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姓名 彭柏錚(Po-Cheng Peng)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 高階主管企管碩士班
論文名稱 企業之開放式服務創新研究—以C公司為例
★ 應用動態能力架構探討企業競爭力及發展途徑—以華碩電腦與P公司為例★ 個案探討台灣太陽能電池公司新進企業動態能力發展
★ 高科技Apple 蘋果公司及傳產衛浴成霖集團破壞式創新個案研究★ Making Optimal Supply Chain Case Studies for Two Semiconductor Equipment Suppliers
★ 台灣連接器產業經營策略之探討─以A公司為例★ 食品安全與企業的危機管理
★ 高階眼科醫材公司之競爭策略分析─以A公司為例★ 電動機車之開放式創新:個案研究睿能創意公司(GOGORO INC)
★ 研究破壞式創新後企業之發展─以 LCD 設備商個案為例★ 破產法免責制度之研究─以債務清理法草案為中心
★ 當供應商遇到客戶倒閉時之案例探討─以中華映管及其供應商為例★ 台灣電感元件業對大陸研發投資的探討- 以AG公司為例
★ TFT-LCD廠商營運模式及其績效之探討★ 語音智慧搜尋加雲端運算的創新商業模式與藍海策略研究─以蘋果Siri為例
★ 企業經營與所有之法制規劃與因應★ IMU與Webcam平台應用於高爾夫推桿軌跡之可行性分析
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摘要(中) 近年來台灣內需產業面臨著許多嚴峻的經營困境,除了物價高漲致消費力下滑、高素質人力外移及人口老化的問題,又有國際強勢品牌公司及新創公司不斷進入蠶食鯨吞本地內需市場,在地企業唯有不斷推陳出新開發新產品或快速反應以跟上國際潮流趨勢,才能爭取到愈來愈不容易滿足的消費者青睞;台灣產業如何以小搏大,面對這些國際大鱷的搶占而保有競爭優勢? 如何用有限的資源創造獲得最大的收益?對於台灣的本土產業而言,唯有以更開放的態度,迎接各種生存的挑戰,才能讓企業調整體質,擁有永續發展的實力。
Henry Chesbrough 2011年觀察產業時勢動態所提出《開放式服務創新》論述,認為不論我們所處事業的性質如何,想要開放就須先將本身事業視為服務業性質,以此改變和顧客的互動關係。要能擺脫削價競爭且符合潮流的「商品陷阱」,讓企業能夠持續繁榮、保有成長與競爭優勢,唯有倚賴「開放式服務創新」的觀念與做法,才能創造企業新的成長動能。
摘要(英) In recent years, business in Taiwan faces many seriously difficult running plight, except high prices items which caused shopping consuming going down, and high quality human resource went abroad and aging problems. A massive of powerful brands and start-ups constantly invaded to engulf local domestic markets. Thus, only the local companies could have their new items and products rapidly to react to come up with the new international trend of current. It is harder and harder to gain the customers’ buying and meet their shopping desire. As for Taiwan’s industry how to use the little capital to earn the largest profits. Encountering the international co-operations forcefully occupied markets, and how to keep the competitive advantage is the main problems. With the limited resources to create the most benefit is the basic issue. As for the locals in Taiwan, only with more open attitude cater for any kind of challenge, and by doing so we can let our enterprises adjust the ability and quality. Keep the persistent development is the major way to exist in challenge.
Henry Chesbrough (2011) observed the tendency of moving current and gave the statement out. No matter what kind of property we are running now, we should see our business as a service industry and need our attitude toward opening so that we can change form to interact with customers. Getting rid of nice-looking and cheap goods meets the current of "commodity trap". In order to have the enterprise maintain prosperity, continue to keep developing and competitive advantage. Only depends on open service innovation, do we have the opportunity to grow promotion force.
The research used an open innovation, open business models, and open service innovation to inspect the individual company case. According to the research, we can understand the process of how to establish the talented training, build customer relationship, enterprise consultant, and strategy connection. Let the parent company revitalize in human resources and also bring the newest knowledge of management. It makes the enterprise develop a new form to succeed in changing markets.
關鍵字(中) ★ 開放式創新
★ 開放式經營模式
★ 開放式服務創新
關鍵字(英) ★ Open Innovation
★ Open Business Models
★ Open Service Innovation
論文目次 第一章 緒論 1
1-1 研究背景與動機 1
1-2 研究目的 2
1-3 研究架構 2
第二章 文獻回顧 4
2-1 開放式創新 4
2-2 從封閉走向開放 9
2-3 開放式經營模式(從理論到實務) 12
2-4 開放式服務創新 17
2-5 創新平台生態系 18
2-6 台灣汽車業發展史 21
第三章 研究方法與架構 25
3-1 研究方法 25
3-2 研究架構 25
第四章 個案研究 27
4-1 個案公司簡介 27
4-2 個案公司研發專利取得情況 31
4-3 個案公司的開放式服務創新 33
4-3-1 個案子公司由外而內學習新能力 37
4-3-2 個案子公司由內而外提供管顧新服務 38
4-3-3 建立生態平台 41
4-4 文獻比對 43
第五章 結論與建議 51
5-1 結論 51
5-2 建議 52
參考文獻 54
一、中文資料: 54
二、英文資料: 56
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指導教授 王弓、鄭有為 審核日期 2017-6-21
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