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姓名 威馬多(Welayaturromadhona)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 地球科學學系
論文名稱 台灣西南海域下枋寮盆地甲烷水合物之AVO分析
(AVO Analysis of Detecting Submarine Gas Hydrate in Lower Fangliao Basin)
★ 九二一集集地震三維震源過程與震波傳遞分析★ 台灣東北部外海地震之三維強地動模擬
★ 利用三維有限差分法模擬與分析台北盆地的場址放大效應★ 台北盆地的場址效應放大效應-譜比法應用於強震資料與理論分析的探討
★ 震波走時於台灣三維參考速度模型評估、地震定位及地利地區深部速度構造的研究★ 台灣地區參考莫荷面傾角變化的探討
★ 台灣西南部地殼變形與地震活動相關性研究★ 台灣西南外海多頻道震測之甲烷水合物與海洋精細構造成像研究
★ 透地雷達特性分析應用於油品污染物探測★ 測井資料的分析於兩處海底甲烷冰蘊藏區: 北阿拉斯加埃爾伯特山和墨西哥灣綠色峽谷的實際應用
★ 台灣西南下枋寮盆地天然氣水合物調查同中點集的AVA/AVO模擬、分析和逆推★ 台灣南部的體波與表面波波場逆推:應用於TAIGER T4b寬角度折射/反射資料
★ 中國西南陸坡天然氣水合物沈積環境特徵的AVO和淺部構造量化分析★ Pre-Stack Diffraction Stack Depth Migration of Active Source Short-offset Marine and Long-offset Seismic Data
★ 以部分波場逆推及模擬對沿TAIGER T6測線的台灣北部地區進行深部構造成像★ 台灣西南近海Formosa Ridge天然氣水合物和游離氣岩石物理參數估算
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摘要(中) 振幅隨支距變化(AVO)分析可提供一個準確辨識甲烷水合物及可能生成機制的方法。其目的最終為透過岩石物理學進一步確定岩石的類型以及包括流體含量、孔隙度、密度和震波速度等相關的石油物理參數。經由AVO屬性分析可以輔助標定水合物的分布。透過針對平行海床地形且與海床反射極性相反的海底仿擬反射(BSR)來辨識甲烷水合物與游離氣的存在。經過詳細的AVO特徵分析可瞭解沉積物中有水合物層的存在及可造成P波震波速度的增加,並且在甲烷水合物穩定區的頂部產生強反射。穩定區底部的震波與AVO屬性分析為確認BSR存在的重要分析步驟。其下的游離氣層可形成”亮點”,亦為證實甲烷水合物存在的重要特徵。
本論文專注於台灣西南海域下枋寮盆地的長支距MGL0908-TST和短支距MCS937-10震測資料的資料處理與分析工作。依據Ak-Richard的兩項近似值(two term approximations)進行AVO與屬性分析。並進一步透過彈性波模擬進行合成震波記錄模擬,同時透過合成資料比較AVO效應分析的結果,以確認與實際資料間的緊密相關性。實際震波記錄資料需要透過保持震幅的幾何擴散損耗補償資料處理,以避免人為影響波形。同時,針對水合物存在區域的合成記錄與實際資料兩者間AVO效應的比較進行探討。合成AVO模擬的研究可確認天然氣沉積物的反射係數會隨角度的增加而減少。針對下枋寮盆地標定的目標區域,透過重合前同中點集合進行AVO分析可確實的辨識出甲烷水合物的存在證據。AVO效應的發生,主要是因應被水合物地層所覆蓋且圈合著的游離氣層,隨著距離與角度的改變所造成的彈性波阻抗變化。AVO分析中,可觀測到雙程走時2250毫秒附近的反射訊號與其下方有不同程度的AVO異常。進一步透過AVO模擬可以明確地指出其下方天然氣的存在。AVO分析主要以AVO屬性中的截距(intercept, A)、梯度(gradient, B)、sign(A)*B及泊松比(Poisson’s ration)等參數來偵測其存在的可能性。梯度分析(gradient analysis)和綜合圖表(crossplot)皆顯示為第三類型AVO反應,顯示游離氣的確存在於高速層(甲烷水合物)的下方。經由AVO分析後,可以確定下枋寮盆地中有甲烷水合物實質存在的量化證據。進一步更實際的針對該區進行量化工作則需仰賴未來三維資料分析的工作。
摘要(英) Amplitude versus offset (AVO) analysis provides an accurate method to identify gas hydrate and possible occurrence mechanism. The ultimate goal is to determine type of rock and associate petro-physical parameters including fluid content, porosity, density and seismic velocity. Areal distribution of hydrate can be easily identified through AVO attributes. A bottom simulating reflector (BSR) which sub-parallels to the seafloor topography with reverse polarity compare to sea-floor reflection is a helpful hint to identify the presence of gas hydrate. The preliminary features indicate the presence of hydrate layer within the sediments is that the velocity will increase and also generating a strong reflector on top of gas hydrate stability zone. This study focus on MGL0908-TST and MCS937-10 seismic data in lower Fangliao Basin, Taiwan
In this study, AVO synthetic modelling for AVO analysis were performed based on Aki-Richard’s two term approximations and elastic modeling. Amplitude preserved seismic data processing with compensation of geometrical spreading loss were required and avoid artificial influence on the waveform. Synthetic compared with the real data gathers at hydrate concentration zones for AVO effects are investigated. Synthetic AVO study confirms the AVO theory that the gas-saturated sediment exhibit reduction of reflection coefficient with increasing incidence angle. For real data application, the AVO analysis under CMP gather at specific location acquired in the lower fangliao basin were investigated in order to confirm the presence of gas hydrate. The AVO effects occur mainly due to the presence of free gas-bearing zone usually trapped by the overlying hydrate formations. AVO analysis is performed on reflection event around TWT 2250 mili-second can be observed with indication of gas supply from below show distinct AVO anomaly. The AVO anomalies were identified from AVO attributes such as intercept (A), gradient (B), product A*B and Poisson’s ratio attributes. The gradient analysis and crossplot show Class 3 AVO response indicating the free gas beneath a high velocity layer, in this case, gas hydrate. The existence of gas hydrate in lower Fangliao Basin can be confirmed by AVO analysis.
關鍵字(中) ★ 甲烷水合物
★ 海底仿擬反射
★ 振幅隨支距變化分析
★ 振幅隨支距變化合成模擬
★ 下枋寮盆地
關鍵字(英) ★ Gas Hydrate
★ AVO Analysis
★ AVO Modeling
★ Lower Fangliao Basin
論文目次 Table of Contents

Chinese Abstract …………………………………………………………………………..i
Abstract ………………………………………………………………………………...…ii
Acknowledgements ………………………………………………………………………iii
Table of Contents ………………………………………………………………………...iv
List of Figures ……………………………………………………………………………vi
List of Tables …………………………….……………………………………………….ix
Chapter One Introduction
1.1. Gas Hydrate …………………………………………………………………….1
1.2. Geological and Tectonic Settings ………………………………………………4
1.3. Objectives of Study …………………………………………………………….7
1.4. Over-all Thesis Arrangement …………………………………………………..9
Chapter Two AVO/AVA Theory and Modeling
2.1. Amplitude versus Offset, bright-spot, dim-spot and flat-spot …………………22
2.1.1. Offset-Dependent Reflection Coefficient ………………………………24
2.1.2. Simplification and Related Studies …………………………………….25
2.2. Synthetic AVO Modeling …………………………………………………….. 30
2.3. AVO Analysis ………………………………………………………………….37
2.3.1. Classification of AVO responses ……………………………………….37
2.3.2. Supergather ……………………………………………………………..39
2.3.3. AVO versus AVA ………………………………………………………..40
2.4. Seismic Attributes ……………………………………………………………...42
2.4.1. Instantaneous Amplitude ……………………………………………….43
2.4.2. Instantaneous Phase …………………………………………………….44
2.5. AVO Attributes ………………………………………………………………...44
2.5.1. Intercept (A) ……………………………………………………………44
2.5.2. Gradient (B) …………………………………………………………….44
2.5.3. Product A*B ……………………………………………………………45
2.5.4. Pseudo Poisson’s Ratio (A+B) ………………………………………....45
2.5.5. Curvature ………………………………………………………….……46
2.6. AVO Crossplotting Theory ……………………………………………….……46
2.7. Relationship of Poisson’s Ratio to Wave Velocities …………………………...50
2.8. Factors Affecting Reflection Amplitude …………………………………….…51
Chapter Three Real Data Application, Amplitude Preserved Processing Workflow, Post-stack Migration and Interpretation
3.1. Seismic Processing Method ……………………………………………………69
3.1.1. SEG-D Input ……………………………………………………………69
3.1.2. Data Description ………………………………………………………..69
3.1.3. Filtering ………………………………………………………………...70
3.1.4. Trace Editing …………………………………………………………...70
3.1.5. Spherical Divergence Correction both in time and space ……………...71
3.1.6. Sorting Data from Common Shot Point to Common Mid Point ……….72
3.1.7. Deconvolution ………………………………………………………….72
3.1.8. Velocity Analysis and Normal MoveOut Correction …………………...74
3.1.9. NMO Stretch Mute ……………………………………………………..75
3.1.10. Stacking ……………………………………………………………….76
3.1.11. The Presence of BSR ………………………………………………….77
3.1.12. Seismic Attributes ……………………………………………………..80
Chapter Four AVO Processing, Analysis and Interpretation
4.1. Supergather …………………………………………………………………...107
4.2. Angle gather ………………………………………………………………….108
4.3. AVO Gradient Analysis ………………………………………………………108
4.4. AVO Attributes ……………………………………………………………….109
4.4.1. Intercept (A or P) ……………………………………………………...110
4.4.2. Gradient (B or G) ……………………………………………………..110
4.4.3. Product (A*B or PxG) ………………………………………………...110
4.4.4. Sign (A) * B …………………………………………………………...111
4.4.4. Poisson’s ratio (A+B or P+G) …………………………………………111
4.4.5. Curvature (C) ………………………………………………………….112
4.4.6. (A-B/2 or (P-G)/2 ……………………………………………………..112
4.4.7. (A+B)/2 or (P+G)/2 ………………………………………………… ..112
4.4.8. Fluid Factor …………………………………………………...………112
4.5. Crossplot Visualization of AVO Gradient and Intercept ……………………..113
4.6. Interval Velocity Analysis for BSR Layer ……………………………………115
4.7. BSR Reflection Coefficient …………………………………………………..116
4.8. Real Data Verification – AVO Modeling ……………………………………..117
Chapter Five Conclusions, future work and suggestions ………………………………141
References ……………………………………………………………………………...145
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指導教授 陳浩維(How-Wei Chen) 審核日期 2016-1-29
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