博碩士論文 103323058 詳細資訊

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姓名 許端祐(Duan-you Syu)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 機械工程學系
論文名稱 移動式顆粒床之進口粉塵濃度與再生循環對過濾效率的影響
★ 筆記型電腦改良型自然對流散熱設計★ 移動式顆粒床過濾器濾餅流場與過濾性能之研究
★ IP67防水平板電腦設計研究★ 汽車多媒體導航裝置散熱最佳化研究
★ 流動式顆粒床過濾器三維流場觀察及能性能測試★ 流動式顆粒床過濾器冷性能測試
★ 流動式顆粒床過濾器過濾機制研究★ 二維流動式顆粒床過濾器內部配置設計研究
★ 循環式顆粒床過濾器過濾性能研究★ 流動式顆粒床過濾器之流場型態設計與研究
★ 流動式顆粒床過濾器之流動校正單元設計與分析研究★ 流動式顆粒床過濾器之雙葉片型流動校正單元設計與冷性能過濾機制研究
★ 稻稈固態衍生燃料成型性分析之研究★ 流動式顆粒床過濾器之不對稱葉片設計與冷性能過濾機制研究
★ 流動式顆粒床過濾器之滾筒式粉塵分離系統與冷性能過濾及破碎效應研究★ 稻稈固態衍生燃料加入添加物成型性分析之研究
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摘要(中) 本研究依據先前開發針對中高溫除塵技術-移動式顆粒床過濾器
濾效率的結果皆維持在99%以上,出口粉塵平均粒徑為1.75 μm 以
流率480 g/min、滾筒轉速21.5 rpm,在入口表面風速70 cm/s 的條件
下,可以得到較佳的過濾效率與出口粉塵平均粒徑,分別為98.6 %與
3.65 μm。
摘要(英) This study is based on the high temperature dust removal technology-
Moving Granular Bed Filter and other subsystems (e.g. Gas delivery
system, Filter/dust screening system and Filter recycle system) operation
test for long term. The experimental results can provide the future
development of high-temperature dust removal technology and
commercial basis.
This thesis investigated the operation of granular bed filter in different
conditions of dust concentration, the regeneration efficiency is affected by
the different separation rates due to different operation methods and dust
contents in the drum screening system, the influence of overall efficiency
of the granular bed filter from trace dust through the regeneration cycle
pipeline back into the granular bed in the regeneration process, and the
variation of the whole collection efficiency, pressure drop and export dust
size in different inlet dust concentration.
The experimental results showed that the amount of dust contents
cannot affect its overall screening efficiency in the drum screening system.
For the overall filter efficiency of the granular bed filter, the import with
low dust concentration can provide great collection efficiency and low
export dust size, each of them are more than 99% and less than 1.75μm
respectively. But when the condition of high dust concentration that
collection efficiency and dust size has a large fluctuation due to
supersaturation of the dust content inside the granular bed. The
experimental results show that the mass flow rate of filter media is 480
g/min and the rotational speed is 21.5 rpm. On the condition of inlet velocity of 70 cm/s, the collection efficiency and dust size is 98.6% and
3.65 μm.
關鍵字(中) ★ 移動式顆粒床過濾器
★ 粉塵濃度
★ 篩分效率
★ 過濾效率
關鍵字(英) ★ moving granular bed filter
★ dust concentration
★ screening efficiency
★ collection efficiency
論文目次 摘要 ......................................................................................................... I
ABSTRACT .......................................................................................... II
目錄 ...................................................................................................... IV
附圖目錄 .............................................................................................. VI
附表目錄 .............................................................................................. XI
第一章 簡介 ........................................................................................... 1
1.1 前言 .................................................................................................. 1
1.2 文獻回顧 ........................................................................................... 3
1.3 研究目的 ........................................................................................... 8
1.4 論文章節架構 ................................................................................... 9
第二章 滾筒篩分系統實驗 .................................................................. 12
2.1 實驗材料及設備 ............................................................................. 12
2.1.1 實驗材料及量測儀器 .................................................................. 12
2.1.2 實驗設備 ..................................................................................... 13
2.2 相關理論 ......................................................................................... 14
2.3 實驗參數 ......................................................................................... 16
2. 4 實驗步驟 ........................................................................................ 17
2.5 實驗結果與討論 ............................................................................. 19
第三章 連續化顆粒床整合過濾系統實驗 .......................................... 25
3.1 實驗設備 ......................................................................................... 25
3.1.1 實驗材料及量測儀器 .................................................................. 25
3.1.2 顆粒床濾過器整合系統實驗設備 .............................................. 26
3.2 相關理論 ......................................................................................... 29
3.2.1 分離過濾行為 ............................................................................. 29
3.2.2 分離過濾機制 ............................................................................. 30
3.3 實驗參數 ......................................................................................... 33
3.4 實驗步驟 ......................................................................................... 35
3.5 實驗結果與討論 ............................................................................. 36
3.5.1 固定粉塵濃度4612.5 mg/m3(3750 ppmw),改變質量流率及滾
筒轉速之實驗結果 ............................................................................... 36
3.5.2 固定粉塵濃度9225 mg/m3(7500 ppmw),改變質量流率及滾筒
轉速之實驗結果 ................................................................................... 38
3.5.3 固定粉塵濃度18450 mg/m3(15000 ppmw),改變質量流率及滾
筒轉速之實驗結果 ............................................................................... 39
3.6 總結 ................................................................................................ 40
第四章 結論 ......................................................................................... 67
4.1 滾筒篩分系統 ................................................................................. 67
4.2 顆粒床整合過濾系統實驗 .............................................................. 67
參考文獻 ............................................................................................... 70
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指導教授 蕭述三(Shu-san Hsiau) 審核日期 2017-1-19
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