博碩士論文 102456004 詳細資訊

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姓名 毛子軒(TZYY-SHIUAN MAO)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 工業管理研究所在職專班
論文名稱 偏光片新材料開發階段多目標優化之穩健設計
(Multi-Criteria Robust Design for New Material Development stage of Polarizing Film)
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摘要(中) 偏光片發展面臨高品質要求與價格競爭,於開發設計除了考量提高光學優異性、薄型化,不外乎以降低生產成本或開發新材料為幾個主要發展目標。本研究在新產品先進技術設計開發之架構下,運用協同設計系統化之概念發展替代新材料。結合研發、品質、工程、製造各部門參與進行產品開發,以穩健設計概念與統計分析手法進行參數設計,達到偏光片新材料設計開發階段,能穩定其研磨端面缺陷的品質目標且縮小變異後量產。
本研究針對偏光片在新材料應用後進行端面研磨的缺陷作探討,端面研磨品質特性有兩種:表面處理碎裂與三層剝離,此二缺陷皆為望小目標,故進行多目標最佳化配置。首先以魚骨圖分析品質缺陷特性要因,找出潛在影響因子做第一次實驗分析,實驗結果模型解釋力R-Square約80%,依實驗結果選定影響因子之最佳參數後做第二次實驗,以期有更好的結果。兩次實驗皆分別運用田口方法做S/N ratio分析、平均值分析、柏拉圖最適前緣與參數應用原理原則等不同之方法,搭配成本和效益,進行多目標最佳化結果之分析比較,最後以模型估計之信賴區間做驗證,得到既精又準的實驗結果。以顯微鏡進行偏光片端面缺陷觀察,最佳化操作水準之品質特性AG crack由200um降低至46um。3L peeling由250um降低至66um。同時變異也縮小到17um與5um,有顯著的優化改善。
摘要(英) The polarizer industry has officially entered an era of high quality demand and intense price competition. Other than improving performance and enhancing the slimness of the product, the R&D of companies in this industry focuses on cost reduction or new material discovery. Under the structure of Advanced Product Quality Planning of new product development, this research applies the concurrent engineering systematic concept to discover new product. With the cooperation of R&D, Quailty mangement, Engineering, and Production division, and the concept of robust decision and statistic analysis method, the new material development is capable of stabilizing the defects in grind process, minimizing the product defects variation, and allowing massive production.
This study focuses on reducing defects of grind process after applying the new material. The two major defects are the surface crack and the third-layer peeling. In order to minimize the defects we apply the multi-criteria robust design. Through the cause-and-effect diagram, this research is able to identify the major characteristics of the defects and to locate the potential factors for the first-stage experiment, and the R-square of the results at this stage is about 80%. With the intention to have continuous improvement, the second-stage experiment is performed based on the optimized parameters from the first-stage results. All experiments applied the Taguchi Methods of Robust Design on S/N ratio analysis, mean analysis, Pareto frontier, and parameter application theorem. Furthermore, along with the cost and revenue relationship, these experiments also applied multi-criteria optimization comparision. Finally, confirmation experiments were performed to varify the proposed model. The optimal solution surface crack is reduced from 200um to 46um.Third-layer peeling is shorten from 250um to 66um. And the product defects variation is reduced from 17um to 5um.
With the achievement of producing representative product at current stage and minimized material costs, this research on new-materialized polarizer product can be served as a benchmark on polarize material application technique. Moreover, this research can also be served as a reference for future study on robust design, which prevents further cost due to corrective activity on mass production stage, and avoids defects from grind process which might cause customers’ complain or application problems related to product.
關鍵字(中) ★ 穩健設計
★ 田口方法
★ 多目標
★ 偏光片
論文目次 中文摘要 i
致謝 v
目錄 vi
圖目錄 ix
表目錄 xi
第一章緒 論 1
1-1 研究背景與動機 1
1-2 研究目的 2
1-3 研究範圍與限制 2
1-4 研究概念與架構 3
第二章文獻探討 5
2-1 穩建設計─田口方法 5
2-1-1田口方法簡介 5
2-1-2田口方法文獻探討 6
2-2 多目標 12
2-3 柏拉圖最適前緣 14
第三章個案研究 16
3-1 TFT-LCD面板架構簡介 16
3-2 偏光片顯示原理與結構 17
3-3 偏光片製程簡介 19
3-4研磨工藝 20
3-5新材料開發之特性 22
第四章研究步驟與流程 25
4-1 問題分析 27
4-2 控制因子的水準與選擇 28
4-3 直交表的配置 30
4-4 進行實驗 31
4-5 田口方法多目標最佳操作水準選擇 31
4-6 進行不同方法分析比較 32
第五章實驗結果與討論 34
5-1 第一次實驗結果 34
5-1-1 AG crack之S/N與Mean分析 36
5-1-2 3L peeling之S/N與Mean分析 41
5-1-3 AG crack與3L peeling之多目標比較 46
5-1-4 AG crack與3L peeling之S/N與Mean柏拉圖最適前緣 48
5-1-5三種分析方法之多目標比較 49
5-2 第二次實驗結果 51
5-2-1 AG crack之S/N與Mean分析 53
5-2-2 3L peeling之S/N與Mean分析 58
5-2-3 AG crack與3L peeling之多目標比較 63
5-2-4 AG crack與3L peeling之S/N與Mean柏拉圖最適前緣 64
5-2-5三種分析方法之多目標比較 65
5-3 模型驗證與實驗結果 67
第六章結論與展望 70
6-1 結論 70
6-2 未來展望建議 72
參考文獻 73
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指導教授 曾富祥 審核日期 2015-6-22
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