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姓名 徐一正(I-Cheng Hsu)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 資訊管理學系
論文名稱 租還是買? 消費者的感知風險對 IAP 行為之影響分析
(A Study on the Effects of Consumer’s Perceived Risk on In-app Purchase Behavior)
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摘要(中) 自從 Freemium 商業模式興起和軟體內購買 (In-app Purchase, IAP) 比例快速增 加,App 軟體開發商的獲利方式也就此改變。從原本只有一次性買斷的付費方式到現 在許多軟體開發商更願意用租賃的方式銷售產品。然而,消費者偏好這兩種消費模式 的哪一種呢?當消費者面臨兩種購買方案時,什麼樣的因素會影響消費者的決定?本 研究以計畫行為理論 (Theory of Planned Behavior, TPB) 為架構基礎,並且以感知價值 (Perceived Value) 為切入點,再加入感知風險 (Perceived Risk) 作為調節變數。
本研究透過線上問卷調查收集了 255 份有效問卷,並使用 PLS 和二元 Logistic 回 歸進行了分析。結果顯示,IAP 態度、描述性規範和感知行為控制對於一般購買意圖 有正向影響。感知價值對於實際購買行為有正向影響,感知風險可以調節感知價值對 於實際購買行為的影響。進一步分析顯示,如果消費者的感知價值較高,則偏好一次 性購買,否則偏好租賃。同時,感知風險對感知價值和消費者選擇有調節作用。
摘要(英) The rise of the Freemium business model and the proliferation of In-apps Purchase (IAP) have changed the ways App software developers make profits. However, even in IAP, there is a choice between one-time buyout and rental, where user pay recurrent usage charge. Many software developers are more willing to rent. What is the consumer preference between buy and rent? What are the factors affecting their choice? This study attempts to explore the questions based on the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB), complimented with the construct of Perceived Value moderated by Perceived Risk.
255 valid questionnaires were collected through an on-line survey, and analyzed using PLS and binary Logistic Regression. Results reveal that IAP attitudes, descriptive norms, and perceived behavior control have significant effects on general purchase intention. Perceived value influences the actual buying behavior, and perceived risk moderates this effect. Further analyses show that if the perceived value of the consumer is high, one-time buyout are preferred, otherwise rental are preferred. In the meantime, perceived risk has a moderation effect on perceived value and consumer plan.
關鍵字(中) ★ 軟體內購買 (IAP)
★ 感知價值
★ 感知風險
★ 租買選擇
關鍵字(英) ★ In-Apps Purchase (IAP)
★ Perceived Value
★ Perceived Risk
★ Buy or Rent
論文目次 目錄
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究動機 2
1.3 研究目的 6
1.4 研究流程 7
第二章 文獻探討 8
2.1 Freemium 與 IAP 8
2.2 租買選擇 9
2.3 計畫行為理論 10
2.4 描述性規範 11
2.5 感知價值 11
2.6 感知風險 12
第三章 研究方法 13
3.1 研究架構與假說 13
3.2 研究變數之操作化 22
3.3 研究設計 29
第四章 資料分析 30
4.1 樣本描述性統計分析 30
4.2 問卷量表之信效度檢驗 33
4.3 假說檢定 34
4.4 小節 44
第五章 結論與建議 48
5.1 研究結果 48
5.2 研究貢獻 51
5.3 管理意涵 53
5.4 研究限制與未來建議 55
參考文獻 56
英文文獻 56
中文文獻 58
網路文獻 59
附錄 60
實驗問卷 60
PLS 路徑分析圖 65
PLS Bootstrapping 路徑分析圖 66
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