博碩士論文 103523029 詳細資訊

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姓名 林家豪(Jia-Hao Lin)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 通訊工程學系
論文名稱 可變正切超越函數之壓縮轉換法用於降低正交分頻多工訊號的峰均值比
(Companding Transform Method for PAPR Reduction of OFDM Signals with a Variable Hyperbolic Tangent Function)
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摘要(中) 正交分頻多工(Orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing,OFDM)系統中,在傳送端有嚴重的高峰均值比(Peak-to-Average Power Ratio,PAPR)的問題,因此對如何改善PAPR是個必須面對的議題。過去幾年,已經有很多技術被提出來降低OFDM訊號的PAPR問題,其中壓縮轉換(companding transform)也是常被拿來使用的技術之ㄧ,它的主要優點是計算複雜度低。在傳送端,壓縮轉換技術能有效的降低PAPR,但在接收端會因為訊號的還原,使得雜訊跟著一起被放大,導致符元錯誤率(Symbol Error Rate ,SER)提升。\n本論文,我們研究一個可變的hyperbolic tangent companding,以PAPR與SER的表現做為性能的評估。透過OFDM系統結合M-QAM調變進行模擬分析,我們設計了一個以PAPR與SER性能為指標的判斷式,以探討hyperbolic tangent companding的適當參數。利用這個參數來進行模擬結果,在PAPR與SER表現衡量下會有較佳的性能表現。
摘要(英) One drawback of orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) is high peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR) at the transmit terminal, which leads to an important issue to study how to reduce high PAPR for OFDM. There have been many PAPR reduction approaches proposed to reduce the PAPR of OFDM signals in the past decade. The companding transform method is one of attractive methods because of the advantage of low computational complexity. Although the companding approach can effectively reduce PAPR with a proper nonlinear compression function at the tramitter, the symbol error rate (SER) perfomance is seriously degraded because of noise amplification due to the expanding characteristics of the inverse of the compression function at the receiver.\
In this thesis, a variable hyperbolic tangent companding function is studied to take PAPR and SER into joint consideration for a practical performance tradeoff. Through theroretical anlaysis of the PAPR and SER performances of M-QAM for OFDM with the inverse hyperbolic tangent function for the expander, we design an index for joint consideration of PAPR and SER performances to explore a proper parameter for guiding the hyperbolic tangent companding function. Simulation results show that with the index, the proposed PAPR reduction method has a well tradeoff of the PAPR and SER performances.

關鍵字(中) ★ 正交分頻多工
★ 峰均值比
★ 壓縮轉換
關鍵字(英) ★ OFDM
★ Companding transform
論文目次 中文摘要 i
目錄 i
圖目錄 ii
表目錄 iii
第 1 章序論 1
1.1 簡介 1
1.2 章節架構4
第 2 章System Model 5
2.1 OFDM 與 PAPR 5
2.2 Companding 技術 8
第 3 章Companding function 以及 PAPR、SER 理論值計算與最佳效益計算11
3.1 Companding function 11
3.1.1 基於常數封包 (constant envelope) 分佈之 companding function 11
3.1.2 tanh companding function 15
3.2 PAPR、SER 理論值計算與最佳化計算 19
3.2.1 傳送端 Compressor 後計算 PAPR 19
3.2.2 接收端 Expander 後計算 SER 20
3.3 性能指標: 考慮 PAPR 與 SER 選擇最佳 C 值 23
第 4 章系統模擬與結果分析 28
4.1 模擬環境說明 28
4.2 tanh companding 的最佳參數 31
4.2.1 QPSK 下,tanh companding 的最佳參數 31
4.2.2 16QAM 下,tanh companding 的最佳參數 34
4.3 Companding 技術的模擬比較 36
4.3.1 以 QPSK 調變的 OFDM 訊號進行模擬 36
4.3.2 以 16-QAM 調變的 OFDM 訊號進行模擬 40
第 5 章結論 44
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指導教授 張大中(Dah-Chung Chang) 審核日期 2017-1-18
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