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姓名 鐘耀照(YAOZHAO ZHONG)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 水文與海洋科學研究所
論文名稱 內陸棚及河口混合與擴散特性觀測研究
(Observation of mixing and dispersion characteristics in inner shelf and estuary)
★ 西北太平洋長期波候變遷之研究★ 近岸海洋波浪對海面粗糙度之影響
★ 濁水溪河口懸浮沉積物輸送之調查研究★ 低掠角微波雷達海面背向散射強度受波浪影響程度之探討
★ 澎湖海域潮流之數值模擬及其發電潛能評估★ 台灣沿海表面風之週期特性
★ 微波雷達與CCD影像分析於潮間帶地形測量之應用★ The directional spreading of surface wave in the shallow water zone
★ Resuspension of bottom sediment on Inner shelf - A case study of North-western coast of Taiwan★ 平緩海灘表層含水量變化特性研究
★ Development of S-band and Coherent-on-Receive Marine Radar for Ocean Surface Wave and Current Measurement★ 臺灣海峽海洋塑料垃圾的輸運
★ 有限項目的連續水質監測 應用於探討觀新藻礁區水體環境即時變化★ 海岸帶地區海表拖曳係數與海表粗糙度(均方傾度)之相依關係
★ 應用微波雷達監測海流之演算法流程改善★ 微型資料浮標觀測波浪及MSS的比對分析與演算流程的改善
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摘要(中) 海岸帶作為陸地、海洋與大氣的交界區域,是陸源物質進入海洋的主要通道。進入近岸海域的陸源物質,一旦其濃度超過了海域涵容能力,將造成物質循環的平衡狀態改變,進而衝擊海域的生態環境。影響海域涵容能力的因素中,最重要的是水體混合與擴散效率。受近岸水動力影響,水體混合與擴散特性在時間上非定常、空間上非均勻,從理論、數值模式計算以了解其細部特徵都是非常困難的。若能藉由有效的觀測增進對於陸源物質在近岸海域的輸送與移運過程之了解,對陸源物質的擴散效率及其與水動力的相互作用特性的掌握將會更準確。
(1)本研究採商用GPS定位晶片研製低成本且適用於近岸海域觀測的漂流浮球陣列。本研究改進定位精度、提高採樣頻率、減低製作成本、減少體積與重量、改進資料回傳及交互操作方式。針對低成本GPS晶片在低速下會發生定位跳躍的問題,本文基於ARIMA模式建立資料處理與品管方法,消除了該問題的影響,提高數據品質。透過在大型斷面水槽的漂流浮球觀測測試與校驗實驗,與ADV流速計之觀測結果比對之RMSE約為0.02 m/s。
(2)基於Stokes Boundary Layer理論,提出了一個新的內陸棚海域混合與擴散研究模型,作為理論框架。該理論中描述邊界層內速度剖面變化的參數κ1與描述流速反轉時間提前的參數κ2是兩個可用於分析海域混合效率的中間參數。進而本研究設計現場實驗檢驗並建立了一個更具可行性的內陸棚海域混合與擴散行為觀測方法。在桃園觀音近岸海域進行的不同海況下的漂流浮球陣列觀測實驗,證實理論所預測的潮流轉向時間早於水位轉向時間,隨著離岸距離越近時間提前量會增加;沿岸方向之流速會隨著離岸越近而快速下降。以漂流浮球陣列實測資料代入理論擬合得到不同時空下的κ1與κ2組合。這兩個參數顯著相關,κ2=6.02*κ1-0.0008(r = 0.97, p < 0.05)。進一步直接計算得實驗海域的υ,結果發現速度衰減項引致的υ約為相位差異項引致的3至12倍,二者均隨量距離的增加成指數形式降低。透過對比不同海況下的擬合結果,本文發現當波浪較小時,Stokes Boundary Layer理論的解釋度佳,說明此時潮流在近岸混合中扮演主要的角色;當波浪較大時,Stokes Boundary Layer理論的解釋度降低,是由於波浪引致的底邊界層增加了底床粗糙度,額外增強了混合強度所致。
基於溫排水口航次調查之三維溫鹽資料分析顯示溫排水口漲潮期間層化效應強,退潮期間垂向均勻混合。基於溫度漂流浮球量測之水溫資料,在垂向均勻混合時溫排水口的溫度衰減速率e-folding scale是層化效應強時的約2倍。基於漂流浮球陣列觀測資料計算的溫排水口剪力流延散係數,發現漲、退潮期間的剪力流延散係數差異可達26.0%。本文透過溫排水口漂流浮球陣列觀測實驗量化了剪力流延散係數隨著Richardson數變化的趨勢。
摘要(英) As the boundary area between land, sea and atmosphere, the coastal zone is the main channel for terrestrial materials transferring into the ocean. The balance of the material cycle will be changed once the terrestrial materials exceed the capacity of the ocean self-purification, which will cause ecological pollution problems. Among the factors affecting the capacity of self- purification, the most important factor is the mixing and diffusion efficiency of water. The near-shore hydrodynamics as well as the mixing and diffusion characteristics are unsteady in time and spatially non-uniform. As a result, it is very difficult to grasp the detail information of mixing and diffusion behavior by theory analysis or by numerical model. If effective observations can be applied to improve the understanding of the mixing and transport processes of terrestrial materials in coastal waters, the evaluation of diffusion efficiency of terrestrial materials and its interaction with hydrodynamics will be more accurate.
According to the classification of landforms, the coastal zone includes beaches, wetlands, estuaries and lagoons. From the perspective of hydrodynamic characteristics, the coastal zones can be divided into surf-zone, inner shelf, middle shelf and outer shelf. For air-sea flux research, wetlands and lagoons have important impacts; for the study of the mixing and diffusion of terrestrial materials in the sea, estuaries and inner shelf play important roles. The study of mixing and diffusion of water has traditionally started with the exchange rate and residence time of water. However, these coefficients can neither represent the details of the estuary mixing behavior, nor represent the influence of the stratification effect. This paper develops the sea surface drifter array as the main observation tool to carry out researches on a) the mixing and diffusion characteristics of the inner shelf and, b) the influence of the stratification effect on the estuary mixing, specific as follows.
(1) This study developed the miniature sea surface drifters with the commercial low-cost GNSS positioning chip. On account of shallow water depth and small hydrodynamic temporal-spatial scale of inner shelf or estuaries, this study improves the positioning accuracy, increases the sampling frequency, lower the production cost, reduces the volume and weight, and improves the data post back method and interaction operation system of sea surface drifter. Aiming at the problem of positioning jumping under low speed, this study established a data processing and quality control method based on Auto Regressive Integrated Moving Average model. The influence of this problem is eliminated and the data quality of sea surface drifter is improved after applying this QC method. All the drifters are calibrated in the 200-m length water channel and the RMSE is ~0.02 m/s compared with the Acoustic Doppler Velocimeter which is installed in the middle of the water channel.
(2) Based on Stokes Boundary Layer theory, a new research framework of inner shelf mixing and diffusion is proposed. The parameter κ1 describing the change of velocity profile in the boundary layer and the parameter κ2 describing the current reversal time are two intermediate parameters that can be used to analyze the mixing efficiency of the sea area. And then this study designed the field experiments and establisded a more feasible observation method of mixing and diffusion behavior in inner shelf. This paper conducted several drifter observation experiments under different sea conditions in the coastal waters of Guanyin, Taoyuan City. It was found that the time of tide reversal is earlier than that of water level reversal, and the time difference increase as the distance to the coast decreases. The alongshore current velocity decreases rapidly as it gets closer to the coast line. Above-mentioned two parameters, κ1 and κ2, were fitted by the field drifter data. These two parameters were significantly correlated, κ2=6.02*κ1-0.0008 (r = 0.97, p < 0.05). Further, the eddy viscosity coefficient of the study area was calculated based on these two parameters. It is found that the eddy viscosity coefficient caused by the velocity attenuation term is about 3 to 12 times that of the phase difference term. Both of them decrease exponentially with increasing distance to the coast line. By comparing the fitting results under different sea conditions, this study found that the Stokes Boundary Layer theory has a good interpretation when the waves are small (Hs < 0.3 m), indicating that the tide also plays a role in coastal mixing. When the waves are large, Stokes Boundary Layer stays at the lower degree of interpretation.
(3) This study selects the Danshui estuary and thermal discharge outlet of No.3 nuclear power plant as the research areas to explore the influence of stratification effect on mixing at different temperial and spatial scales. A number of voyage surveys were conducted with the OR-2 research vessel around Danshui estuary. The 2202 voyage conducted in October 2016 was selected as a representative example of strong stratification condition and the 2225 vyage conducted in March 2017 was selected as an example of verticle well mixing condition based on the 3-D water temperature and salinity observation data. It is found that the decay rate of nutrient concentration under weak stratification condition is about 2 times of that under strong stratification condition in the Danshui estuary. The decay rate of DIN concentration of Danshui estuary is 6% to 46% larger than that of the Pearl River estuary, and the dispersion coefficient of Danshui estuary is one to two orders of magnitude larger than that of an equivalent estuary. The stratification effect of the Danshui estuary will hinder the upward transfer of nutrients and the downward transfer of dissolved oxygen, and then changes the nitrogen cycle of estuary, which will lead to ecological problems such as the decline of primary productivity in the estuary. This study provides observational evidence.
The analysis of the 3-D water temperature and salinity data shows that the stratification effect of the water around thermal discharge outlet is strong during flood tide and weak during ebb tide. The temperature decay rate under weak stratification condition is 2 times faster than that under strong stratification condition based on the e-folding scale. The shear dispersion coefficient is calculated based on the drifter data. And it is found that the difference of dispersion coefficients under different stratification strength can reach 26.0%. This study quantify the variation trend of dispersion coefficient with the increasing Richardson number.
關鍵字(中) ★ 內陸棚
★ 河口
★ 混合與擴散
★ 觀測
關鍵字(英) ★ inner shelf
★ estuary
★ mixing and dispersion
★ observation
論文目次 摘 要 I
目 錄 VI
圖 目 IX
表 目 XIV
符號說明 XV
第1章 研究背景與目的 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究目的 5
1.3 研究內容及架構 5
第2章 理論與方法 7
2.1 對流-延散方程式 7
2.1.1 分子擴散 7
2.1.2 紊流混合 9
2.1.3 剪力流延散 11
2.2 深度平均之傳輸方程 12
2.3 延散係數及其計算方法 14
第3章 微型漂流浮球研製、測試與資料品管 16
3.1 前言 16
3.2 硬體結構與規格 20
3.3 測試檢校實驗 23
3.4 資料處理與品管 25
3.5 小結與建議 31
第4章 基於斯托克斯邊界層理論的內陸棚混合模型 33
4.1 前言 33
4.2 斯托克斯邊界層理論 36
4.3 研究區域與環境參數 40
4.3.1 研究區域 40
4.3.2 海氣象條件 42
4.3.3 周邊海域流場 45
4.4 結果分析與討論 49
4.4.1 漂流浮球軌跡及潮流轉向 49
4.4.2 基於斯托克斯邊界層理論計算延散係數 52
4.4.3 基於漂流浮球陣列計算延散係數及其尺度效應討論 59
4.4.4 波浪對Stokes Boundary Layer理論適用性影響之討論 61
4.5 小結 63
第5章 層化效應對河口混合的影響 64
5.1 前言 64
5.2 研究區域與方法 67
5.2.1 淡水河口 67
5.2.2 溫排水口 69
5.3 淡水河口結果分析與討論 73
5.3.1 淡水河口層化效應 73
5.3.2基於濃度衰減速率評估混合強度及討論 74
5.3.3基於漂流浮球陣列計算延散係數 78
5.4 溫排水口結果分析與討論 79
5.4.1 溫排水口周邊海域海氣通量估算 79
5.4.2 溫排水口層化效應 82
5.4.3 基於水溫衰減速率評估混合強度 87
5.4.4 基於漂流浮球陣列計算延散係數 89
5.4.5 紊流強度之時空特性 92
5.5 小結 93
第6章 結論與建議 95
6.1 結論 95
6.2 建議 97
參考文獻 98
附錄 歷次漂流浮球實驗之流場圖 110
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指導教授 錢樺(Hwa Chien) 審核日期 2019-1-30
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