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姓名 楊斐鈞(Fei-Chun Yang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 網路學習科技研究所
論文名稱 主題深讀模式與平台之實踐:透過多文本閱讀與討論以提升學生想法運用與文本理解的表現
(The Practice of Syntopical Reading Model for Deep Learning: Using Multi-text Reading and Discussion to Improve Students’ Idea Generation and Text Comprehension)
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摘要(中) 根據長期與教學現場交流發現,學生大多以閱讀教科書為主,較少閱讀課外讀物,教科書內容較單一,使得學生缺乏多元的知識。而學生在學習時通常會涉及到需要閱讀不同來源的文本,為了解決教學現場的限制與困境,本研究提出「主題深讀模式」,提供主題式的多文本讓學生進行深度閱讀,並且藉由KWL教學模式、閱讀理解策略、PNIQ階段,以提問方式讓學生進一步思考,並將模式分為「讀」、「創」、「登」三階段。本研究目的為發展與評估「主題深讀」模式,並且探討學生運用「主題深讀」模式在想法運用與多文本理解的表現。
According to the investigation of the present teaching site found that most of the students to read the textbooks and less reading extracurricular materials. For example, the textbooks are too focusing specific domain knowledge to make students lack the diversity of knowledge. On the other hand, students have to read the textbook from different sources within learning. To this end, this study proposed a syntopical reading model for deep learning, which provided multiple theme-based texts for students to read to solve the limitations and difficulties in the present teaching site. Additionally, the syntopical reading model combined KWL teaching model, which including the reading comprehension strategies and PNIQ method to facilitate students deep thinking and creating. By doing so, the students could share their idea and creation with others. Therefore, the model was divided into three steps: (1) reading, (2) creating and (3) staging. As above mentioned, the purpose of this study is to develop and investigate syntopical reading model. Additionally, to identify the effect of this model and model-based platform on students’ idea generation and text comprehension performance.
This study was conducted into two phases. The first phase is a pilot study that developing a model supported students to conduct multi-text reading and discussion. Subsequently, we develop a model-based platform. The participants were 6 fifth grader classes included 6 teachers and 179 students. The purpose of this pilot study is to understand the feasibility of the model and platform. The second phase is a formal study. The participants were 3 fifth grader classes included 3 teachers and 89 students that divided into three group (1) “Syntopical deep reading group” (n=28): students used syntopical reading model for deep learning; (2) “Traditional syntopical deep reading group” (n=31): teacher used traditional teaching methods with syntopical reading model for deep learning. That is, let students read a single article to write down the idea or experience report; (3) “Traditional teaching group” (n=30): teacher used traditional reading teaching in classroom while students read many articles are independent. Therefore, to compare and analyze whether students can promote text comprehension and idea generation, then through interview to understand the student′s perceptual experience.
The results indicated that “Syntopical Reading Model for Deep Learning” activity could help students demonstrated better idea generation performance. Regarding the “Syntopical deep reading group”, students demonstrated that the type of idea mostly direct the use of idea within a single text after reading. For instance, students′ ideas come from their own and classmates’ previous ideas after discussion. Therefore, students not only from different perspectives to get more ideas but also measure multiple articles at the same time that the breadth of ideas is more extensive. Regarding the “Traditional syntopical deep reading group”, students demonstrated that the type of idea mostly extend the feelings out of the text after reading. For example, students’ ideas come from generate ideas but that too single and focus on certain articles.
In addition, reading comprehension test was applied to understand students’ performance. The results found that three groups before and after the test have a significant increase. Among them, “Syntopical deep reading group” had the highest level of progress. Thus, Syntopical Reading Model had improved students′ text comprehension.
關鍵字(中) ★ 主題閱讀
★ 多文本閱讀
★ KWL教學模式
★ 閱讀理解策略
關鍵字(英) ★ Syntopical reading
★ Multiple texts reading
★ KWL teaching model
★ Reading comprehension strategies
摘要 i
Abstract iii
誌謝 v
目錄 vii
圖目錄 xi
表目錄 xiii
第1章 緒論 1
1-1 研究背景與動機 1
1-2 研究目的 6
1-3 研究問題 6
1-4 名詞解釋 7
1-5 研究限制 8
1-6 論文架構 8
第2章 文獻探討 11
2-1 多文本閱讀 11
2-2 多文本閱讀學習與教學 21
第3章 活動與系統設計 29
3-1 活動設計 29
3-2 系統設計 35
第4章 前導研究 45
4-1 研究目的 45
4-2 研究對象與環境 45
4-3 研究流程 46
4-4 資料收集與分析 47
4-5 分析結果 47
4-6 討論 51
4-7 前導研究的啟示 51
第5章 實驗研究 53
5-1 研究對象 53
5-2 研究設計 54
5-3 研究流程 55
5-4 研究工具 58
5-5 資料收集 60
5-6 資料分析 61
第6章 研究結果 67
6-1 三組學生在閱讀理解前後測比較 67
6-2 主題深讀活動比較:主題二—東方之最 69
6-3 主題深讀活動比較:主題三—五月、風箏、少年 79
6-4 訪談結果 85
第7章 結論與未來展望 91
7-1 結論 91
7-2 研究貢獻 94
7-3 未來展望 94
參考文獻 97
中文文獻 97
英文文獻 99
附錄一、背景知識問卷 103
附錄二、訪談大綱—前導研究 104
附錄二、訪談大綱—正式研究 105

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指導教授 陳德懷(Tak-Wai Chan) 審核日期 2017-7-25
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