughness is systematically altered on some polymeric substrates such as polystyrene, polycarbonate and poly(methyl methacrylate) by polishing or electrospinning method and its effect on contact angle hysteresis is investigated via measuring advancing and receding contact angles of water. The wettability on these substrates is also modifed by vapor-phase deposition of perfluorooctyltrichlorosilane or sol-gel reaction. As surface roughness is increased, the advancing contact angle grows but three types of the receding contact angle (θr) behavior have been identifed:(i) monotonic reduction of θr, (ii) monotonic enhancement of θr, and (iii) presence of a minimum of θr. The plausible mechanism based on the stability of air pockets is proposed to explain our experimental findings.
The effect of stability of air ockets on rough surface can be observed by liquid imbibition into holes on a substrate. The imbibition behavior of a drop on top of a small hole is dependent on various rate of imbibition and the depth of hole. As the liquid drop favors wetting on the substrate surface or the depth of hole becomes more shallow, spontaneous and rapid imbibition into the conical hole takes place and trapped air is removed upon immediate impregnation. The possible imbibition pathway is that the three-phase contact line move downward along the wall of the hole. Once the contact line reaches the bottom, liquid starts to accumulate. The air bubble rises up slowly and eventually burst as it is in contact with the drop surface exposed to the ambient atmosphere. Liquid cannot immediately impregnate into the holes due to the relatively slow rate of imbibition. Therefore, the advancing contact angles of liquid drop on the porous substrate correspond to the Cassie-Baxter state. However, the liquid eventually invades the holes after some time and the receding contact angles are in the Wenzel state.
關鍵字(中) ★ 表面粗糙度
★ 接觸角遲滯
★ 溫佐理論
★ 卡西理論
★ 液體滲入
關鍵字(英) ★ surface roughness
★ contact angle hysteresis
★ Wenzel model
★ Cassie model
★ Liquid imbibition
論文目次 目錄

摘要 I
Abstract II
致謝 III
圖目錄 VI
表目錄 X
第一章 緒論 1
1-1 前言 1
1-2 文獻回顧 7
1-2-1 靜電紡絲技術 7
1-2-2 矽烷氣相沉積法 10
1-2-3 粗糙表面的潤濕行為 13
1-2-4 Cassie-Wenzel潤濕行為轉換 18
1-3 研究動機與目的 22
第二章 基本原理 23
2-1 潤濕現象的理論定義 23
2-1-1 楊氏方程式 ( Young’s equation ) 23
2-1-2 溫佐方程式 ( Wenzel’s equation ) 27
2-1-3 卡西方程式 (Cassie equation) 28
2-2 接觸角遲滯 ( Contact angle hysteresis ) 29
2-3 粗糙表面潤濕現象 33
第三章 實驗介紹 43
3-1 實驗藥品材料 43
3-2 實驗儀器原理介紹 44
3-2-1 影像式接觸角測量儀 44
3-2-2 全自動接觸角儀 45
3-2-3 光學顯微系統 45
3-2-4 巨觀放大顯微測量系統 46
3-2-5 探針式三維表面輪廓量測儀 46
3-2-6 薄膜界面動態現象量測系統-靜電紡絲 48
3-2-7 其他儀器設備 49
3-3 實驗流程 49
3-3-1 利用靜電紡絲技術製備具有粗糙程度之疏水基材 49
3-3-2 透過矽烷蒸氣沉積法於研磨基材表面進行化學改質 50
3-3-3 利用影像式接觸角儀觀察鑽孔孔穴中氣泡上升情形 50
3-3-4 利用Surface Evolver模擬液體滲入錐形單孔之情形 51
第四章 結果與討論 58
4-1 不同粗糙程度基材表面之潤濕行為探討 58
4-1-1 類型A : 後退角隨表面粗糙度增加而降低 58
4-1-2 類型B : 後退角隨表面粗糙度增加而提升 59
4-1-3 類型C : 隨表面粗糙度增加而存在最小值的後退角 61
4-2 液體滲入孔洞基材之潤濕現象探討 76
4-2-1 不同液滴滲入單孔錐形洞缺陷之觀察 76
4-2-2 液體滲入錐形單孔之模擬結果觀察 79
4-2-3 液體滲入對於液滴前進角與後退角改變之效應 81
第五章 結論 93
第六章 參考資料 95

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指導教授 曹恆光(Heng-kwong Tsao) 審核日期 2015-6-11
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