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姓名 楊元中(Daniel Yang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 地球科學學系
論文名稱 利用三分量磁力資料對大屯火山底下之電導率初探
(The Preliminary Result of the Electrical Conductivity under Tatun Volcanoes by using Fluxgate Magnetic Data)
★ 苗栗地區之重力研究★ 利用重力資料估算台灣海峽之莫霍面深度
★ 重力地形修正之探討★ 利用地磁資料探討磁暴現象
★ 大屯火山群之三維速度構造★ 屏東麓山帶之地震觀測
★ 利用線形地震陣列探討台灣中南部之二維構造★ 台灣中部二維密度構造之探討
★ 台東地區三維速度構造★ 利用重力資料探討台中盆地與埔里盆地之二維地下構造
★ 台灣地區全磁場時空變化之研究(1989-2004年)★ 遠近地震所引起地下水位變化之研究
★ 高屏地區重磁力測勘之初步結果★ 利用重磁資料初探北越地區之地下構造
★ 由雷利波頻散資料推研台灣海峽之地殼及上部地函構造★ 由表面波資料探討台灣及鄰近區域之地殼速度側向變化
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摘要(中) 台灣北部大屯火山群至今仍存在明顯的火山活動,且鄰近於人口稠密的大台北地區,因此對於火山活動的監測以及火山構造的探勘仍然是現今重要的研究。台灣過去利用地磁資料對於構造之研究,皆為利用全磁場磁力儀所獲得之資料對於磁感率構造作探討。本研究利用三分量磁力資料,藉由磁場轉換式得到地磁場垂直向(Z)和水平向(X、Y)之間的關係,並利用此關係得到帕金森向量在研究時間內的分布。
摘要(英) There is still volcano activities exist under Tatun volcanoes, which is in the vicinity of Taipei, a densely populated area. Due to the potential hazard that could happen at the area, monitoring of the volcano activity and the exploration of the underground structure is an important subject to the area. In Taiwan, the studies that used geomagnetic data to explore the magnetic susceptibility structure are all done by using total filed geomagnetic data. In this study, we used 3-components magnetic data and through the magnetic transfer function, we obtained the relationship between the vertical component (Z) and horizontal components (X, Y). And we used the relationship to calculate the distribution of Parkinson vectors at three stations in different depth.
In this study, we used the data recorded by the magnetometer that we installed in May 2014 and the magnetometer at Tatun volcano observatory to calculate the distribution of Parkinson vectors at three different stations. After combining the separated results together, we were able to detect the location of high conductivity area. In the result of 6 km deep, the Parkinson vectors focused area is located beneath Hsiaoyoukeng area; at the depth of 7 km, the Parkinson vectors are focus beneath the east part of ZHU station; The result of 8 km deep shows that the location of high conductivity area is located beneath Tayiokeng area; In the result of 9 and 10 km deep, there are both one obvious focused area exists in the center of the study area. Compare ours and the one whcih have been done by the others, the results are similar and we speculate that the high conductivity area is related to the hydrothermal activity under Tatun volcanoes.
關鍵字(中) ★ 磁力
★ 大屯火山
★ 電導率
關鍵字(英) ★ Tatun Volcanoes
★ Fluxgate Magnetic Data
★ Electrical Conductivity
論文目次 中文摘要 I
英文摘要 II
目錄 III
圖目錄 V
表目錄 VII

第一章、緒論 1
1-1 研究動機與目的 1
1-2 前人研究 2
1-3本文內容 5
第二章、研究區域概述 10
2-1 研究區域地質概況 10
2-2 噴發機制 11
2-3 噴發歷史 11
第三章、研究方法 18
3-1 磁力站架設與資料挑選 18
3-2 集膚效應 19
3-3 海岸效應與帕金森向量 20
3-4 快速傅立葉轉換與濾波 22
第四章、討論 31
4-1討論 31
第五章、結論 48
5-1 結論 48
參考文獻 50
附錄A 54
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指導教授 顏宏元(Horng-Yuan Yen) 審核日期 2015-7-24
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