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姓名 陳薇(Wei Chen)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 資訊管理學系
(Do second-hand shoppers really care about these common attributes?)
★ 網站設計探討—以國內外連鎖飯店集團為例★ 智慧型手機使用者介面與消費者態度之關聯
★ 零售業全通路策略分析 -以Family Mart為例★ 應用服務藍圖及顧客旅程優化汽車租賃業之服務流程: 以某汽車租賃業為例
★ 顧客對折扣促銷的評價-探討商店定價策略、促銷語意線索與折扣深度對消費者認知的影響★ 網路拍賣中外部線索的一致性:在不同的資訊不對稱程度下,起始價格以及賣方聲譽對於拍賣結果影響之探討。
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摘要(中) 二手購物行為已經盛行數十年。每一個人都能夠當二手購物的買家或是賣家,但每個人會去二手市場上購物的動機不盡相同。根據過去的研究指出,當二手買家再考慮要不要購買時,會因以下四項商品屬性而影響決策:商品的資訊、價格、稀有性和商品的故事。在某些情況下,消費者會選擇購買資訊較不充足的商品;而在某些情形下,人們會願意在交易中捨棄一點自己的金錢利益。另外,在市場上,商品的稀有性一直都是個會吸引消費者做購買的因素,也有學者提出,商品的故事性會引領消費者有不同的購買決策。因此,本篇研究的目的是探索出各類型動機的買家會在意哪些商品屬性。研究方法採用量化與訪談,並以手錶這類型產品作為情境實驗的商品。此研究發現,經濟動機的買家會受到價格影響,並且是低經濟動機的買家會因低價而較願意做購買。另一方面,高娛樂動機的買家在無商品故事性的情形下較願意做購買。
摘要(英) Second-hand shopping has been a trend of shopping. Everyone can be either a second-hand buyer or a seller, however the motivation of shoppers is different when buying second-hand products. According to prior research, when considering buy or not, people are influenced by information of products, price, scarcity and even story of products. In some cases, people would choose the product with not enough information; in other cases, people would abandon personal monetary benefits when having the transactions. Also, scarcity always is an attractive element for consumers in the markets and some researchers proposed that story of products can influence consumers’ consideration when making the decisions. Therefore, the main purpose is to explore that which kind of motivations second-hand shoppers have are influenced by those common attributes of products. Both the qualitative and quantitative research methods are used, and in this study, watch is the kind of products chosen to designed in the situational experiment. There are two main findings. First, when second-hand shoppers have economic motivation, their purchasing intension will be influenced by price. Especially, second-hand shoppers who have low economic motivation are more willing to buy second-hand products than others when the price of products is low. The second one is when second-hand shoppers have high recreational motivation, their purchasing intension will increase in no story designed condition.
關鍵字(中) ★ 二手購物
★ 購物動機
★ 購物者
★ 娛樂型購物
關鍵字(英) ★ Second-hand shopping
★ Shopping motivation
★ Shoppers
★ Recreational shopping
論文目次 摘要............................................................................................................................... II
ABSTRACT ................................................................................................................. III
誌謝.............................................................................................................IV 目錄............................................................................................................................... V
表目錄........................................................................................................................ VII
1. INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................... 1
2. THEORETICAL BACKGROUND...........................................................................4
2.1. SECOND-HAND CONSUMPTION .................................................................................4
2.1.1. PRICE ....................................................................................................................4
2.1.2. STORY OF PRODUCT ..............................................................................................4
2.1.3. PRODUCT INFORMATION .......................................................................................6
2.1.4. SCARCITY..............................................................................................................7
2.2. MOTIVATIONS OF SECOND-HAND SHOPPER .............................................................7
2.2.1. CRITICAL MOTIVATION..........................................................................................8
2.2.2. ECONOMIC MOTIVATION .......................................................................................9
2.2.3. RECREATIONAL MOTIVATION................................................................................9
2.2.4. FASHION MOTIVATION.........................................................................................11
3. METHOD ................................................................................................................13
3.1. QUANTITATIVE STUDY...........................................................................................13
3.2.QUALITATIVE STUDY..............................................................................................18
4. DATA ANALYSIS AND RESULT ........................................................................19
5. DISCUSSION..........................................................................................................29
6. CONCLUSION AND LIMITATION......................................................................33
REFERENCE: .............................................................................................................35 APPENDIX 1...............................................................................................................38 APPENDIX 2...............................................................................................................38 APPENDIX 3...............................................................................................................39 APPENDIX 4...............................................................................................................39
APPENDIX 5...............................................................................................................40
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指導教授 謝依靜 審核日期 2017-7-18
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