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姓名 林泰誠(Tai-Cheng Lin)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 資訊管理學系在職專班
論文名稱 C航空公司會員禮遇晉升作業流程之改善
(On Improvements to the Frequent Flyer Membership Upgrade Process for Airlines C)
★ 製藥業的成本會計評估研究─ 一個ABC成本制度的應用★ 一個保險業的資料採擷應用--業務員的薪酬制度分析
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★ 定期航運產業運價及運送時間對經營績效影響之研究-以某外商海運公司在台灣經營為例★ 以交通儲值卡作為電子支付工具的營運模式及可行性分析
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摘要(中) 為應對自1980年以來日益激烈的競爭,美國航空法規的解禁,以及藉由資訊科技蓬勃發展所開創的機緣下,美國的航空公司開始透過「飛行常旅客計劃」 (frequent flyer programs) 來實踐「關係行銷」 (relationship marketing) 的概念,希望將一次性客戶轉換成重覆性消費的常客,基本概念就是給予較有價值的客戶更多地關注,以及更好的服務,至今幾乎已成為世界上所有航空公司為客戶提供的標準方案。
個案公司為我國主要的大型商用航空公司,於1993年創立自己的飛行常旅客計畫—華夏會員哩程酬賓計劃 (DFP, Dynasty Flyer Program) ,並分成了四個會員級別。一般會員可藉由累積哩程來享受免費旅程或航班座位升級,而更高等級的會員則可在機場享受更多的服務與福利。大多數會員依據航空公司設定的累積哩程標準獲得不同會員等級,然而,為了吸引具有高價值的潛在客戶,個案公司的營業單位及行銷部門主管可以推薦這些潛在客戶給予禮遇晉升至更高的會員等級,以期增加或維持對個案公司的忠誠度。不幸的是,直至今日此推薦作業仍使用人工紙本申請方式,導致有些申請案件處理不夠及時,甚至疏忽未予以處理造成漏件,使得許多潛在客戶流失。
本研究試圖分析現行禮遇會籍晉升的申請流程,以找出問題核心並予以解決。結果指出經由流程再造後,建置電子表單系統並整合現行作業流程,可使錯誤率減到最低並加快處理週期時間。以2016年為例,假設採用改善後流程方案後的數據顯示,將消除申請案件中 4% 的漏件,並將可在 7 天內及時完成核准的比例由 84% 提升到 98%,證明提出的流程改善方案將有效減少客戶流失,連帶提升 NTD$ 5百萬的營業淨利,且經可行性分析表明該改善方案是可行的。
Responding to the escalating competition sparked by the 1980s, liberalization of the aviation regulations in the U.S., and exploiting the opportunities brought by the development of information technologies, U.S. airlines started to implement the concept of “relationship marketing” through “frequent flyer programs,” hoping to switch one-time customers to repeated frequent customers. It has since become a standard program offered by almost all airlines in the world to their customers today. The underlying concept is to pay more attentions to the more valuable customers, with better services.
Airline C is a major commercial airline in Taiwan. It started its frequent flyer program in 1993, with four courtesy levels. A normal member can accumulate mileage to enjoy free journeys or flight upgrades. Members of a higher level can enjoy more services and benefits at the airports. Most members obtain their level of memberships based on their accrued mileages. However, to attract potential customers with high values, managers of business or marketing units in Airlines C are given the responsibilities to recommend customers with higher courtesy levels. It can potentially increase and maintain their loyalty to Airline C. Unfortunately, the recommendation today is based on a manual application system, where some of the applications are not processed in a timely manner, or even falls through the cracks. These alienate many potential customers.
This study attempts to analyze the current application processes of frequent flyer membership upgrade applications, pinpoint and solve the problems. The result is a reengineered process, with coupling electronic form system supports, integrating to the existing workflow system, minimizing errors and expediting processing cycle times. A simulated analysis of the 2016 settings shows that with the new process, the 4% missing cases will be diminished, and all the 98% approved can be processed in time within 7 days, up from 84%. It is evident that the proposed process can be effective in reducing customer alienation. In addition, business net income around 5 million NTD can be realized. Feasibility analysis shows that the proposal is workable.
關鍵字(中) ★ 高消費頻率方案
★ 忠誠計畫
★ 關係行銷
★ 流程改善
★ 表單流程電子化
關鍵字(英) ★ frequency programs
★ loyalty program
★ relationship marketing
★ process improvement
★ electronic form
第一章 緒論..................1
1.1 研究背景..............1
1.2 研究動機..............2
1.3 研究目的..............3
1.4 研究流程..............4
第二章 文獻探討..............5
2.1 關係行銷與忠誠方案.....5
2.2 流程改善.............10
第三章 產業環境.............12
3.1 航空產業介紹.........12
3.2 全球航空運輸市場概況..14
3.3 國內航空運輸產業概況..16
3.4 航空公司常旅客計劃....17
第四章 個案分析.............20
4.1 個案背景.............20
4.2 現行流程.............25
4.3 面臨問題.............28
第五章 個案流程改善.........29
5.1 流程分析.............29
5.2 流程改善方案.........30
5.3 預期效益.............32
第六章 結論與建議...........33
6.1 可行性分析...........33
6.2 研究結論.............34
6.3 研究建議.............35

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指導教授 范錚強(Cheng-Kiang Farn) 審核日期 2017-6-26
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