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姓名 蕭維佑(Wei-yu Hsiao)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 網路學習科技研究所
論文名稱 以雙人對戰縮寫遊戲幫助學生理解數學文字題題意
(Developing a Battle Game for Enhancing Students’Understanding on Word Problems in Mathematics: A Case of Shortening Problems)
★ 探索電玩遊戲頻率對於視覺注意力表現能力的效應★ 代理表現學習模式—以動物同伴為例
★ 常用邏輯句型重組之學習★ 電腦支援國小數學文字題擬題活動初探
★ 解釋數學:透過科技支援創作與討論以增強小學生的數學溝通能力★ 提問式鷹架教學結合數位閱讀寫作系統對國小低年級學生語文能力的影響
★ 數學島:興趣驅動之國小數學線上平台設計與初步評估★ 以「猜擬題」活動增進學生數學文字題解題能力
★ 基於學生練習使用回饋之學習成效預測模型與動態題數練習機制★ 透過主題地圖與寵物同伴促進閱讀更深更廣的書籍
★ 具推薦書籍功能之閱讀島系統架構設計★ 透過學生影片創作進行國小數學學習:趣創者理論之應用
★ 英文單字樂園:學生自創字卡搭配複習機制強化英文字彙學習之系統設計及學習成效初探★ 設計與實作明日寫作系統增進國小學生寫作表現
★ 設計與實踐「提升式寫作」活動以提升國小學生寫作品質與寫作興趣★ TTPR:設計科技強化型全肢體反應為了小學生和國中生在印尼學習英語詞彙
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摘要(中) 國小學生普遍在數學文字題上解題表現欠佳。學生解文字題失敗的原因大多是不了解題意在問什麼,以致於解題的目標也不明確,學生通常只看到表面的資訊,尤其是抓出關鍵字就去進行運算;在冗長的題目敘述中,學生不容易抓出重點,沒有深入到題目的核心,而過去加強閱讀理解的相關研究,大多是以紙本反覆練習,容易造成學習動機上的低落。
摘要(英) Elementary school students often demonstrate poor performance in solving mathematics word problems. The reason for such a phenomenon might be because most of these students do not understand the meaning of the problem, as well as the goals for problem solving. Students usually only solve the problem with surface information and keywords. In addition, for the description of long problems, the students cannot catch the key point easily without going deep into core of the problem. On the other hand, most previous studies emphasized on reading comprehension, which concerned about the paper-based drill-and-practice. Such an approach might lead to low motivation in learning.
Therefore, this study designed a gamming activity, which applied one-on-one battle mode for shortening mathematical word problems, to enhance students′ understanding of mathematical word problems and increase their learning motivation. The subjects of this study were two classes of grade four students in Taoyuan City. The subjects were assigned to an experimental group (used computer) and a control group (used paper-based approach). A pre-test and a post-test including word problem reading comprehension test and mathematics learning motivation questionnaire were conducted before and after the experiment. The pre-test and post-test were analyzed to verify whether the activity enhanced students′ abilities to understand the mathematical word problems and mathematical learning motivation.
The results showed that the performance of the experimental group was better than the control group in terms of reading comprehension and mathematics learning motivation. It might imply that the computer-based word problems shortening game brought positive effects on reading comprehension and motivation. In addition, the location of redundant information also influenced students’ performance. More specifically, students performed better with redundant information located in the front and middle parts of a problem than that located in the tail part of a problem. Such a finding might imply that students were not familiar with the semantic structure of word problems. Therefore, we further designed a model for expanding word problems to help students think on the semantic structure of word problems. We hoped students can gain comprehensive understanding about the meaning of mathematical word problems by applying the shortening and expanding model.
關鍵字(中) ★ 數學文字題
★ 解題
★ 題意理解
關鍵字(英) ★ Mathematical word problems
★ Problem solving
★ Comprehension of word problems
論文目次 第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究動機 2
1.3 研究問題 3
第二章 文獻探討 5
2.1 數學閱讀 5
2.1.1 數學閱讀的意義 5
2.1.2 數學閱讀的成分 6
2.1.3 數學閱讀相關研究 9
2.2 數學文字題之探討 10
2.2.1 數學文字題的意涵 11
2.2.2 數學文字題的特殊性 11
2.2.3 文字題解題歷程 12
2.2.4 影響數學文字題解題的原因及相關研究 15
2.3 數位遊戲式學習 22
2.3.1 數位遊戲式學習的定義 22
2.3.2 數位遊戲式學習的特色 22
2.3.3 數位遊戲應用在數學學習上 24
第三章 系統與活動設計 31
3.1 活動理念 31
3.2 活動流程與系統設計 32
3.2.1 系統環境架構 32
3.2.2 數學文字題縮寫活動 33
3.3 文字題教材設計 39
第四章 研究方法 41
4.1 研究對象 41
4.2 研究流程 41
4.3 研究工具 43
4.3.1 數學文字題閱讀理解測驗 43
4.3.2 數學學習動機量表 46
4.3.3 學習經驗問卷 47
4.3.4 課堂觀察資料 47
4.3.5 學生與教師訪談 48
4.4 資料蒐集 48
4.5 資料分析 49
第五章 實驗結果分析與探討 51
5.1 學生數學閱讀理解能力之影響 51
5.2 學生歷程分析 53
5.3 數學學習動機問卷分析 58
5.4 縮寫活動學習經驗 60
第六章 後續活動 75
6.1 擴寫活動設計理念 75
6.2 研究工具 76
6.3 活動流程 76
6.4 初步結果 81
第七章 結論與未來工作 85
7.1 結論 85
7.2 未來工作 88
參考文獻 90
附錄 98

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指導教授 陳德懷(Tak-wai Chan) 審核日期 2015-8-14
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