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姓名 周昱辰(Yu-Chen Chou)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 哲學研究所
論文名稱 Cafaro環境德行倫理學研究:以台灣的人口與環境問題為例
(Cafaro′s Environmental Virtue Ethic Study: A Case Study of Taiwan′s Population and Environment Issues)
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摘要(中) Philip Cafaro的環境德行倫理學目標,即是限制消費如何增進我們的生活。若要了解Cafaro環境德行倫理學的價值觀,則我們需要了解他的環境德行與環境惡德的哲學觀點,並且探討其目標如何增進我們的生活。對最後一點本論文採取的方法,即是將Cafaro環境德行倫理學理論用在面對台灣的人口與環境的問題。


摘要(英) Philip Cafaro′s environmental virtue ethic goal is how limit consumption could improve our life. To realize the worldview of Cafaro′s environmental virtue ethic, we need to know the philosophical view of his environmental virtues and environmental vices, and how his goal could improve our life. The approach taken in this study is to use his environmental virtue ethic theories to face Taiwan′s population and environment issues.

Therefore, this study will first analyze Taiwan′s population and environment issues, taking air pollution, river pollution and overdevelopment as examples. Then this study will discuss the majors of environmental vices, environmental wisdom, and the limit consumption theory of Cafaro’s environmental virtue ethic, and then reflect his theories above.

By reflect Cafaro’s theories, this study claims that improving our life is not enough to consider only limit consumption. It is necessary to consider the impact of population. Therefore, at the end of this study will face population and environment issues in Taiwan by strengthening Cafaro’s limit consumption theory, and then provide Taiwan’s education and policies in accordance with the spirit of Cafaro’s environmental virtue ethic.
關鍵字(中) ★ 環境德行倫理學
★ 環境睿智
★ 環境惡德
★ 限制消費理論
關鍵字(英) ★ Environmental virtue ethic
★ Environmental wisdom
★ Environmental vice
★ Limit consumption theory
論文目次 目錄
中文摘要 i
英文摘要 ii
致謝辭 iii
導論 1
第一章 台灣人口與環境問題探討 5
第一節 台灣人口研究 5
第二節 台灣人口過多所造成的環境問題 11
第二章 Cafaro環境德行倫理學探究 21
第一節 環境德行倫理學概述 21
第二節 Cafaro環境德行倫理學 23
第三節 Cafaro環境德行倫理學反思 37
第三章 如何以Cafaro環境德行倫理學來面對台灣人口與環境問題 48
第一節 從Cafaro環境德行倫理學分析台灣人口與環境問題 48
第二節 台灣人口與環境問題的可能面對之道 55
結論 62
參考文獻 67
參考文獻 一、專書著作





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指導教授 李凱恩(Kai-En Lee) 審核日期 2019-6-24
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