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姓名 李紹齊(Shao-Chi Lee)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 能源工程研究所
(Numerical analysis of a rotary warm forming process for rim thickening of a steel disc plate)
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摘要(中) 金屬成型中的迴轉成型適用於汽車引擎中傳動盤製造中的外緣增厚工程,在HCCI引擎中,傳動盤的轉動慣量必須比SI引擎來得大以吸收燃燒時產生的周期性變動,然而在冷間迴轉成型中,圓盤外徑的增厚比上限為30,無法達到在HCCI引擎中傳動盤所需要的轉動慣量,於是溫間的迴轉成型被提出來改善此現像,將圓盤鋼鐵板材的外緣部加熱進行迴轉成型以增加傳動盤的增厚比。
在本文裡,將介紹以FEA數值模擬的方式來檢驗溫間迴轉成型的可行性及其尋找其增厚比的極限,在此選擇S35C、2.6mm厚度的圓盤鋼鐵板材,利用有限元素分析軟體Simufact forming進行數值模擬,確認合適的成形條件例如圓盤半徑、加熱條件等,用以將增厚比成長到過去的兩倍。在第一階段,利用過去的成型條件,確認了冷間迴轉成型的成形極限為圓盤半徑169mm,增厚比為36;第二階段利用不同的加熱條件將冷間成型中無法順利成行的圓盤進行成型模擬,以確認合適的加熱溫度;最後則以第二階段獲得的合適加熱條件來進行溫間迴轉成型的模擬,確認了當圓盤外緣的加熱溫度為400℃時,迴轉成型的成型極限為圓盤半徑185mm,增厚比60,換言之,在此條件下,能夠成功地將增厚比提升到過去的兩倍。
摘要(英) The rotary forming process is used for thickening the rim part of the drive plate of automotive engines. It is requested to increase the inertia of the drive plate in new HCCI engine for absorbing the cyclic variation which emerges from the ignition. However, the rim thickening ratio of the present cold rotary forming process is limited as 30, which cannot satisfy the requirement for the new drive plate. Thus, in order to increase the rim thickening ratio of the disk-like blank plate, the new warm rotary forming process, in which only the rim part of the disk blank is heated locally prior to forming, is proposed.
This thesis focuses on the numerical simulation of the proposed warm rotary forming process for thickening the rim of a S35C circular blank whose thickness is 2.6 mm. Analytical investigation is carried out using the FEA software Simufact forming in order to find suitable forming conditions such as the blank radius and the initial heating temperature where the rim thickening ratio can be doubled. Firstly, the upper limit of the rim thickening ratio for the previous cold rotary forming process was found to be 36 when the blank radius is 169mm. Then an appropriate blank radius and the temperature requirement for the new warm rotary forming process were investigated. The simulation results were compared to confirm the feasibility and forming limit of the rim thickening ratio of the warm rotary forming process. Finally, it can be concluded that the rim thickening ratio reaches the maximum possible value of 60 without any defect when the blank radius is 185 mm and the initial heating temperature is 400℃. In other words, under this condition, the rim thickening ratio has been successfully doubled compared to the previous value.
關鍵字(中) ★ 迴轉成型
★ 溫間迴轉成型
關鍵字(英) ★ rotary cold forming
★ rotary warm forming
論文目次 Outline
摘要 i
Acknowledgements iii
Outline iv
List of figures v
List of tables vii
Explanation of Symbols viii
1. Introduction 1
2. Previous cold rotary forming process 9
2.1. Outline of cold rotary forming process 9
2.2. Elastic–plastic finite element analysis (FEA) model 9
2.3 Material properties 12
2.4 Boundary conditions 13
2.5 Simulation results 14
3. New warm rotary forming process 19
3.1 Outline of new warm rotary forming process and its analysis 19
3.2 Elastic–plastic finite element analysis (FEA) model 22
3.3 Material properties 22
3.4 Boundary conditions 28
3.5 Simulation conditions 31
3.5.1 Blank radius – to find forming limit at room temperature 31
3.5.2 Forming temperature – to find the lowest initial temperature requirement for the warm rotary forming to achieve the target thickening ratio 32
4. Results and discussion 33
4.1 Simulation results with various blank radii without heating 33
4.2 Simulation results with various heating temperatures 40
4.2.1 Heating process 40
4.2.2 Suitable temperature condition 42
4.2.3 Maximum rim thickening ratio 45
4.3 Discussion 48
5. Conclusion 50
Reference 52
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指導教授 傅尹坤(Yiin-Kuen Fuh) 審核日期 2017-9-20
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