博碩士論文 104622003 詳細資訊

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姓名 黃建程(Jian-Cheng Huang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 地球科學學系
論文名稱 台灣基隆外海近海床地質構造與噴氣現象的探討
★ 南海北部地殼構造與深海沈積物波之研究★ 西菲律賓海盆西部的海床構造分析
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★ 板塊邊界地震引起之重力位能變化★ 南海北部地體構造之研究
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摘要(中) 台灣位於歐亞板塊與菲律賓海板塊的碰撞交接帶,活躍的地體構造使台灣地區有相當多的斷層分布。由於台灣北部人口密集,且鄰近核能發電廠,如果近海地震或火山活動可能產生災害性海嘯。因此本研究使用一般海洋地球物理資料來探討野柳舺與基隆嶼間近海的海床構造與噴氣現象。
Taiwan is located in a collision zone between the Eurasian Plate and the Philippine Sea Plate. There are lots of structural faults due to the active tectonics around Taiwan. There is a big population in northern Taiwan. Besides, there are two nuclear power plants at the coast of northern Taiwan. If there is near-shore earthquake or volcanic activity, a tsunami may be generated and cause serious damage. For that, based on marine geophysical data, this study is aimed to understand the near-shore geological structure and the seabed gas emission phenomenon between the Yehliu cape and the Keelung islet.
In this study, we use the multi-beam data, EK echo sounder, sub-bottom profiler and side-scan data collected during the R/V OR2 cruises 1806, 1814, 1821 and 2120. The total length of the ship track is about 138 km. Structurally, there are several normal faults or half-grabens in the offshore area of northern Taiwan. Our results show that there is a NE-SW trending linear structure located immediately in the east side of the Yehliu cape. We interpret the structure as a normal fault. Along the linear structure, seabed gas emissions can be observed. Because the souther end of the structure is very close to the Kenchiao Fault in northern Taiwan, we suggest that the structural fault is the offshore prolongation of the Kenchiao Fault. Moreover, there is a cone-shaped seafloor morphology located between the Yehliu cape and the Keelung islet. Because the area is located in a relatively high magnetization zone and there are lots of small earthquakes beneath the bathymetric structure, we interpret the cone-shaped structure as a relic volcanic neck. Around the volcanic neck, there are lots of seabed gas emissions. The collected gas indicates that its source could be from deep magma. Some other locations of seabed gas emissions follow the trend of NE-SW direction and could be related to the general trend of the northern Taiwan mountain belt. The “gases” could migrate upward along the existing faults or fractures.
關鍵字(中) ★ 基隆近海
★ 底質剖面
★ 噴氣現象
★ 側掃聲納
★ 科學魚探儀
★ 延伸斷層
關鍵字(英) ★ Near-Shore Keelung
★ Sub-Bottom Profiler
★ Gas plume
★ Side-Scan Sonar
★ EK-60
★ Extend Fault
中文摘要 i
英文摘要 ii
誌謝 iv
目錄 vi
圖目錄 viii
表目錄 x
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 臺灣地體構造背景 1
1.2 研究區域地體構造 1
1.3 研究動機與目的 2
1.4 本研究區域及前人研究 2
1.4.1 研究區域 2
1.4.2 前人研究 3
第二章 研究方法 11
2.1 科學漁探儀 (Echo Sounder System) – EK60 11
2.1.1 基本原理 11
2.1.2 資料處理方法 12
2.2 多音束聲納測深儀 (Multi-beam Echo Sounder) 12
2.2.1 基本原理 12
2.2.2 資料處理方法 13
2.3 高解析底拖聲納探測儀 13
2.3.1 高解析底拖側掃聲納儀介紹 13
2.3.2 高解析底拖底質剖面儀介紹 14
2.3.3 資料蒐集 15
2.3.4 資料處理 15
第三章 研究結果與討論 28
3.1 東北-西南向線性陷落構造特徵 28
3.2 噴氣現象 29
3.2.1 A區地質特徵 30
3.2.2 B區地質特徵 32
3.2.3 C區地質特徵 33
3.3 聲波透明帶 33
3.4 褶皺現象 34
3.5 海底沙丘構造 35
第四章 結論 63
參考文獻 65
附錄A 68
附錄B 69

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指導教授 許樹坤 審核日期 2017-7-25
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