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姓名 段儀(Yi Duann)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 太空科學研究所
論文名稱 自地面觀測氣輝反演氧原子離子光化學模型
(Photochemical model for atomic oxygen ion retrieval from ground-based observations of airglow)
★ 電離層赤道異常區之電子濃度季節性震盪及日變化★ Development and Validation of an Airglow Photometer for Upper Atmospheric Chemistry
★ Tidal Variability Due to the Quasi-Biennial Oscillation and Ionospheric Responses★ 福衛三號S4閃爍指數時空變化與潮汐分析
★ 飛鼠號立方衛星電力次系統設計★ 支援飛鼠號立方衛星之S頻段地面站評估及整測
★ 福衛五號軌道推算軟體敏感度及飛行資料分析★ 適用於小型衛星二階段展開太陽能板的鎖定鉸鏈的結構設計,分析以及測試
★ 中央大學地面系統設計、整測與驗證★ 太空飛行器電力次系統硬體迴路測試平台之建立
★ 縮裝型小衛星氧原子酬載:實作、功能與環境驗證★ 應用先進電離層探測儀與類神經網路以建立初步電漿泡預測模型
★ 飛鼠號立方衛星之飛行軟體及韌體設計★ IDEASSat任務的經驗教訓:大學立方衛星 的設計、測試、在軌運行和異常分析
★ 以立方衛星與微衛星進行GNSS-R/RO觀測的可行性研究★ Deep Space Radiation Probe 結構與熱控的設計模擬與測試驗證
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摘要(中) 欲了解中高層大氣之結構與運動模式,我們可以自離子的光化學反應著手進行探討。分布於中高層大氣F層的氧原子離子於能階躍遷的過程中,釋放出的可見光波段為630.0奈米,我們利用團隊共同架設之光度計(Photometer)系統,於夜晚的鹿林山天文台(23.46°N, 120.87°E)觀測台灣上空之氣輝,每10分鐘自光子計數器取一筆平均數據,以及俄羅斯伊爾庫茨克(51.8°N, 103.1°E)日地物理研究所之2016全年夜間氣輝地面觀測資料。並參考Link和Cogger. (1988)、Sobral et al. (1993),以及Vladislav et al. (2008) 的現有理論,建立光化學模型進行反演,可得氧原子濃度隨高度與時間的改變,並且與福衛三號之衛星觀測資料進行比對,以此方法進行長期觀測後,了解全年變化模式。於本篇論文中,吾人採用由Solomon (2017) 所開發之氣輝模型GLOW第0.98版,產生以瑞利為單位的氣輝亮度,結合GLOW本身使用的IRI-90背景參數,來驗證此三個模型的逆向推導效果。

摘要(英) To study the chemistry and composition of the upper atmosphere, we can utilize airglow emissions from the photochemical reactions of the ions in this region. When the atomic oxygen ions distributed in the ionospheric F region experience an energy level transition, visible light with a wavelength of 630.0 nm is released. We used the photometer system built by our team at NCU to perform ground-based observations of airglow over the sky of Taiwan at Lulin Observatory (23.46°N, 120.87°E) during selected night times. Ground-based airglow spectrometer observations throughout 2016 from the Institute of Solar-Terrestrial Physics (ISTP) in Irkutsk, Russia (51.8°N, 103.1°E) are also utilized. [22] We combined the mean values of our observations every 10 minutes with photochemical models based on the formulas derived from the theories of Link and Cogger (1988), Sobral et al. (1993), and Vladislav et al. (2008). With these different methods, we can estimate how the density of oxygen atomic ions varies with time and altitude and compare the results from empirical models with satellite-based observation data from FORMOSAT-3/COSMIC. The airglow brightness values simulated (Unit: volume emission rate) by the empirical GLOW model v0.98 by Solomon (2017) are also applied to validate the effectiveness of the three inversion models used in this research.
The tendency and variation of the atomic oxygen ion density calculated by our photochemical models is compared to the ground-based time variation of airglow radiance, electron density observations of FORMOSAT-3/COSMIC, and input variables from GLOW. Similarities and differences are discussed. The pattern of atomic oxygen ion variation resolved by our inversion model will be utilized for further analysis of ionospheric composition variation in the future.
關鍵字(中) ★ 大氣輝光
★ 氧原子離子
★ 光化學模型
關鍵字(英) ★ Airglow
★ Atomic Oxygen Ion
★ Photochemical Model
論文目次 摘要 vi
Abstract vii
誌謝 viii
Acknowledgment x
List of Figures xii
List of Tables xiv
List of Equations xv
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
Chapter 2 Observation and Data 4
2.1 NCU Lulin Observatory 4
2.2 2016 Spectrograph Data from Irkutsk, Russia 6
2.3 Empirical Models: IRI-2012 and MSIS-E-90 8
2.4 FORMOSAT-3/COSMIC Ne data 8
2.5 GLOW Model v0.98 9
Chapter 3 Photochemical Models 10
3.1 V630.0 Data Analysis 10
3.2 OII Models 12
3.3 Comparison and Validation 15
Chapter 4 Results 22
4.1 2016 Whole year variation 22
4.2 Daily Variation 26
Chapter 5 Discussion 34
Chapter 6 Conclusions 37
Bibliographies 39
Appendix A: 2016 Irkutsk Daily [O+] Variations 41
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指導教授 張起維(Loren C. Chang) 審核日期 2018-5-17
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