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姓名 黃翊軒(Yi-Hsuan Huang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 產業經濟研究所
論文名稱 隱私權於資訊時代中之再思考-以被遺忘權為核心
(Re-conceptualizing the Right to Privacy in a Network Society: Refining the Right to Be Forgotten)
★ 網路中立原則 - 我國管制可能性之研究★ 電子投票與民主參與 -以英國之實驗經驗為借鏡
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★ 專利主張實體問題之研究─以美國經驗為借鏡★ 論跨媒體合併行為之管制―以民主機能之健全為中心
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★ 美國軟體專利適格性之研究 —談審查之趨勢與我國企業的因應之道★ 新興市場中之合作與競爭—以U.S. v. Apple案為中心
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摘要(中) 在資訊社會中個人資訊大量流通、數位記憶永恆、充斥偏頗與極端資訊、資訊唾手可得、資訊分析技術進步之五種環境氛圍,造成個人隱私權侵害問題不斷叢生,當代的隱私權保護法制也亟需革新。而所謂「被遺忘權」乃順應於當代資訊社會中的科技環境而生,2014年歐盟法院在Google v. AEPD一案中提出被遺忘權的概念,歐盟地區並預計於2018年落實歐盟個人資料保護規則中被遺忘權之規範,歐盟以被遺忘權作為解決政策提供了我國對於資訊時代中隱私權議題的新方向。
Five characters in a network society- abundant personal information, the infinite life of digital memory, prejudiced and extreme speech, easily retrieved information and advanced data-mining technology- result in enormous privacy infringing problem which also give rise to the proposal of so-called “right to be forgotten”. In 2014, Court of Justice of the European Union recognized the concept of right to be forgotten in the case of Google v. AEPD and the general data protection regulation set out right to be forgotten which would be formally implemented in Europe by 2018. The new movement of European Union provides us the perspective that exploits right to be forgotten as a solution policy to deal with the privacy issue in a network society.
This thesis regards the substance of right to be forgotten as including ‘right to oblivion’ and ‘right to erasure’ and defines right to be forgotten as “when the interest of data subject override the interest of data controller and public interest, data subject shall have the right to obtain from the controller the erasure or conceal of personal data concerning him or her criminal record, negative information, unlawfully processing information or juvenile record.” Under above definition, right to be forgotten can reconstruct the memorial ethics in a network society, empower individual the control over personal information, settle the reputation dispute in a digital world, and provide higher protection to the juvenile. It’s therefore necessary to practice right to be forgotten on the observation that the implementation of a right to be forgotten could overcome the hazard came along with the aforementioned characters in a network society, also would beneficial for the individual. To the end, this thesis suggests the judiciary should play a more positive role in recognizing the right to be forgotten in any related case. Besides, the legislature should amend right to be forgotten provision into Personal Data Protection Act by referring to the general data protection regulation when the judiciary hasn’t yet provided a clear view about right to be forgotten. To well exercise the discretion of right to be forgotten, an independent administrative agency should handle the right to be forgotten application with a consistent pattern, as well.
關鍵字(中) ★ 被遺忘權
★ 隱私權
★ 刪除權
★ 個人資料保護
★ 數位記憶
關鍵字(英) ★ right to be forgotten
★ right to privacy
★ right to erasure
★ personal data protection
★ digital memory
1 緒論 1
1.1 研究動機與問題意識 1
1.2 研究方法 3
1.3 研究限制 4
1.4 研究架構 6
2 資訊時代中的隱私權隱憂 9
2.1 數位科技對當代社會的影響 9
2.1.1 個人資訊大量流通的時代 10
2.1.2 數位記憶永恆的時代 13
2.1.3 充斥偏頗與極端資訊的時代 16
2.1.4 資訊唾手可得的時代 19
2.1.5 資料分析技術飛躍的時代 20
2.2 資訊時代中失控的隱私威脅 23
2.2.1 隱私權的概念 25
2.2.2 數位科技對於隱私權的挑戰 30
2.2.3 資訊時代中隱私權議題的救贖 36
3 從資訊時代中躋身而出的被遺忘權 45
3.1 被遺忘權概念的提出 45
3.1.1 Google v. AEPD(2014) 46
3.1.2 Google v. AEPD佐審官意見書 51
3.1.3 Google v. AEPD判決之實施指南書 57
3.1.4 歐盟個人資料保護規則中被遺忘權之規範 64
3.2 被遺忘權之近期發展 74
3.2.1 Google對被遺忘權之回應與落實 76
3.2.2 歐盟各國對被遺忘權之回應與落實 85
3.2.3 歐盟各國之被遺忘權相關案例 93
4 被遺忘權之深入分析與探討 101
4.1 尋求定義之被遺忘權 101
4.1.1 被遺忘權之權利本質-忘卻權與刪除權 102
4.1.2 被遺忘權之權利內涵-由權利本質觀察 110
4.2 被遺忘權之落實實益 122
4.2.1 重新建構記憶倫理並維繫遺忘的價值 123
4.2.2 賦予個人資訊掌控權 127
4.2.3 解決資訊時代中名譽侵害之問題 130
4.2.4 維繫資訊時代未成年人之利益 134
4.3 被遺忘權之侷限與負面效應 136
4.3.1 侵害表現自由 137
4.3.2 減損公共利益 140
4.3.3 權利內涵過於模糊 143
4.3.4 落實成效有限 145
4.3.5 被遺忘權並非解決數位時代隱私威脅之最佳方案 147
4.4 小結-調和被遺忘權之相異觀點 150
5 被遺忘權於我國法環境之適用 161
5.1 我國隱私權保護法制之檢討 161
5.1.1 司法院大法官解釋之再思考 162
5.1.2 個人資料保護法之再思考 166
5.2 於我國落實被遺忘權之方式與手段 172
5.2.1 我國法院之被遺忘權相關判決 173
5.2.2 被遺忘權之立法與相關配套措施 179
5.2.3 被遺忘權之權責機關與判斷標準 185
6 結論與展望 197
參考文獻 209
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指導教授 王明禮(Ming-Li Wang) 審核日期 2017-8-24
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