博碩士論文 104222022 詳細資訊

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姓名 曾偉瑄(Wei-Hsuan Tseng)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 物理學系
論文名稱 AlGaN/GaN高電子遷移率電晶體異質結構的光學性質與其缺陷討論
(Optical Properties of AlGaN/GaN HEMT Structure and Its Defect Discussion)
★ 矽基板上鍺薄膜的拉曼光譜研究★ 不同應力下之石墨烯電特性研究
★ 氧化鎘鋅與氧化鎂鋅之光學性質分析★ 氧化鋅薄膜與奈米柱的螢光光譜
★ 碳化矽塊材之螢光光譜
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摘要(中) 本論文利用光激螢光光譜及拉曼光譜分析AlGaN/GaN異質結構HEMT的光學特性,主要工作分為以下幾個部分。
利用光激螢光光譜判斷2DEG所輻射螢光位置,利用PL能量的位置定性推得兩樣品的內建電場相對大小。利用PR的KFO現象求得樣品內部內建極化電場大小。本實驗使用之樣品的內建電場大小約為457 kV/cm與590 kV/cm。以PR求得的內建電場大小,利用三角位能井的計算,推得兩樣品2DEG輻射在PL光譜上會位移1.1 meV。另由拉曼光譜中計算出樣品所受應力大小,其結果支持由2DEG螢光計算出的內建極化場大小強度關係。
變溫光激螢光光譜中發現樣品螢光能量隨溫度變化在低溫下有S型消長,經由Eliseev model擬合得到樣品的局域態能量寬度(σ)約為10 meV。
In this thesis, we have studied the optical properties of AlGaN/GaN HEMT heterostructure by photoluminescence(PL)、Photo-Reflectence(PR) and Raman spectroscopy.
PL result shows there is peak corresponding to 2DEG. The band bending by piezoelectric field is approximate to a triangular well. In PR spectra, using the FKO phenomenon calculated the internal electric field are 457 kV/cm and 590 kV/cm. Then put the electric field from PR result into eigen-energy of triangular well to get the 2DEG emission shift is 1.1 meV.
The relationships between PL intensity ratio of YL and Band edge and the HEMT electric properties have been discussed in this thesis. We developed a method to identify the vertical defect distribution, and postulate that current leakage is dominated by surface defect.
The temperature dependent GaN Band to band PL emission energy exhibited the s-shape shift. Applying the Eliseev model, the fitting result shows the localized energy dispersion is about 10 meV.
Carriers recombination mechanism are showed by power dependence PL. As a result, the GaN Band edge is band-to-band recombination and the YL is the auger recombination.
In Raman spectra, the strain in sample is calculated. The result of Raman agree to the piezoelectric field calculation by 2DEG emission.
Last but not the end, P-type capping layer with Mg dopant can optimize the surface defect, which is supported by the result of vertical defect distribution.
關鍵字(中) ★ 高電子遷移率電晶體
★ 氮化鋁鎵氮化鎵異質結構
★ 光激發螢光光譜
★ 拉曼光譜
★ 光調製反射光譜
★ 缺陷分布探測
關鍵字(英) ★ HEMT
★ AlGaN/GaN heterostructure
★ PL
★ Raman
★ PR
★ defect distribution
摘要 v
圖目錄 vii
表目錄 viii
一 緒論 1
二 原理
2.1 GaN的自發極化、2DEG的形成 3
2.2 光譜技術
-2.2-1 光激螢光光譜 8
-2.2-2 拉曼光譜9
-2.2-3 光調製反射光譜 12
2.3 AlGaN/GaN HEMT 的光學特性 13
2.4 載子複合機制 18
2.5 縱向發光強度/樣品深度與其發光強度 21
2.6 閥值功率與等效穿透深度 24
2.7 縱向缺陷分布探測 28
三 樣品結構與實驗架設
3.1 樣品結構 30
3.2 實驗架構 34
四 光譜與實驗結果分析與討論
4.1 PL光譜的結果分析 38
4.2 黃光缺陷帶的成因與影響 45
4.3 變溫PL光譜 51
4.4 變功率PL光譜與缺陷分布 57
4.5 拉曼光譜65
4.6 覆蓋層參雜的表面影響 69
五、 結論 71
Reference 73
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指導教授 鄭劭家(Cheng, Chao-Chia) 審核日期 2017-7-25
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