摘要(英) |
Strategy is the priorities when it comes to cooperation development. It defines time and space orientation for a corporation, and is widely used by SWOT analysis. Business model has been intensively discussed in recent years. It is believed that there is an excellent business model behind a successful business. Yet, the thing that helps those entrepreneurs made it on their own is often is just on a whim, not to rely on a well-designed business model. This study will be based on SWOT. The SWOT factors will be collected through the literature analysis. I would use a three-phased coding to construct a common core facet of business model which would give people a better understanding of the relevance between strategy and business model.
First of all, this study reviews the strategy and business model and understand their development and context. Also, this study will determine the relationship between strategy and business model. Then this study would depict the seven core business model facets which are value proposition, products and services, profit formula, key resources, market distribution, rivalry and environmental externalities through data collection of SWOT factors and an extension combined with the three-phase coding,.
In conclusion, the study would clarify the relationship between the strategies and business models, develop a common core the business model, and discuss the relevance between the core business model and the original business model. Therefore, people would realize what the core of business models is really about when it comes to discussing core aspects of a business model. |
參考文獻 |
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