摘要(英) |
The last decade has witnessed a phenomenal boom of the smartphone. However, the market has quickly entered a mature stage, where growth has been diminishing. Smartphone development has transformed from one that is “seeking common ground while keeping differences” into one that is “seeking difference from commonness.” In the whole industry, the main components, i.e., CPU, LCD, Camera, RAM (memory), are mostly from a few common suppliers. Much of them produce interchangeable parts. Thus, companies in the smartphone supply chain all endeavor to break new grounds to improve competitiveness.
This study looks into the case of Company D, a smartphone electronic components manufacturer. It conducts an “Ansoff Matrix” analysis to plan for its growth strategy, and proposes to develop new products in the same market. Second, it analyzed a target for acquisition and merger, though which innovative new components for smartphone can be obtained through M&A. This study analyzes the case using various methods, and provides a suggestion for its M&A decision. |
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