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論文名稱 Do Erotic Stimuli Interfere with Response Inhibition? A Comparison of EEG between Sexual Offenders and Non-Offender Controls
(Do Erotic Stimuli Interfere with Response Inhibition? A Comparison of EEG between Sexual Offenders and Non-Offender Controls)
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摘要(中) 本論文研究著重在利用情緒性停止訊號作業來了解情緒對行為抑制的影響。在受試者進行停止訊號作業的同時也量測他們的腦電波以便了解情緒性刺激對認知功能的影響。本研究招收了兩組對象:性侵犯組與年齡匹配非罪犯組。受試者若在觀看色情圖片或中性圖片後聽到“嗶”聲,即必須抑制按鍵反應。研究結果顯示,不論出現的圖片為情緒性或中性,兩組在停止信號延遲時間 (SSD) 上有顯著的差異。色情圖片和中性圖片之間的停止信號反應時間 (SSRT) 差異在性侵犯組達到邊緣顯著。和控制組相比,性侵犯組的表現只有在觀看了色情圖片後才受到影響。對比色情圖片減去中性圖片的情況,性侵犯組顯示出更強的delta (0.5-1 Hz) 和theta波 (4-8 Hz),而控制組只顯示出更強的delta波 (0.5-1 Hz)。對比成功抑制反應減去失敗抑制反應,色情圖片出現且受試者成功抑制反應減去色情圖片出現但受試者抑制反應失敗,以及中性圖片出現且受試者成功抑制反應減去中性圖片出現但受試者抑制反應失敗的情況,兩組都顯示出更強的delta波 (1-2 Hz) 和更低的theta波 (4-8 Hz)。兩組的腦電波在所有對比中都無顯著差異。這些研究結果顯示情緒性刺激對這兩組實驗對象有著不同的影響,以及性侵犯可能有較差的抑制控制能力。
摘要(英) The present study aimed to investigate the effect of emotion on response inhibition by applying an emotional stop-signal task. Concurrent recording of the electroencephalogram (EEG) was applied to allow measurement of the influence of emotional content on cognitive functions. A group of sexual offenders and age-matched non-offender controls were recruited. Erotic and neutral pictures were shown shortly before the appearance of an auditory stop-signal, which required action cancellation. The result showed a significant difference in stop-signal delay between the two groups in both picture conditions. Marginal significant between erotic and neutral stop-signal reaction time was revealed for sexual offenders. Compared to the controls, the performance of the sexual offenders was only impaired in the erotic picture condition. Greater power of delta oscillations (0.5-1 Hz) and theta oscillations (4-8 Hz) in sexual offenders and greater power of delta oscillations (0.5-1 Hz) in controls was revealed in the contrast erotic picture minus neutral picture trials. Both groups showed greater power of delta oscillations (1-2 Hz) and lower power of theta oscillations (4-8 Hz) in the contrast successful minus unsuccessful stop trials, erotic successful minus erotic unsuccessful stop trials, and neutral successful minus neutral unsuccessful stop trials. No significant EEG difference was found between the two groups on all comparison. These findings suggest that emotional stimuli may be processed with different weights between the two groups and sexual offenders might have problems with inhibitory control.
關鍵字(中) ★ 情緒性停止訊號作業
★ 抑制控制
★ 情色刺激
★ 性侵犯
★ 腦電波
關鍵字(英) ★ emotional stop-signal task
★ inhibitory control
★ erotic stimuli
★ sexual offender
★ electroencephalogram (EEG)
論文目次 Chinese Abstract i
Abstract ii
Table of Content iii
Table of Figures vi
Chapter 1. General Introduction 1
1.1 Introduction 1
1.2 Theories of sexual offending 2
1.2.1 The Precondition Model 2
1.2.2 The Integrated Theory of Sexual Offending 3
1.3 Characteristic of rapists 5
1.4 Inhibitory control 7
1.5 Stop-signal task 8
1.6 The inhibitory control tasks using offender samples 10
1.7 Cortical mechanisms of response inhibition 11
1.8 Effect of emotional stimulus on response inhibition 15
1.9 Neural mechanisms of emotional stimulus 16
1.10 Purpose and hypothesis of the current study 17
Chapter 2. Materials and Methods 19
2.1 Participants 19
2.2 Apparatus, stimuli, task, procedure, and measures 19
2.2.1 Apparatus 19
2.2.2 Pictorial stimuli 20
2.2.3 Task 20
2.2.4 Procedure 22
2.2.5 Measures 23 Raven’s Advanced Progressive Matrices 23 Barratt Impulsiveness Scale-11 24 Negative Mood Regulation 24
2.3 EEG Acquisition 25
2.4 Data Analysis 25
2.4.1 Behavioral data 25
2.4.2 EEG Preprocessing 26
2.4.3 Hilbert-Huang Transformation 27
2.5 Statistical assessment 28
2.5.1 Behavioral data 28
2.5.2 EEG data 29
Chapter 3. Results 31
3.1 Behavioral data 31
3.1.1 Sexual Offender vs. Control group 31
3.1.2 Sexual offender group 33
3.1.3 Control group 33
3.2 Measures 34
3.2.1 Sexual offender group 34
3.2.2 Control group 34
3.2.3 Sexual offender vs. Control group 35
3.3 EEG 35
3.3.1 EEG time-locked to picture presentation 35 Sexual offender group 35 Control group 36 Sexual offender group vs. Control group 37
3.3.2 EEG time-locked to stop-signal presentation 37 Sexual offender group 37 Control group 41 Sexual offender group vs. Control group 45
Chapter 4. Discussion 46
4.1 Measures 46
4.2 Behavioral results 47
4.3 EEG results 48
4.3.1 EEG analysis time-locked to picture presentation 48
4.3.2 EEG analysis time-locked to stop-signal presentation 50
4.4 Limitations and future directions 52
Chapter 5. Conclusion 53
References 54
Appendix 1 70
Appendix 2 71
Appendix 3 72
Appendix 4 73
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指導教授 陳永儀 梁偉光(Yung-Yee Chen Wei-Kuang Liang) 審核日期 2017-10-5
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