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姓名 江澔(Hoa Jiang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 生命科學系
論文名稱 調控巨噬細胞的表現型態減緩類風濕性關節炎造成的疼痛
(Modulation of phenotypic diversity of macrophages attenuates rheumatoid arthritis induced mechanical hyperalgesia)
★ 週邊發炎反應增加酸敏感受體- TDAG8基因在背根神經節之表現量★ 酸敏感G蛋白偶合受體,G2A,在ASIC3基因剔除小鼠中改變表現量
★ MrgB4受體專一表現於感覺神經元,且在ASIC3基因剔除小鼠中有不同的表現。★ 血清素受體2B對酸敏感離子通道3與辣椒素受體1的影響
★ 酸敏感G蛋白偶合受體在小鼠背根神經節神經元中的訊息傳導路徑★ 酸敏感G蛋白偶合受體功能上的拮抗機制
★ TDAG8活化後經由PKA與PKCε增強辣椒素受體的敏感度★ 台灣海岸植物之內生真菌多樣性研究
★ ASIC3、TRPV1或TDAG8基因缺失會減緩關節炎誘導的熱痛覺過敏並抑制衛星膠細胞表現★ 抑制OGR1表現可減緩慢性神經性疼痛藉由減少顆粒性白血球數及非IB4神經元之鈣訊號
★ 抑制OGR1及G2A表現可藉由調控非IB4神經元鈣訊號減緩酸所誘導長期疼痛★ TDAG8 participates in different phases of neuropathic pain by regulating distinct pathways of substance P
★ Peripheral ASIC3 activation involves in the late phase of CCI-induced mechanical allodynia by switching CGRP-positive population from small to large diameter neurons★ Innovative Mind-Body Intervention Day Easy Exercise Increases Peripheral Blood CD34+ Cells and Attenuates Back Pain in Adults
★ G-蛋白偶合接受體與G-蛋白訊號調控蛋白之整合型資料庫★ 血清素受體2B基因在酸敏感受體3基因剔除小鼠的背根神經節中表現量增加
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摘要(中) 類風濕性關節炎(RA)是一種自體免疫疾病,其特徵在於慢性關節炎症導致骨頭 侵蝕和軟骨損傷。RA 患者經常伴隨著持續性疼痛,並將疼痛改善作為首要任務。目前 RA 患者的治療著重於抑制炎症,在減緩慢性疼痛方面並沒有顯著的效果。治療 RA 引 發的疼痛仍然是臨床實踐中的主要挑戰。我用發炎性疼痛模式動物篩選了小分子化合物 和胜?類藥物用於止痛效果。初步篩選後,我選擇小分子藥物NSC745885和Peptide X 用於 RA 模式小鼠做進一步測試。在 RA 模式小鼠中,腹腔注射 NSC745885 可以透過促 發炎表型巨噬細胞(M1)的數量下降和抗發炎表型巨噬細胞(M2)的數量增加而減少 RA 誘導的機械性痛覺過敏。口服低劑量的 Peptide X 可以減少 RA 誘導的機械性痛覺過 敏,推測可能是通過減少 M1 巨噬細胞和血液中 IL-6 的濃度。
摘要(英) Rheumatoid arthritis (RA), an autoimmuedisease, is characterized by chronic joint inflammation leading to bone erosion and cartilage damage. RA patients often have persistent pain and declare pain as the greatest problem. Current treatments focusing on suppression of inflammation may produce an inadequate response in relieving chronic pain in many RA patients. The treatment of RA pain continues to be a major management challenge in clinical practice. I have screened small molecule compounds and peptides for analgesic effects using inflammatory pain animal models. After pre-screening, I have identified compound NSC745885 and Peptide X for further tests on RA models. In RA model, intraperitoneal administration of NSC745885 reduced RA-induced mechanical hyperalgesia, probably through a decline in the number of pro-inflammatory phenotype macrophage (M1) and an increase in the number of anti-inflammatory phenotype macrophage (M2). Oral delivery of low dose of Peptide X reduced RA-induced mechanical hyperalgesia, probably by the reduction of the number of M1 macrophage and IL-6 level.
關鍵字(中) ★ 巨噬細胞
★ 類風濕性關節炎
關鍵字(英) ★ macrophages
★ rheumatoid arthritis
論文目次 目錄
中文摘要................................................................................................................................ I Abstract ................................................................................................................................. II 致謝 ..................................................................................................................................... III 第一章 緒論 ......................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 類風濕性關節炎藥物的市場價值.......................................................................................... 2 1.2 類風濕性關節炎的發炎機制 ................................................................................................. 2
1.2.1 類風濕性關節炎中免疫系統扮演的角色......................................................................................3 1.3 類風濕性關節炎的疼痛機制 ................................................................................................. 4
1.3.1 類風濕性關節炎中與疼痛相關的基因..........................................................................................6
1.4 研究目的................................................................................................................................7 1.4.1 小分子藥物 NSC745885...............................................................................................................8 1.4.2 胜?類藥物 Peptide X ...................................................................................................................8
第二章 材料與方法 ............................................................................................................. 9
2.1 實驗材料 ............................................................................................................................... 10 2.1.1 實驗動物 (Experimental animals)................................................................................................10 2.1.2 實驗藥品 (Experimental drugs)...................................................................................................10 2.1.3 實驗器具(Experimental tools).................................................................................................11
2.2 實驗方法 ............................................................................................................................... 11 2.2.1 注射酸引發傷害性疼痛模式 (Acid model).................................................................................11 2.2.2 注射CFA引發發炎性疼痛模式 (CFAmodel)............................................................................11 2.2.3 小鼠關節炎模式 (RAmodel)......................................................................................................12 2.2.4 關節炎評估 (Arthritis score) ....................................................................................................... 12 2.2.5 機械性痛覺行為實驗(Mechanical behavior test)...................................................................... 12 2.2.6 蘇木素-伊紅染色(Hematoxylin and eosin stain , H&E stain)........................................................13 2.2.7 免疫組織化學染色法( Immunohistochemistry)............................................................................14 2.2.8 血液中細胞因子定量分析 ELISA(The enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay) .............................. 15
2.3 統計分析 (Statistics) ..................................................................................................... 15 第三章 結果 ....................................................................................................................... 16
3.1 NSC745885 及其衍生物 B1-C1、RV13 與胜?類藥物 Peptide X 降低完全弗氏佐劑引發 的機械性痛覺過敏感.................................................................................................................. 17
3.2 重複注射完全弗氏佐劑(CFA)於小鼠關節誘發長期關節疼痛........................................18 3.3 M1 巨噬細胞數目在關節炎後期 (> 8W)大量增加;M2 巨噬細胞數目在關節炎中期
(4W-8W)增加 ............................................................................................................................. 19
3.4 NSC745885 有效抑制關節炎模式小鼠誘發的機械性痛覺過敏感 ................................... 20
3.5 長期注射NSC745885減緩關節炎引發滑膜增生、骨頭侵蝕與軟骨破壞.......................20
3.6 NSC745885 降低關節炎模式小鼠中 M1 巨噬細胞數量,增加 M2 巨噬細胞數量 ......... 21
3.7 關節炎模式小鼠中,NSC745885對血液中TNF-α和IL-6的影響................................22
3.8 Peptide X 抑制關節炎模式小鼠誘發的機械性痛覺過敏感 .............................................. 22
3.9 Peptide X 有效減緩關節炎引發滑膜增生、骨頭侵蝕與軟骨破壞................................... 22
3.10 長期給予PeptideX降低關節炎模式小鼠中M1巨噬細胞數目....................................23 3.11 Peptide X 有效降低關節炎模式小鼠血液中 IL-6 的濃度............................................... 23
第四章 討論 ....................................................................................................................... 24 4.1 模擬類風溼性關節炎模式小鼠..........................................................................................25
4.2 NSC745885 在發炎性疼痛的止痛效果 ........................................................................... 26
4.3 NSC745885 在關節炎中調控巨噬細胞的數量................................................................ 27
4.4 Peptide X 在發炎性疼痛的止痛效果 .............................................................................. 28
4.5 Peptide X 在關節炎疼痛的止痛效果 .............................................................................. 28
4.6 Peptide X 在關節炎中調控巨噬細胞的數量................................................................... 29
第五章 參考文獻 ............................................................................................................... 30

Figure 3.1. Screening analgesic compounds and peptides using acid model and sub-chronic inflammatory model. ........................................................................................................... 37
Figure 3.2. Repeat injection of CFA induced chronic arthritic pain. .................................. 39
Figure 3.3. The number of CD68+ macrophages is increased with time in RA mice. ...... 40
Figure 3.4. The number of CD80+ macrophages is increased with time in RA mice. ...... 42
Figure 3.5. The number of CD163+ macrophages is increased with time in RA mice. .... 44
Figure 3.6. NS745885 treatment induces mechanical hyperalgesia in RA mice. ............. 46
Figure 3.7. Histology of ipsilateral side joints in arthritic ICR mice................................ 47
Figure 3.8. The number of CD68+ macrophages effects with compound treatment in RA mice..................................................................................................................................... 48
Figure 3.9. The number of CD80+ macrophages effects with compound treatment in RA mice..................................................................................................................................... 50
Figure 3.10. The number of CD163+ macrophages effects with compound treatment in RA mice............................................................................................................................... 52
Figure 3.11. Levels of serum IL-6 and TNF-α effect by NSC745885 in chronic arthritis pain. .................................................................................................................................... 54
Figure 3.12. Peptide X treatment induces mechanical hyperalgesia in RA mice. ............ 55 Figure 3.13. Histology of ipsilateral side joints in arthritic ICR mice.............................. 56
Figure 3.14. The number of CD68+ macrophages effects with compound treatment in RA mice..................................................................................................................................... 57
Figure 3.15. The number of CD80+ macrophages effects with compound treatment in RA mice..................................................................................................................................... 59
Figure 3.16. The number of CD163+ macrophages effects with compound treatment in RA mice............................................................................................................................... 61
Figure 3.17. Levels of serum IL-6 and TNF-α effect by Peptide X in chronic arthritis pain. .................................................................................................................................... 63

Table 3.1 Pre-screening of compounds and peptides........................................................... 64 Table 3.2 The number of macrophages in RA mice............................................................65 Table 3.3 The number of macrophages effects with NSC745885 treatment in RA mice .. 66 Table 3.4 The number of macrophages effects with Peptide X treatment in RA mice ...... 67
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指導教授 孫維欣(Wei-Hsin Sun) 審核日期 2018-7-20
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