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姓名 張偉德(Wei-Te Chang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 企業管理學系在職專班
論文名稱 應用情感分析從媒體評論推測企業聲譽之研究
(Applying Sentiment Analysis to Study Corporate Reputation Estimated from Media Comments)
★ 在社群網站上作互動推薦及研究使用者行為對其效果之影響★ 以AHP法探討伺服器品牌大廠的供應商遴選指標的權重決定分析
★ 以AHP法探討智慧型手機產業營運中心區位選擇考量關鍵因素之研究★ 太陽能光電產業經營績效評估-應用資料包絡分析法
★ 建構國家太陽能電池產業競爭力比較模式之研究★ 以序列採礦方法探討景氣指標與進出口值的關聯
★ ERP專案成員組合對績效影響之研究★ 推薦期刊文章至適合學科類別之研究
★ 品牌故事分析與比較-以古早味美食產業為例★ 以方法目的鏈比較Starbucks與Cama吸引消費者購買因素
★ 探討創意店家創業價值之研究- 以赤峰街、民生社區為例★ 以領先指標預測企業長短期借款變化之研究
★ 應用層級分析法遴選電競筆記型電腦鍵盤供應商之關鍵因子探討★ 以互惠及利他行為探討信任關係對知識分享之影響
★ 結合人格特質與海報主色以類神經網路推薦電影之研究★ 資料視覺化圖表與議題之關聯
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摘要(中) 現今企業重視聲譽,將其視為重要資產來管理,媒體是傳遞企業意象的重要管道。過去研究為取得企業聲譽,採問卷方式,取得聲譽量表,進行後續分析,但很少有研究是從媒體的評論來推測企業聲譽,媒體一直是各利益關係人獲取企業資訊的來源之一,而媒體報導的觀點會影響企業聲譽的走向。
情感分析(Sentiment Analysis)可以解析文章或評論的內容,確立一個人對某件事物,所想表達的觀點或態度,過去研究,以判斷偏向正面、中立或負面為主,但人的情感複雜多變,人們藉由文字所表達的情感也是,透過情感詞典找出文中情感變數分數進行分析,對研究更有助益。
摘要(英) Nowadays, the enterprise attaches importance to reputation, treats it as an important asset to manage, and the media is an important channel to convey enterprise image. In the past, the research has been used to obtain the reputation of the enterprise, adopt the questionnaire method, obtain the prestige scale, carry on the follow-up analysis, but very few research is from the media comment to speculate the corporate reputation, the media has been one of the sources that the stakeholders obtain the enterprise information and the media coverage of the view will affect the direction of corporate reputation.
Sentiment analysis can parse the content of an article or comment, establish a person′s opinion or attitude towards something, the past research, judge the positive, neutral or negative, but people′s emotions are complex and changeable, people through the expression of emotion is also, it′s more helpful for the study to find out the score of affective variables in the paper through the Affective Dictionary.
It is easier to get these media comment sets under the push wave of the internet than in the past, by distributing questionnaires to the people who work in the media and obtaining the reputation scale of the target enterprises and use the emotional analysis of the media published by the relevant corporate comments, from which to obtain all the emotional variables of the score, as a follow-up analysis of the data source.
Finally, using the multiple regression analysis and the BPNN, two prediction methods, from the effective fraction variables, to identify the significant variables affecting the corporate reputation. From the results, at the 7-point scale, The MSE of multiple regression analysis was 1.161, RMSE 1.077, the MSE in the BPNN is 0.290, RMSE 0.538, and finally using the significant variable into the BPNN, MSE is 0.245, RMSE is 0.495, all of them have good predictive effect, and the outstanding variables are put into the inverted transfer class neural network best, display from the media The emotional analysis in the comments can be inferred from the corporate reputation.
關鍵字(中) ★ 企業聲譽
★ 情感分析
★ 複迴歸分析
★ 倒傳遞類神經網路
★ Jieba中文斷詞
關鍵字(英) ★ Corporate Reputation
★ Sentiment Analysis
★ Multiple Regression Analysis
★ Back-Propagation Neural Network
★ Jieba
論文目次 摘要 i
Abstract ii
誌謝 iv
目錄 v
圖目錄 vii
表目錄 viii
第一章 緒論 1
1-1 研究背景與動機 1
1-2 研究問題與目的 2
1-3 論文架構 3
第二章 文獻探討 4
2-1 企業聲譽 4
2-2 情感分析 7
2-3 Jieba中文斷詞 12
2-4 迴歸分析 13
2-5 類神經網路 15
2-6 小結 20
第三章 研究設計與方法 22
3-1 實驗架構 22
3-2 企業識別標記 23
3-3 聲譽計算 24
3-4 資料前處理 33
3-5 情感分析 35
3-6 預測模型分析 36
3-7 檢測分析成果 37
第四章 實驗結果與討論 39
4-1 複迴歸分析結果 39
4-2 類神經網路分析結果 43
4-3 比較模型分析結果 44
第五章 結論與建議 47
5-1 結論 47
5-2 限制和未來研究方向 48
參考文獻 49
附錄一 修正後聲譽問卷 54
附錄二 因素命名問項代號 56
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指導教授 許秉瑜(Ping-Yu Hsu) 審核日期 2018-1-19
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