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姓名 李泳德(Yung-Te Le)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 機械工程學系
論文名稱 電漿聚合系統在不同功率下製成聚吡咯薄膜之特性及微結構分析
(Effects of Radio Frequency Power on the Microstructures and Proprties of Plasma Polymerized Polypyrrole Thin Films)
★ G10液晶玻璃基板之機械手臂牙叉結構改良與最佳化設計★ 線性齒頂修整對正齒輪之傳動誤差與嚙合頻能量影響分析
★ 沖床齒輪分析與改善★ 凝膠濃度對胎盤幹細胞貼附及分化之影響
★ 以互補型盤狀圓弧刀具創成之曲線齒齒輪有限元素應力分析★ 修整型曲線齒輪對齒面接觸應力與負載下傳動誤差之研究
★ 衛載遙測取像儀反射鏡加工缺陷檢測與最佳光學成像品質之運動學裝配設計★ 應用經驗模態分解法於正齒輪對之傳動誤差分析
★ 小軸交角之修整型正齒輪與凹面錐形齒輪組設計與負載下齒面接觸分析★ 摻雜銀或銀銅氮氧化鉭薄膜之製備、特性分析及抗菌行為分析
★ 以反應式磁控濺鍍製備Ag2O/TiO2疊層薄膜及其特性之研究★ 修整型正齒輪對動態模擬與實驗
★ 應用繞射光學元件之齒輪量測系統開發★ 漸開線與切線雙圓弧齒形之諧波齒輪有限元素分析與齒形設計
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摘要(中) 運用電漿製程技術將液態吡咯單體氣化並沉積在玻璃/矽基板形成聚吡咯薄膜,再藉由探討不同PF功率下之對結構變化組成的影響。透過OES偵測儀器得到電漿組成光譜以及其他特性檢測方式如下:使用Surface profiler測量平均膜厚;FTIR測量微觀結構的振動模式;UV-Vis光譜儀測量薄膜之光穿透率、反射率以及吸收率;水接觸角量測量表面親水性。根據物質特性分析後,了解到在越高瓦數情況下薄膜沉積速率越快。所有製程之薄膜皆為透明且由吡咯分子組成。並依據功率及流量不同之影響選擇一組製程參數以做為藥物釋放之實驗測試。將實驗藥物(地塞米松21-磷酸二鈉鹽)夾在聚吡咯薄膜及基板之間然後浸至去離子水中,結果指出隨著時間增加,藥物在水中的濃度也增加,並在45小時後達到飽和。
摘要(英) Polypyrrole films, deposited on glass or silicon substrate by plasma polymerization under different radio frequency power and pyrrole flow rates, were investigated in this study. The plasma condition was monitored by optical emission spectrometer and films’ properties and functions are assessed by following instruments: Surface profiler for the average thickness and deposition rate; Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy for the microstructural vibration modes; optical spectrometer for transmittance, reflectance and absorbance; and contact angel for wettability. From material characterizations, we find that the thicker films deposited faster if power is increased. All deposited films are transparent and made of fragmented pyrrole such as C-N, C=N, C=C and N-H whereas the main part of pyrrole C=C=C, N=C=C bonds are relatively weak, which implies most carbon ring structures were fractured by plasma. After material characterizations, a set of optimal process parameters, i.e. power and flow rate are chosen to deposit the pyrrole film as a diffusion barrier for chemical release. The chemical, dexamethasone 21-phosphate disodium salt, sandwiched between polypyrrole and substrate is immersed in de-ionized water over time. The concentration of released DPS in water via deposited film was found to increase with time but saturates after 48 hours.
關鍵字(中) ★ 電漿聚合系統
★ 聚吡咯
關鍵字(英) ★ plasma polymerized system
★ polypyrrole
1.1 Plasma Polymerized Polypyrrole Thin Film 1
1.2 Plasma Polymerized System 3
1.3 Objective 5
1.4 Study Layout 6
2-1 PPY Thin Film Deposition by Plasma Polymerization 7
2-1-1 Monomer and Substrate Preparation 7
2-1-2 Film Deposition 8
2-2 Characterization 9
2-2-1 Plasma Diagnostics 9
2-2-2 Material Characterization 10
2-3 Chemical Release Test 16
3-1 Experimental Procedure 18
3-2 Plasma Parameters 19
4-1 Plasma Characterization 20
Optical Emission Spectrometer 20
4-2 Material Characterizations 21
(1) Average Deposition Rate and Surface Morphology 21
(2) FTIR Spectrum 23
(3) XPS Spectrum 24
(4) EDS Spectrum 27
(5) UV-Vis-NIR Spectrum 29
(6) Ellipsometry 31
(7) Contact Angle 33
4-3 Chemical Release Test 33
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指導教授 陳怡呈、李泉(Yi-Cheng Chen Chuan Li) 審核日期 2016-8-12
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