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姓名 馬莫德(Mamud Manneh)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 營建管理研究所
論文名稱 4D 技術在營建產業應用領域之文獻分析
(Analysis of Application Areas of 4D in Construction Industry: Literature Review)
★ 國內專案時程管理技術使用與人員技能現況分析★ 成效式契約於公有建築物能源設備維護管理之應用
★ 勞務採購應用成效式契約之初步研究★ 工程技術顧問公司與機關訴訟爭議案例之探討
★ 國軍武器設備維護之問題與對策-採用成效式契約之可行性★ 以BIM模型為基礎之專案排程項次分析
★ 政府重大採購效益評估制度之成效分析★ 印尼營建專案中不可原諒延遲原因與其發生機率之分析
★ 整合時間與成本觀點以改善總浮時管理技術於延遲索賠準備之應用★ 營建工程時程網圖審查準則之研究
★ 結合竣工時程網圖與BIM技術以利爭議釐清之研究★ 執行成效式契約之關鍵成功因素分析
★ 營建工程時程網圖審查作業流程與準則建立之研究★ 國內營建產業應用BIM技術現況調查與分析
★ 武器系統獲得專案管理人員專案管理知識之分析★ 成效式契約應用於專案管理技術服務之研究
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摘要(中) 摘要

建築資訊建模(Building Information Modeling, BIM)技術是近十年來營建與土木工程研究領域的
帶來效率與品質的提升,同時伴隨而來有關4D 大量研究的投入以及文獻的發表。故若能釐清
已有關於4D 文獻分析之研究,然而其主要侷限於4D 應用領域或如何選擇,甚至係利用有限數
量的文獻所完成的研究。本研究之目的是針對2005 至2016 年間發表4D 有關文獻,透過完整
且有系統之分析,掌握其背後的資訊。本研究已經由一個4D 應用之架構完成文獻分析,並釐
清4D 應用在專案管理領域之研究落差為營建廢棄物管理、品質管理、資源管理、工地安裝後
勤與工地安全。此外,本研究發現過去數年較受到重視的4D 應用次領域為施工進度追蹤、視

Building Information Modeling (BIM) technology has emerged as one of the key streams in construction
and civil engineering research within the last decade. Its dimensional presenting technology (4D-BIM)
is now a global digital technology that is widely believed to have the potential to revolutionize
construction planning and management work. This has been mainly a result of worldwide government
initiatives promoting BIM uptake to improve efficiency and quality in delivering construction projects.
Thus, this development has been accompanied by a keen interest in 4D modeling aspects and the release
of a tremendous amount of 4D literature. It is, therefore, essential to comprehend and determine the core
research work, gaps and trends emerging in this field, and its implications for broader research. Previous
studies of similar reviews of identifying the core of 4D research have generally been limited in scope
focusing predominantly on other aspects of BIM applications instead of 4D applications areas or
different selection criteria were used and also a limited number of reviewed papers. This study aims to
conduct a comprehensive and systematic analysis, in which a review of a wide range of existing 4D
literature focusing on the last decade from 2005 to 2016 is completed. A literature review within a 4D
application framework has been conducted and the result reveals a research gap for 4D applications in
the project management domains of construction waste management, quality management, resource
management, site installation logistics, and site security. It was also confirmed that construction progress
tracking, visualization and communication and collaboration, schedule management, workspace
planning, and construction method planning as the sub-categories with the most significant growth in
the last years.
關鍵字(中) ★ 4D CAD
★ 4D BIM
★ 系統性分析
★ 文獻回顧
★ 分類
關鍵字(英) ★ 4D CAD
★ 4D BIM
★ systematic analysis
★ literature review
★ categorization
論文目次 Table of Contents
Analysis of Application Areas of 4D in Construction Industry: Literature Review............................... i
ABSTRACT .................................................................................................................................................. ii
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT.......................................................................................................................... iv
Table of Contents .......................................................................................................................................... v
List of Tables ............................................................................................................................................. viii
List of Figures ............................................................................................................................................. ix
CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................... 1
1.1. Research background ........................................................................................................................... 1
1.2. Motivation .............................................................................................................................................. 3
1.3. Problem statement................................................................................................................................. 3
1.4. Research Aims and Objectives ............................................................................................................. 4
1.5. Research Flowchart............................................................................................................................... 4
1.6. Organization of the thesis ..................................................................................................................... 6
CHAPTER II: DEFINITION OF 4D MODELING: ................................................................................ 7
2.1. 4D Modeling ........................................................................................................................................... 7
2.1.1. First generation 4D tools ........................................................................................... 8
2.1.2. Second generation 4D tools ....................................................................................... 9
2.2. Benefit of 4D CAD ............................................................................................................................... 10
2.3. Limitations of the previous 4D tools .................................................................................................. 10
2.3.1. Creation of 4D models is time-consuming ............................................................... 10
2.3.2. Manipulation of 4D models is time-consuming ........................................................ 11
2.3.3. Visualization –only graphic representation of the building ..................................... 11
2.3.4. Lack of support for construction knowledge ........................................................... 11
2.3.5. Lack of integration with other project data ............................................................. 11
2.4. Discussion ............................................................................................................................................. 12
2.5. Current Advancement in 4D CAD Research .................................................................................... 14
2.6. 4D BIM ................................................................................................................................................. 15
2.6.1. Definition of BIM .................................................................................................... 15
2.6.2. Definition of 4D BIM ............................................................................................... 16
CHAPTER III: REVIEW APPROACH .................................................................................................. 17
3.1. Originality of the review ..................................................................................................................... 17
3.2. Research Methodology ........................................................................................................................ 18
3.3. Summary of Research Procedures ..................................................................................................... 20
CHAPTER IV: DATA ANALYSIS .......................................................................................................... 22
4.1. Framework categorizing published papers. ...................................................................................... 22
4.2. Frequency of 4D publication over the last decade and topics more appealing to researchers
outcomes ............................................................................................................................................... 26
4.3. Research gap and trend of 4D publications outcomes ..................................................................... 29
4.4. 4D CAD research papers versus 4D BIM and literature that both discusses 4D CAD and 4D
BIM outcomes ...................................................................................................................................... 30
4.5. The percentages of different research articles from the viewpoint of different stakeholdersoutcomes
............................................................................................................................................... 31
4.6. Type of project used ............................................................................................................................ 34
4.7. Commercial and non-commercial software system.......................................................................... 35
CHAPTER V: CONTENT ANALYSIS ................................................................................................... 38
5.1. Category: Construction planning ...................................................................................................... 38
5.1.1. Sub-category: work-space planning ........................................................................ 39
5.1.2. Sub-category: Waste Management ......................................................................... 42
5.1.3. Sub-category: Visualization and Communication and Collaboration ...................... 42
5.1.4. Sub-category: Schedule management ...................................................................... 45
5.1.5. Sub-category: Quality Management ........................................................................ 47
5.1.6. Sub-category: Hazards Identification and safety planning ...................................... 47
5.1.7. Sub-category: Design Interrogation ........................................................................ 49
5.1.8. Sub-category: Cost Estimation ................................................................................ 49
5.1.9. Sub-category: Coordination .................................................................................... 50
5.1.10.Sub-category: Construction progress monitoring .................................................. 51
5.1.11.Sub-category Construction Method Planning ........................................................ 53
5.2. Category: Site Planning ...................................................................................................................... 55
5.2.1. Sub-category: Site Layout ....................................................................................... 55
5.2.2. Others ..................................................................................................................... 56
CHAPTER VI: LIMITATIONS, DISCUSSION, AND CONCLUSION.............................................. 57
6.1. Review of the Research Objectives .................................................................................................... 57
6.2. Limitations of the study ...................................................................................................................... 57
6.3. Discussion ............................................................................................................................................. 58
6.4. Conclusion ............................................................................................................................................ 59
References ................................................................................................................................................... 61
Appendix A: 4D application categories across lifecycle phases and stakeholders ............................... 72
Appendix B: 4D Articles with case study on different project types ..................................................... 79
Appendix C: Commercial and Non-commercial software ..................................................................... 83
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指導教授 楊智斌(Jyh-Bin Yang) 審核日期 2018-1-29
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