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姓名 應帆(Fan Ying)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 資訊工程學系
論文名稱 一個在 O p e n S t a c k 平台 進行 混 合 式 自 動 擴 展 的 方 法
(A Hybrid Auto-Scaling Approach on OpenStack Cloud Platform)
★ 以伸展樹為基礎的Android Binder Driver★ 應用增量式學習於多種農作物判釋之研究
★ 應用分類重建學習偵測航照圖幅中的新穎坵塊★ 一個建立在平行工作系統上的動態全球計算平台
★ 用權重參照計數演算法執行主動物件垃圾收集★ 一個動態負載平衡之最大可能性估算計算架構
★ 利用多項系統負載資訊進行動態P2P系統重組的策略研究★ 基於Hadoop系統的雲端應用程式特徵擷取與計算監測架構
★ 適用於大型動態分散式系統的調適性計算模型★ 一個提供彈性虛擬資料中心的雲端服務平台
★ 雲端彈性虛擬機房服務平台之資源控管中心★ 一個適用於自動供應雲端系統的動態調適計算架構
★ 線性相關工作與非相關工作的探索式排程策略★ 適用於大資料集高效率的分散式階層分群演算法
★ 混合雲端環境上的多重代理人動態調適計算管理架構★ 基於圖形的平行化最小生成樹分群演算法
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摘要(中) 虛擬化技術及網路環境尚未成熟前,機房建置主要透過實體機器組成伺服器群組來提供計
如 OpenStack 的自動擴展機制,採用的方法是反應式自動擴展機制,也就是去檢查系統資
來的工作負載,提早準備好資源因應。本論文並將統計學的預測方法實作到 OpenStack 上,
關鍵字: 自動擴展、OpenStack、負載平衡、反應式自動擴展、預測式自動擴展、虛擬機。
摘要(英) The use of virtualization technology has gradually changed the way a datacenter works in recent
years. Nowadays the end-users of a datacenter do not access physical resources directly. Instead,
they access virtualized resources, such as VMs and virtual clusters, on top of a pool of physical
resources. This new computing paradigm provides the datacenter administrators a more flexible,
scalable, manageable, and economical way for resource provisioning/sharing as prior study
indicated. When a service on a VM encounters a massive amount of workload, it can scale faster
than a non-virtualized datacenter, by dynamically turning on extra virtual/physical machines to
share the workload. For example, OpenStack, an open source project for building a virtualized
cloud platform, provides a reactive approach for auto-scaling. That is, it creates new VMs to
share workload when the workload of a monitored VM exceeds a given workload threshold. The
weakness of the mechanism is that, sometimes it is too late to handle unexpected workload surges
and thus can decrease the quality of the services running on the VM. To this end, we purpose a
new hybrid auto-scaling mechanism for auto-scaling. It relies on a predictive auto-scaling
approach that predicts the upcoming workload by historical workloads. To prevent the case that
the prediction result is not accurate enough, we also use the reactive auto-scaling mechanism
provided by OpenStack, and integrate the two mechanisms as one. We have verified the
performance of our approach via experiments, and the results show that, when a massive
workload arrives, the proposed approach outperforms other approaches. In addition, the proposed
approach does not incur much overhead as the experimental results show.
Keywords: Auto-scaling, reactive auto-scaling, predictive auto-scaling, load balancing, load
sharing, virtual machine
關鍵字(中) ★ 自動擴展
★ 混合式
關鍵字(英) ★ OpenStack
★ auto-scaling
★ hybrid
論文目次 目錄
摘要 ............................................................................................................................. i
ABSTRACT ............................................................................................................... ii
目錄 ........................................................................................................................... iii
圖目錄 ....................................................................................................................... vi
表目錄 ..................................................................................................................... viii
一 、緒論 ................................................................................................................... 1
1-1 研究背景 .......................................................................................................... 2
1-1-1 雲端運算 ................................................................................................. 2
1-1-2 虛擬化技術 ............................................................................................. 4
1-1-3 雲端作業系統 ......................................................................................... 5
1-1-4 工作負載預測與自動擴展機制 ............................................................. 5
1-2 研究動機 .......................................................................................................... 5
1-3 研究目標 .......................................................................................................... 6
1-4 研究貢獻 .......................................................................................................... 6
1-5 論文架構 .......................................................................................................... 6
二、相關研究 ............................................................................................................ 7
2-1 工作負載預測方法 ......................................................................................... 7
2-2 自動擴展機制.................................................................................................. 7
2-3 OpenStack 自動擴展機制 ............................................................................... 8
三、系統設計 .......................................................................................................... 13
3-1 預測工作負載的方法 ................................................................................... 13
3-2 歷史負載資料的重要性 ............................................................................... 17
3-3 混合式自動擴展之決策 ............................................................................... 20
3-4 預測工作負載的自動擴展演算法 ............................................................... 20
四、系統架構 .......................................................................................................... 24
4-1 基於 OpenStack 的工作負載預測及自動擴展機制的組成元件 ................ 24
4-1-1 OpenStack 相關元件 .............................................................................. 24
4-1-2 本論文實作元件 .................................................................................... 36
4-2 工作負載預測及自動擴展機制運作流程 ................................................... 37
4-3 反應式與預測式自動擴展機制的協同合作 ............................................... 40
5 -1 實驗環境.......................................................................................................43
5-1-1 硬體配置....................................................................................................43
5-1-2 軟體配置...................................................................................................45
5-2 實驗步驟........................................................................................................45
5-3 實驗結果與分析............................................................................................46
5-3-1 混合式自動擴展機制............................................................................46
5-3-2 CPU 使用率、資源使用率與使用者請求回應速度 ...........................49
7-1 未來精進方向................................................................................................55
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指導教授 王尉任 審核日期 2015-8-13
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