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姓名 珊芝莉(S P Kasthuri Arachchi)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 資訊工程學系
論文名稱 以多模態時空域建模的深度學習方法分類影像中的動態模式
(Modelling Spatial-Motion Multimodal Deep Learning Approaches to Classify Dynamic Patterns of Videos)
★ 基於注意力之用於物件定位的語義分割方法★ 基於圖卷積網路的自動門檢測
★ 基於職業技能和教育視訊之學習內容生成與總結方法
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摘要(中) 對於電腦視覺,影片分類是一重要的過程,可用來分析影片內容之語意訊息。本篇論文改良常見之深度學習分類模型,提出適用於動態影片分類之多模式深度學習方法。當影片處於不同照明等嚴苛環境下,傳統方法提供之手動功能是不足且沒有效率的,尤其是針對複雜內容物的影片。先前的影片分類研究中,主要專注於影片各影片流之關聯性,本篇論文則使用深度學習做為策略,成功地提升影片分類之準確率。大多深度學習模型使用卷積神經網路與長短期記憶網路為基底模型,可用來做物件與行為之分類,並且能夠在動態時間之影片分類任務中能有很好的表現。
首先,本篇論文單流的網路及底層之實驗網路包含卷積神經網路 (CNN) 長短期循環網路(LSTM)及環循神經單元(GRU)。在LSTM與GRU模型中,各層的參數與Dropout值都是經由最佳化調整而產生的。本研究三個模型中將被比較:(1) LRCN:將捲積層與遠程時間遞歸相結合、(2) seqLSTMs:對順序數據進行建模的最有效之模型、(3) seqGRUs:在運算量的表現上比LSTM還要好。
摘要(英) Video classification is an essential process for analyzing the pervasive semantic information of video content in computer vision. This thesis presents multimodal deep learning approaches to classify the dynamic patterns of videos, beyond common types of pattern classifications. Traditional handcrafted features are insufficient when classifying complex video information due to the similarity of visual contents with different illumination conditions. Prior studies of video classifications focused on the relationship between the standalone streams themselves. In contrary, this study leverages the effects of deep learning methodologies to improve video analysis performance significantly. Convolution Neural Network (CNN) and Long Short-term Memory (LSTM) are widely used to build complex models and have shown great competency in modeling temporal dynamics in video-based pattern classification.
First, the single-stream networks and the underlying experimental models consist of CNN, LSTM and Gated Recurrent Unit (GRU) are considered. Their layer parameters are fine-tuned and different dropout values are used with sequence LSTM and GRU models. During this study, the accuracy of three basic models: (1) a Long-term Recurrent Convolutional Network (LRCN), which combine convolutional layers with long-range temporal recursion, (2) seqLSTMs model, one of the most effective structures to model sequential data and (3) seqGRUs model, which has less computational steps than LSTM, are compared.
Secondly, an approach with two-stream network architectures taking both RGB and optical flow data as input is used considering spatial motion relationships. As the main contributions of this work, a novel two-stream neural network concept, named state-exchanging long short-term memory (SE-LSTM) is introduced. With the model of spatial motion state-exchanging, the SE-LSTM can classify dynamic patterns of videos integrating short-term motion, spatial, and long-term temporal information. The SE-LSTM extends the general purpose of LSTM by exchanging the information with previous cell states of both appearance and motion streams. Further, a novel two-stream model Dual-CNNSELSTM utilizing the SE-LSTM concept combined with a CNN is proposed. Various video datasets: firework displays, hand gestures and human actions are used to validate the proposed SE-LSTM architecture. Experimental results demonstrate that the performance of the proposed two-stream Dual-CNNSELSTM architecture significantly outperforms other single and two-stream baseline models achieving accuracies of 81.62%, 79.87%, and 69.86% with hand gestures, fireworks displays, and HMDB51 human actions datasets, respectively. Therefore, the overall results signify that the proposed model is most suited to static background dynamic pattern classifications over baseline and Dual-3DCNNLSTM models.
關鍵字(中) ★ 動態圖形分類
★ 深度學習
★ 時空數據
★ 卷積神經網路
★ 循環神經網路
關鍵字(英) ★ Dynamic Pattern Classification
★ Deep Learning
★ Spatiotemporal Data
★ Convolution Neural Network
★ Recurrent Neural Network
論文目次 Abstract i
摘要 iii
Acknowledgement iv
Table of Contents vii
List of Figures xi
List of Tables xv
Abbreviations xvi
Explanation of Symbols xvii
Chapter 1 1
Introduction 1
1.1 Background 1
1.2 Dissertation Organization 3
Chapter 2 4
Related Work 4
2.1. Artificial Neural Networks 4
2.2. Deep Neural Network 7
2.3. Convolution Neural Network 8
2.3.1. Basics of Convolution Neural Network 8
2.3.2. Mathematical Background of Convolutional Neural Network 12
2.3.3. Successful Convolutional Neural Network Architectures 14
2.4. Recurrent Neural Network 16
2.4.1. Overview of Recurrent Neural Network 16
2.4.2. Gradients Vanishing Problem 18
2.4.3. Long short-term memory networks (LSTM) 19
2.4.4. The compact forms of the equations of an LSTM unit 21
2.4.5. Variants of Long short-term memory 22
2.4.6. Successful Long Short-term Memory Architectures 25
2.5. Training Neural Network 29
2.5.1. Supervised learning and unsupervised learning 29
2.5.2. Backpropagation 30
2.5.3. Learning Rate Configuration 36
2.5.4. Optimization Methods 37
2.6. Overfitting and Underfitting 47
2.6.1. Regularization Techniques and Constrain 48
2.6.2. Dropout 49
2.7. Batch Normalization 54
2.8. Deep Neural Networks for Video Classification 55
Chapter 3 58
Single Stream 58
3.1 Firework Dataset 59
3.2 Experimental Architectures 61
3.2.1. LRCN - with single Dropout layer (Lrcn1Drop) and double Dropout layers (Lrcn2Drop) 62
3.2.2. RNN- SeqLSTM with single Dropout layer (Lstm1Drop) and with double Dropout layers (Lstm2Drop) 64
3.2.3. RNN - SeqGRU with single Dropout layer (Gru1Drop) and with double Dropout layers (Gru2Drop) 66
3.3 Experimental Evaluation 67
3.3.1. Experimental Setup 67
3.3.2. Evaluate Model Skill with Dataset Size 68
3.3.3. Model Performance with Dropout Layers 71
3.3.4. Fine-tuning Parameters 73
3.3.5. LSTM over GRU Performance 74
3.3.6. Model Complexity 75
3.3.7. Classification Mismatches 76
Chapter 4 79
Two Stream 79
4.1 Introduction 79
4.1.1. Modeling Long-Term Temporal Dynamics 79
4.1.2. End-to-End CNN Architecture 81
4.2 State-Exchanging Long Short-Term Memory (SE-LSTM) 82
4.2.1. State-Exchanging Process 84
4.2.2. State-Exchanging Package 86
4.3 Dual-CNNSELSTM Model 88
4.4 Dual-3DCNNLSTM Model 90
4.5 Two-stream Fusion 91
4.6 Datasets 93
4.6.1. Hand Gestures Dataset 93
4.6.2. HMDB51 Dataset 94
4.6.3. Dense Optical Flow 94
Chapter 5 97
Evaluation with Firework Dataset 97
5.1 Experimental Setup 97
5.2 Comparison of Control Experiments 98
5.3 Performance Evaluation of Single and Two Stream Networks 99
5.4 SE-LSTM Performance Over Two-stream Baseline Models 101
5.5 Model Skills with Multiple Fusion Benchmarks 103
5.6 Effect of learning Rate Schedules 104

Chapter 6 108
Evaluation with Other Datasets 108
6.1 Comparison with Firework dataset 108
6.2 Performance of Dual-CNNSELSTM with Dual-3DCNNLSTM Model 109
6.3 Evaluation of HMDB51 Dataset 113
Chapter 7 116
Discussion 116
Chapter 8 119
Conclusion and Future Works 119
Appendix A 121
References 127
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指導教授 施國琛 教授(Prof. Timothy K. Shih) 審核日期 2020-7-3
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