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姓名 盧玠勳(Chieh-Hsun Lu)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 物理學系
論文名稱 以脈衝雷射沉積與脈衝雷射退火製造鍺/矽量子點與成長鍺薄膜於單晶矽上並應用於光偵測器的研究
(Development of Pulsed Laser Deposition and Pulsed Laser Annealing to Fabricate Ge/Si Quantum Dots and Ge-on-Si Thin Film for Application to Photodetector)
★ GW準粒子於Mn3O4和GaN的激發態性質計算★ 混合物種與低溫冷凍原子團簇噴流的發展
★ 以雷射脈衝對磁性薄膜進行超快磁轉化及其動態時間解析★ 以脈衝雷射沈積製造FeBO3薄膜
★ 共焦拉曼與螢光顯微鏡之發展及其在材料診斷上之應用★ 以光激發黑色素來清除細胞環境中之活性氧之探討
★ 發展在電漿波導式雷射電漿波電子加速器中誘發電子注入與X 光產生之技術★ 莫斯堡光譜儀的建造以及其應用到FeCO3薄膜的診斷
★ 發展利用另一道脈衝雷射在脈衝雷射沉 積技術中成長碳薄膜的雷射同步過程進 行碳薄膜晶向之控制★ 研究以雷射進行基板之前置處理來達到控制脈衝雷射沉積的矽鍺量子點的尺寸分布的可行性
★ 以超短脈衝雷射沉積技術製作鍺/矽薄膜之研究★ 一百兆瓦雷射系統之建造與在結構化電漿波導之應用
★ 以基質輔助脈衝雷射蒸鍍法製備聚3-己基噻酚/(6,6)-苯基-C61-丁酸甲酯有機太陽能電池★ 藥物劑量與復原時間影響光動力療法疫苗之功效的系統性研究
★ 光控制實用的材料製程在PEM燃料電池及光電元件上的應用★ 以工程技術調控SnSe和CaZn2Sb2熱電材料於廢回收之應用
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摘要(中) 薄膜成長一直都是半導體產業的核心,目前最普遍使用的技術為化學氣相沈積(CVD)。在CVD的磊晶中,需要足夠高的成長溫度才能得到一個缺陷少及結晶性好的鍺薄膜。但高溫會產生S-K模式的成長,導致鍺薄膜表面不平整。因此本實驗採用脈衝雷射沈積(PLD)系統來沈積高品質的鍺薄膜。


另一方面,鍺/矽量子點的成長為本實驗的另一個重點。基於量子侷限效應,量子點在很多光電元件的應用上有很大的潛力,這類的應用通常需要高密度、小尺寸且均勻的量子點。為此,本實驗發展了脈衝雷射退火(PLA)技術,主要是利用一道均勻的線聚焦脈衝雷射,掃過一層預先沉積在矽基板上的鍺薄膜,以此誘發量子點的形成。PLA可以藉由調整雷射通量、移動速度以及薄膜厚度來控制量子點的大小。在適當的參數設定下,PLA可以誘發大面積、小尺寸、高密度且均勻的量子點形成。在此方法下,平均直徑約25 奈米,高度約2.9奈米,密度約每平方公分 6 1010 個的量子點,可以均勻的在大於4平方毫米的面積中生成。最後基於量子點成長趨勢與脈衝雷射參數的關係,進而提出一個雷射誘發量子點形成的機制模型。
摘要(英) Thin film deposition is always considered the heart of semiconductor industry. Nowadays, chemical vapor deposition (CVD) is widely used for this purpose. In CVD technique, a high growth temperature, normally at 600 °C, is required for the deposition of high quality Ge thin film with low threading dislocation density. However, the high growth temperature may lead to high surface roughness caused by S-K growth. Thus, pulsed laser deposition (PLD) system is used to deposit high-quality epitaxial Ge thin film on Si substrate in this work.

In PLD, the kinetic energy of Ge atoms is high enough for them to diffuse to a position where has the lowest free energy after striking substrate. This phenomenon results in a better crystallinity of the deposited thin film, and a lower growth temperature at which S-K growth mode won’t occur. To further improve the quality of Ge thin film, rapid thermal annealing (RTA) is introduced right after the deposition. Finally, a photodetector with optimized Ge thin film grown by PLD is fabricated and characterized, which is the first time in our lab.

On the other hand, the fabrication of Ge/Si quantum dots (QDs) is another issue in this work. Due to the quantum confinement effect, QDs exhibits a huge potential for a variety of applications in optoelectronic devices. For most of these applications, a large area with uniform high-density and small-size QDs is required. In this work, we demonstrate that this can be achieved by scanning a pre-deposited Ge thin film on Si with a line-focused pulsed laser beam. This technique is also called scanning pulsed laser annealing. Moreover, the size of Ge/Si QDs can be precisely controlled by the laser fluence, laser scan speed and Ge film thickness. With suitable settings, Ge/Si QDs with a mean height of 2.9 nm, mean diameter of 25 nm, and dots density of 6 1010 cm-2 can be formed over an area larger than 4 mm2. Based on the dependences of the formation of QDs on laser parameters, a model is proposed for the mechanism underlying the laser induced formation of the Ge/Si QDs.
關鍵字(中) ★ 脈衝雷射沈積
★ 脈衝雷射退火
★ 鍺薄膜
★ 螺紋狀差排缺陷密度
★ 蝕刻斑密度
★ 量子點
★ 微影技術
★ 光偵測器
關鍵字(英) ★ pulsed laser deposition
★ pulsed laser annealing
★ Ge thin film
★ threading dislocation density
★ etch pits density
★ quantum dots
★ lithography
★ photodetector
論文目次 中文摘要 i
Abstract ii
致謝 iv
Contents v
List of Figures vii
List of Tables x
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Why Germanium? 1
1.1.1 Ge-on-Si Thin Film 2
1.1.2 Ge/Si Quantum Dots 6
1.2 Fabrication of Materials 10
1.2.1 Pulsed Laser Deposition 11
1.2.2 Film Growth Modes 13
1.3 Near-Infrared Photodetector 14
1.3.1 Device configurations 15
1.3.2 PIN Ge/Si Photodiodes 16
1.4 Motivations and Goals 18
Chapter 2 Experimental Techniques 19
2.1 Pulsed Laser Deposition 21
2.1.1 Light Source and Optics 21
2.1.2 Fluence Calculation and Deposition Rate Calculation 22
2.1.3 Target and Substrate 25
2.2 Pulsed Laser Annealing 27
2.2.1 Light Source and Optics for Annealing Beam 27
2.2.2 Laser Scan Speed and Accumulated Laser Shots 28
2.2.3 A Simple Numerical Simulation 29
2.3 Etch Pits Density Experiment 31
2.3 Photodetector Fabrication 31
2.3.1 Materials 32
2.3.2 Fabrication Procedure for Photodetector 33
2.4 Diagnostic Tools 35
2.4.1 Atomic Force Microscopy 36
2.4.2 Scanning Electron Microscopy 36
2.4.3 Raman Spectroscopy 36
2.4.4 X-Ray Diffraction 37
2.4.5 Characterization of Photodetector 38
Chapter 3 Ge-on-Si Thin Film 40
3.1 Deposition of Germanium 40
3.2 Annealing 41
3.3 Photodetectors 46
3.3.1 End Products 46
3.3.2 Performance of Photodetector 46
Chapter 4 Laser-Induced Formation of Ge/Si Quantum Dots 49
4.1 Formation of Ge/Si Quantum Dots 49
4.1.1 The Structure of Pulsed Laser-Induced Quantum Dots 51
4.1.2 Dependence on Laser Scan Speed 51
4.1.3 Dependence on Laser Peak Fluence 52
4.1.4 Dependence on Germanium Layer Thickness 54
4.1.5 Crystallinity of Quantum Dots and Ge/Si Inter-diffusion 55
4.2 Physical Model 56
4.3 Conclusion 58
Chapter 5 Summary and Perspective 59
References 61
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指導教授 陳賜原 審核日期 2017-1-11
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