摘要(英) |
In Taiwan, starting from 2013, there have been many SMS scams due to the micropayment authentication vulnerability. A victim’s Android phone is compromised, and the malicious app takes over the SMS service. The malicious app intercepts the incoming authentication SMS and sends text messages without the victim’s knowing. The attacker completes the micropayment, but making the victim pay the bill.
In this paper, we propose an Android framework-level solution, named RSDroid. It inspects all incoming SMS. Once a malicious app intercepts SMS, RSDroid warns the user. RSDroid also monitors all outgoing SMS. It records user input. When sending SMS, it compares the destination number and content with the user input log. It warns user if they are not consistent. RSDroid detects malicious apps intercepting SMS and prevents the malicious apps sending SMS without user input so that it protects users from micropayment scams. |
參考文獻 |
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