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姓名 王詩堯(Shih-Yao Wang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 生物醫學工程研究所
(Hand-Held Assessment Device for Dental Implant Osseointegration Stability through Vibro-Acoustic Technique)
★ TFT-LCD前框卡勾設計之衝擊模擬分析與驗證研究★ TFT-LCD 導光板衝擊模擬分析及驗證研究
★ 數位機上盒掉落模擬分析及驗證研究★ 旋轉機械狀態監測-以傳動系統測試平台為例
★ 發射室空腔模態分析在噪音控制之應用暨結構聲輻射效能探討★ 時頻分析於機械動態訊號之應用
★ VKF階次追蹤之探討與應用★ 火箭發射多通道主動噪音控制暨三種線上鑑別方式
★ TFT-LCD衝擊模擬分析及驗證研究★ TFT-LCD掉落模擬分析及驗證研究
★ TFT-LCD螢幕掉落破壞分析驗證與包裝系統設計★ 主動式火箭發射噪音控制使用可變因子演算法
★ 醫學/動態訊號處理於ECG之應用★ 光碟機之動態研究與適應性尋軌誤差改善
★ 具新型菲涅爾透鏡之超音波微噴墨器分析與設計★ 醫用近紅外光光電量測系統之設計與驗証
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摘要(中) 對於缺牙患者,植牙手術已逐漸成為受歡迎且被採用的療法。骨整合的好壞直接反映了植體穩固度,因此建立提供牙醫師客觀評估骨整合對於手術的成功與否非常重要。
摘要(英) Dental implantation has become a popular treatment procedure for edentulous patients. Osseointegration is a direct connection between an ordered, living bone, and it directly reflects dental implant stability. Therefore, it is important to establish an assessment of implant stability.
Based on resonance frequency analysis (RFA), the objective of this thesis is to device with non-contact detection technique to quantify the stability of implants. Vibro-acoustic detection technique is developed on acoustic excitation and displacement sensor. The initial validation for prototype device’s performance was conducted by TestPeg and previous designated cases. A commercial product, OsstellR, has high correlation of determination between our detection device. To verify the feasibility for the technique, especially detecting the variation of implant osseointegration stability in healing process. Interface-tissue made from different mixing ratios of epoxies and casted in artificial bone blocks was used to mimic different phases of osseointegration in in-vitro experimentation. Besides, animal trails via rabbits were conducted to observe osseointegration in live bodies.
In-vitro experiment results show that the frequencies in MD measurements increase as mixing ratio getting higher except for one case. The reason which makes the trend changeful in BL measurements comes from the fixing condition. In in-vivo experiment, the results show that secondary stability dominates stability after stability dip and increases as time passing. Primary stability influences success of following adaptation.
Although the convenience for handling the prototype probe in measurement is still needed to improve. The vibro-acoustic detection technique is still practical because it reflects real clinical conditions in in-vivo experiments. In conclusion, the technique is indeed feasible for monitoring osseointegration of the dental implant stability during healing process.
關鍵字(中) ★ 牙科植體
★ 骨整合
★ 非接觸式檢測
★ 共振頻率分析
★ 動物試驗
關鍵字(英) ★ Dental implant
★ Osseointegration
★ Noncontact detection
★ Resonance frequency analysis
★ Animal trail
論文目次 Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Research Background and Motivation 1
1.2 Literature Review 3
1.2.1 Invasive Methods 3
1.2.2 Non-invasive Methods 3
1.3 Research Scope and Framework 7
Chapter 2 Engineering Basis for the Detection of Dental Osseointegration 8
2.1 Structural Resonance Measurement 8
2.1.1 Resonance Frequency of Cantilever Structure 8
2.1.2 Vibration Measurement 9
2.1.3 Mode shape of Resonance frequency 10
2.2 Excitation 11
2.2.1 Sound wave 11
2.2.2 Chirp signal 12
2.3 Detection 14
2.3.1 Capacitance 14
2.3.2 Distance sensing 15
2.3.3 Basis of capacitive displacement sensor 17
Chapter 3 Design of Detection Devices 18
3.1.1 Signal Flow 19
3.1.2 LabVIEW user interface 20
3.2 Component overview 23
3.2.1 Buzzer 23
3.2.2 Capacitive Displacement Sensor 26
3.3 Technique validation and Device design 27
Chapter 4 In-vitro and In-vivo Experimental Verification 34
4.1 In-vitro Experimentation 34
4.1.1 Experimental subject design 34
4.1.2 Affected variable in experiments 37
4.2 In-vivo Experimentation 40
4.2.1 Animal trail 40
Chapter 5 Results and Discussion 43
5.1 In-vitro experiment discussion 43
5.2 In-vivo experiment discussion 50
Chapter 6 Conclusions and Future work 59
Reference 61
Appendix 65
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指導教授 潘敏俊(Min-Chun Pan) 審核日期 2017-3-22
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