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姓名 周羿均(Yi-chun Chou)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 企業管理學系在職專班
論文名稱 員工當責與真誠領導之關聯性-以心理賦權與團隊凝聚力為中介變數
★ 工作滿足、領導行為、工作特性與人格特質對離職傾向之探討-以超大型會計師事務所審計人員為例★ 以組織診斷模型診斷企業組織層級架構-以某公司為例
★ 科技產業組織診斷與分析之研究-以Q公司為例★ 製造業推行六標準差的成功關鍵因素探討
★ 高職辦理輪調式建教班對學校經營績效之評估-以北區私立高職為例★ 本國商業銀行經營績效之探討-資料包絡分析法之應用
★ 台灣中小企業 創業動機與創業績效關係之研究★ 以個人與環境適配為關鍵中介探討特定品牌領導對員工品牌權益之影響
★ 道德感讓你買更多綠色產品?從消費者產品知覺價格及品質角度來探討—以綠色程度做調節★ 線上品牌社群該如何提升與粉絲的價值共創?以線上品牌社群活動與線下實體活動為中介變數探討
★ 農業創新服務模式之商業模式研究-以蜂巢數據科技有限公司為例★ 燈⽕闌珊處的求職旅程:如何透 過⼯作價值觀、雇主吸引⼒、激 勵因⼦為求職者點亮路徑
★ 購買意願的幕後功臣:Instagram大小網紅的 自我揭露對消費者自我一致性與感知真實的影響★ 中小企業之組織診斷與分析-以A公司為例
★ 高科技產業人力資源發展與組織績效之研究-以新竹科學園區為例★ 台灣中小企業產業e化現況對員工資訊素養之影響
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摘要(中) 本研究試圖回答:「真誠領導會透過什麼中介變數影響員工當責行為?」本研究整合了過去文獻,以組織、員工兩個層次,發展一個由個體到群體的架構,探討真誠領導者對員工心理賦權及團隊凝聚力程度與員工當責行為的影響程度,故區別個人層次心理賦權及組織層次的團隊凝聚力兩個層次分別深入地探討兩個層次其中介效果,驗證影響員工當責之關鍵角色。
摘要(英) This study provides a investigation on how authentic leadership stimulates accountability behavior through some influencing mediators. Through researches, I can further explain the relationship with authentic leadership and intermediary role of psychological empowerment and group bonding to raise employees self-accountabilities. In this study, hierarchical linear model was used on optical penal manufacturer as a sample target.350 questionnaires were distributed total of 300 valid questionnaires returned for the study. (Response rate is 85.7%).
Simply looking from different perspectives will obtain psychological empowerment and team cohesion on different levels. The research was divided into two parts. First, I examined the mediating effect of psychological empowerment relationship between authentic leadership and accountability behavior. Second, I examined the mediating effect of organizational group cohesiveness relationship between authentic leadership and accountability behavior. The results were positive in corresponding to the hypotheses. This study contributes in four aspects. First, I integrated the entire organization and employees into two-level framework, and hypothetical theory was raised that authentic leadership can stimulate employee’s self-accountability. Second, I proved that psychological empowerment plays as a key mediator in the authentic leadership to employee′s self-accountability. Third, I discovered that group cohesiveness also a key mediator in the relationship between the authentic leadership and employee’s self-accountability. Fourth, hierarchical liner modeling was used to analyze the hypotheses through crossed-level approaches. Hierarchical liner modeling accurately analyzed the mediators those affected employee’s self-accountabilities through extensive analytical models including the HLM cross references to help reduce the analytical deviations.
關鍵字(中) ★ 真誠領導
★ 當責
★ 心理賦權
★ 團隊凝聚力
論文目次 摘要 I
Abstract II
誌謝 III
目錄 IV
圖目錄 VI
表目錄 VII
一、緒論 1
1-1  研究背景與動機 1
1-2  研究目的 2
1-3  研究價值與預期貢獻 3
二、文獻探討與研究假設 4
2-1  當責(Accountability) 4
2-2  真誠領導(Authentic Leadership) 6
2-3  真誠領導與員工當責 10
2-4  心理賦權(Psychological Empowerment) 11
2-5  真誠領導、心理賦權、當責 12
2-6  團隊凝聚力(Group Cohesiveness) 14
2-7  真誠領導、團隊凝聚力、當責 15
三、研究方法 18
3-1  研究架構與研究假設 18
3-2  問卷設計 19
3-3  研究變項操作性定義及測量工具 19
3-4  研究對象與問卷收集 23
3-5  資料分析方法 23
四、實證研究結果 27
4-1  研究樣本之敘述性統計分析 27
4-2  相關分析 29
4-3  信度分析 30
4-4  建構效度分析 30
4-5  變數之組內與組間變異成份分析 32
4-6  共同方法變異分析 32
4-7  研究假設分析結果 33
五、結論與建議 39
5-1  研究結論 39
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