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姓名 郭芝含(Chih-Han Kuo)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 資訊管理學系
論文名稱 探討推薦商品對消費者購買意願之影響 ─ 以不同背景顏色為例
(Red or Blue: How Recommended Products Influence Consumers′ Willingness-to-Pay)
★ 網站設計探討—以國內外連鎖飯店集團為例★ 智慧型手機使用者介面與消費者態度之關聯
★ 零售業全通路策略分析 -以Family Mart為例★ 應用服務藍圖及顧客旅程優化汽車租賃業之服務流程: 以某汽車租賃業為例
★ 顧客對折扣促銷的評價-探討商店定價策略、促銷語意線索與折扣深度對消費者認知的影響★ 網路拍賣中外部線索的一致性:在不同的資訊不對稱程度下,起始價格以及賣方聲譽對於拍賣結果影響之探討。
★ 影響金融服務業之多重通路使用者評估通路整合性的因素★ 影響網路口碑行為意圖之因素分析
★ 在多通路環境中,實體通路的存在如何影響顧客決策★ 混合情緒操控與間接體驗產品途徑對消費者之影響-以創新產品為主
★ 服務業不同廣告型式的效果如何受消費者性別及代言人類型而改變★ 消費者於多通路環境下之跨通路搭便車行為之決定因素
★ 如何撰寫較好的網路口碑★ 探討線上環境中互動與故事對廣告效果之影響
★ 不同決策特質與搜尋時間壓力下部落格設計與使用者滿意度之探討★ 主購社群關係與主購經驗分享對網路合購行為因素影響之探討
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摘要(中) 此研究探討兩種線上推薦 ─ 互補性基礎推薦及替代性基礎推薦,加入兩種背景顏色 ─ 紅色和藍色,會如何影響消費者的感知有利性、感知價格犧牲以及感知努力性,進而影響消費者的購買意願。實驗一將互補性基礎推薦區分成互補性基礎組合以及互補性基礎分開產品。從實驗一結果發現,互補性基礎組合使用藍色背景比使用紅色背景,消費者感知更多有利性;而互補性基礎分開產品使用紅色背景比使用藍色背景,消費者感知更多有利性。實驗二將替代性基礎推薦分成不同性替代品以及相似性替代品。結果顯示,不同性替代品使用藍色背景比使用紅色背景,消費者感知更多有利性與努力性。最後,應用迴歸分析檢驗感知有
摘要(英) This research discusses how two approaches of online recommendation, complement-based recommendation and substitute-based recommendation, influence consumers’ perception of benefit, monetary sacrifice and effort while adding red or blue background, and then influence consumers’ willingness-to-pay. In study one, the display
of complement-based recommendation has been categorized into complement-based bundle and separate products. The results showed that complement-based-bundle recommendation was perceived more benefit when using blue color rather than using red color. On the contrary, complement-based separate-products recommendation would
be perceives as more benefit when using red color rather than blue color. In study two, substitute-based recommendation was further divided into different substitutes and similar substitutes. Different substitutes were perceived as more benefit when using blue color rather than using red color. Furthermore, different substitutes would also be perceived more effort when using blue color rather than red color. Besides, the
perceived benefit and perceived effort would have positively affected consumers’ willingness-to-pay; on the other hand, perceived sacrifice would have negatively affected consumers’ willingness-to-pay.
關鍵字(中) ★ 互補性基礎
★ 替代性基礎
★ 推薦
★ 感知
★ 顏色
關鍵字(英) ★ complement-based
★ substitute-based
★ recommendation
★ perception
★ color
論文目次 ABSTRACT................................................i
誌 謝.................................................iii
List of Tables....................................... vii
List of Figures........................................ix
1 Introduction......................................... 1
2 Literature Review.................................... 4
2.1 Effect of recommendation system on consumers’ willingness-to-pay .................................... 4
2.2 Two types of product recommendations........................................ 5
2.2.1 Effect of complement-based recommendation on consumers’ willingness-to-pay.......................... 5 Effect of complement-based recommendation on perceived benefit ..................................... 6 Effect of complement-based recommendation on perceived sacrifice ................................... 7 Effect of complement-based recommendation on perceived effort ...................................... 8
2.2.2 Effect of substitute-based recommendation on consumers’ willingness-to-pay ......................... 9 Effect of substitute-based recommendation on perceived benefit ..................................... 9 Effect of substitute-based recommendation on perceived sacrifice .................................. 10 Effect of substitute-based recommendation on perceived effort...................................... 11
2.3 Effect of color on consumers’ willingness-to-pay ...................................................... 11
2.3.1 Effect of color on humans’ physiology ...................................................... 12
2.3.2 Effect of color on humans’ performance ...................................................... 12
2.3.3 Effect of color on humans’ emotions ...................................................... 13
2.3.4 Effect of color on humans’ perceptions ...................................................... 14 Effect of color on perceived benefit ...................................................... 14 Effect of color on perceived sacrifice ...................................................... 15 Effect of color on perceived effort ...................................................... 15
2.3.5 Effect of color on purchase intention ...................................................... 16
2.4 Effect of consumers’ perceptions on consumers’ willingness-to-pay ................................... 17
2.4.1 Effect of perceived benefit on consumers’ willingness-to-pay ................................... 17
2.4.2 Effect of perceived sacrifice on consumers’ willingness-to-pay ................................... 17
2.4.3 Effect of perceived effort on consumers’ willingness-to-pay ................................... 18
3 Research method................................................ 19
3.1 Hypothesis and Model ...................................................... 19
4 Study Design, Procedure and Results ...................................................... 26
4.1 Study 1— Effect of complement-based recommendation on consumers’ perception................................. 27
4.1.1 Design and Procedure ........................... 27
4.1.2 Reliability Analysis for Perceived Benefit, Sacrifice, Effort and Willingness-to-pay................................................... 30
4.1.3 Exploratory Factor Analysis and Confirmatory Factor Analysis ............................................. 31
4.1.4 Hypothesis Testing ............................. 35 The influence of complement-based recommendation and color on benefit, sacrifice and effort perceptions ...................................................... 35 The influence of benefit, sacrifice and effort perceptions on willingness-to-pay..................... 41
4.2 Study2— Effect of substitute-based recommendation on consumers’ perception ................................ 42
4.2.1 Pretest......................................... 43
4.2.2 Design and Procedure............................ 43
4.2.3 Reliability Analysis for Perceived Benefit, Sacrifice, Effort and Willingness-to-pay.............. 44
4.2.4 Exploratory Factor Analysis and Confirmatory Factor Analysis ............................................. 46
4.2.5 Hypothesis Testing.............................. 50 The influence of substitute-based recommendation and color on benefit, sacrifice and effort perceptions ...................................................... 50 The influence of benefit, sacrifice and effort perceptions on willingness-to-pay..................... 57
4.3 Results and Discussion............................ 58
5 General discussion and implications................. 61
5.1 Limitations and Future Directions ................ 63
Reference............................................. 64
Appendix A. The experiment of study 1 – complement-based recommendation ....................................... 73
Appendix B. Items for perceived benefit, sacrifice, effort and willingness-to-pay. ....................... 75
Appendix C. The scatter plot of study 1............... 79
Appendix D. Normal distribution for regression model of study 1. ............................................. 80
Appendix E. The experiment of study 2 – substitute-based recommendation ....................................... 81
Appendix F. The scatter plot of study 2............... 83
Appendix G. Normal distribution for regression model of study 2............................................... 84
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指導教授 謝依靜(Yi-Ching Hsieh) 審核日期 2017-7-3
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