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姓名 周永倫(Yung-Lun Chou)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 企業管理學系
論文名稱 以電子發票之視覺化資料探勘分析台灣老年消費市場
(Visual data mining of the e-invoice to analyze Taiwan’s elderly consumer market)
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摘要(中) 隨著台灣人口不斷老化,老人相關產業亦隨之興起並且快速發展。因此本研究利用視覺化資料探勘分析台灣老年消費市場。過去對老年消費市場的研究,主要利用問卷方式進行市場調查,而本次研究資料來源為財政部財政資訊中心之電子發票。電子發票廣泛應用在零售業包含超商及大型量販店等,2015年電子發票零售業消費金額為570億元,故本研究利用電子發票能以更大規模分析調查老年消費市場。根據本研究資料視覺化的基礎分析研究顯示,2014年老年消費市場共開立83.6萬張電子發票,2015年則開立98.1萬張電子發票。透過熱圖分析全年平均發票交易金額顯示,母親節檔期會增加老年消費的情況。利用甜甜圈圖分析品項類別,顯示目前台灣老年消費市場的販售品項以食品為主,其次為保健品,兩者合計市占率達90%。區域地理分析的部份,利用樹圖分析台灣各縣市平均發票交易金額最高者為台北市。老年相關指標則利用填充地圖與金字塔圖分析從各個老年指標對應之老年消費市場可發現,不論是各地方老年人口密度、扶老比指數及老化指數並無與老年消費市場有相關的趨勢。利用資料視覺化分析電子發票可使巨量的資料快速地進行歸納統整,並且提供決策者以最直覺的方式,使用圖像直接了解資訊所傳遞的內容。
摘要(英) As the population aging in Taiwan increases at a fast rate, the elderly related markets also rise and develop rapidly. Previous studies generally conducted elderly market research by questionnaire. However, electronic invoices are increasingly used in the retail industry. Hence, this study aims to use visual data mining on electronic invoices (e-invoices) to analyze Taiwan’s elderly consumer market. The data used in this study were collected from the Fiscal Information Agency, Ministry of Finance in Taiwan. There were 836,000 and 981,000 e-invoices on elderly-related products in 2014 and 2015, respectively. The elderly consumer market is about 57 billion dollars in 2015. By using heat map analysis on average expenditure per e-invoice, it indicates that people spent more on the elderly-related products during the promotion period of the Mother’s Day. By using doughnut chart on product category, food and dietary supplement were the top two categories, which accounts for around 90% of the elderly consumer market. By using TreeMap analysis from the geographical perspective, Taipei city had the highest average expenditures of e-invoices in 2014 and 2015. This study also investigated the elderly consumer market with the indicators of population aging through fill map and pyramids graph analysis. The result shows that population density of elderly, old-age dependency ratio and aging index were not associated with the trends of the elderly consumer market. This study demonstrates how to use data visualization methods on e-invoice data to analyze elderly consumer market. Corresponding policy and decision makers can refer these approaches to understand the complicated market data in the constructive ways.
關鍵字(中) ★ 老年化社會
★ 老年消費市場
★ 視覺化資料探勘
★ 電子發票
關鍵字(英) ★ Aging society
★ The elderly consumer market
★ Visual data mining
★ Electronic invoicing
摘要 i
致謝 iii
目錄 iv
圖目錄 vi
表目錄 viii
第一章緒論 1
1.1研究背景與動機 1
1.2研究目的 4
第二章文獻探討 6
2.1老年化社會 6
2.2老年消費市場 9
第三章研究方法 16
3.1資料蒐集 16
3.1.1 資料蒐集 16
3.1.2關鍵字擷取 17
3.2 資料清理 17
3.2.1不相關品項排除 17
3.2.2退貨處理 18
3.2.3購買排序 19
3.2.4品項合併 19
3.2.5品項分類 20
3.3視覺化資料探勘 21
第四章研究結果與討論 26
4.1視覺化資料探勘:基礎分析 26
4.2視覺化資料探勘:區域地理分析 38
4.3視覺化資料探勘:老年相關指標分析 57
第五章結論 62
參考資料 64
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