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姓名 施彥安(Yen-An Shih)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 學習與教學研究所
(A synthesis of data-driven pattern analysis on co-construction concept map activity and social learning network)
★ 社群媒體中結構化知識活動對英文為外語學生預寫成效之研究★ 認知風格與先備知識於預測、模擬、觀察、解釋科學探究活動之影響
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摘要(中) 社群平台如Facebook已經成為學習者不可或缺的一部份,社會學習網路可以在相關的社群平台中發現,它呈現學習者、教師、和學習模組之間的互動網絡。然而,對於一個社會學習網絡平台,其在教育應用需考慮諸多面向,例如:學習者多元化、學習者同質性等。也因為其複雜的社會學習網絡結構,一個評量學生在社群網絡學習特性的方法是必需的。因此,本論文旨在探討上述的研究方向,並提出一個以教育為出發點所設計的社會學習網絡平台 CoCoing.info。本論文主要分為二個實證研究,(1)基於CoCoing.info平台的社會學習網絡形態分析,以及(2)學生同質性在巢狀學習網絡之影響。二個實證研究皆包含其核心研究目的、研究設計、及研究貢獻之探討。本論文研究結果發現:(1)學生持續使用CoCoing.info進行學習活動進而發展出高密度互動的學習網絡、(2)教師在社會學習網絡中扮演關鍵的學習互動角色、(3)學生在平台上的互動呈現巢狀的社會網絡結構,其指出學生在社會學習環境是以群組模式進行學習、(4)巢狀學習網路比社會學習網路有更高的學生同質性的表現、以及(5)巢狀學習網路的巢狀大小與學生同質性呈現正向關係。
摘要(英) Social network sites (SNSs) such as Facebook have been an essential aspect of learners’ daily life all over the world. Social learning network (SLN), a network of interaction between learners, teachers, and educational practices, could be found in SNSs that are specifically designed for educational environments. However, to understand the effects of SLN on a designed social learning platform, researchers must consider how varying individuals and social context influence social learning. Because complexity and interconnectivity of connections in SLNs, an approach for scrutinizing student patterns is needed and timely. Therefore, this dissertation aims to fill those research gaps with a new developed social network learning platform called CoCoing.info. The investigation is focusing on students’ SLNs on CoCoing.info based on two empirical studies, including (1) the SLN pattern analysis on CoCoing.info and (2) the effects of student homophily on cellular learning network. Each study has core research questions, designed analysis approaches, and insightful discussion of the research findings and indications. Overall, the findings of this dissertation revealed that (1) students continued to use CoCoing.info to interact with their peers and developed high density interaction patterns, (2) teachers on the CoCoing.info had key player roles in the SLNs, (3) a cellular learning network revealed students learned in a group format in social learning environment, (4) cellular learning network has higher student homophily than SLN, and (5) the cell size in cellular learning network has positive correlation toward student homophily development.
關鍵字(中) ★ 社會學習網路
★ 巢狀學習網路
★ 社會網絡分析
★ 概念圖
★ 學生同質性
★ 學生分群
關鍵字(英) ★ social learning network
★ cellular learning network
★ social network analysis
★ concept map
★ student homophily
★ student grouping
論文目次 Table of Contents
Abstract i
摘要 ii
Table of Contents iii
Table of Figures v
Table of Tables vi
Chapter 1: Introduction 1
1.1 Research background 1
1.1.1 The impacts of social network sites on educational settings 1
1.1.2 The era of student generated content 2
1.1.3 The mining on invaluable educational big data 3
1.2 Research motivation 5
1.2.1 The booming of social learning environment 5
1.2.2 The diversity and complexity of social interaction 6
1.3 Research scenario and questions 8
1.4 Definition of terms 10
Chapter 2: Literature review 12
2.1 Social network 12
2.1.1 SNSs 12
2.1.2 SLN, networked learning, and network-based knowledge 14
2.1.3 Student grouping 16
2.1.4 Key players in SLN 17
2.1.5 Student homophily 19
2.2 Technology-supported concept mapping 20
2.3 Educational data mining 22
2.3.1 Social network analysis 24
2.3.2 Text mining for student modeling 26
Chapter 3: Social learning network platform-CoCoing.info 28
3.1 Social network construction 29
3.2 Instant message 31
3.3 Concept map construction 33
3.4 Database design and data collection 35
Chapter 4 (Study I): The SLN pattern analysis on CoCoing.info 37
4.1 Research purposes 37
4.2 Methods 37
4.3 Results 38
4.4 Discussion 42
4.4.1 High density interaction 42
4.4.2 Key players 42
4.4.3 Cellular learning network 43
Chapter 5 (Study II): The effects of student homophily on cellular learning network 45
5.1 Research purposes 45
5.2 Methods 46
5.2.1 Analysis of the KS and IF in each social tie 46
5.2.2 Data analysis 47
5.3 Results 48
5.4 Discussion 50
5.4.1 The student homophily effects on cellular learning network 50
5.4.2 The relationship between student homophily and cell size on cellular learning network 51
Chapter 6: Conclusions 53
References 54

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指導教授 張立杰(Ben Chang) 審核日期 2021-3-23
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