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姓名 江佩諭(Pei- Yu Chiang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 藝術學研究所
論文名稱 時間幽靈:杉本博司的《劇場》與 《建築》攝影系列研究
(Time Spirit: A Study in Hiroshi Sugimoto’s Theaters and Architecture Photographic Series)
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摘要(中) 在20世紀西方和日本,以當代觀念攝影而聞名的杉本博司,多年來亦同時涉獵不同角色,如古物家、建築師等,這些跨領域的身分,都加深了他對日本文化的探索、拓寬對攝影的思考,使他的攝影被評論為是融合東西方哲學的當代攝影。在以往的研究中多以單一文化觀點對杉本博司的攝影做討論,本論文試圖兼論日本與西方思想對他的影響及對在他攝影作品中的體現。亦延續哈蘇基金會對杉本博司的獲獎評論,把研究聚焦在他攝影中的多層次時間觀,探討他如何將時間的概念擴及至人類的記憶和歷史中,並對攝影史、攝影的本質進行再詮釋?也試圖援引攝影史外的劇場史、建築史、圖像脈絡,提供他攝影更多詮釋的可能。

摘要(英) Hiroshi Sugimoto was famous for his contemporary conceptual photography in the West and Japan in the 20th century. For many decades, he has also been a multi-disciplinary artist working as an antiquarian, architect, and so on. These roles deepen his exploration in Japanese culture, broaden his thoughts on photography and led to his photography being commented as contemporary photography which blends eastern and western philosophies. Many studies about Hiroshi Sugimoto discuss on the single cultural perspective. Therefore, this thesis attempts to discuss the influence of Japanese and western ideologies on Hiroshi Sugimoto and his photography. Also, extending from Hasselblad foundation’s award citation, this study focuses on the multilayered concept of time in his photography, and explores how he thinks of humankind’s memory and history, and how his photography reinterprets the meaning of photographic history, the origin of photography. Then I consider the history of theater, the history of architecture, and the context of iconology, to probe into other possibilities of interpretation.

This thesis begins with Sugimoto’s thoughts on time and two photographic series “Theaters” and “Architecture” which have the same subject of historical space. I explore Sugimoto’s thinking and the multilayered concept of time in his photography. In the first chapter, I discuss the formation of his photographic techniques and styles, and his way of thinking on eastern and western culture in conceptual photography. The second chapter focuses on his “Theaters series”, and his notion of photography as recovery. I examine how he blends the Japanese pantheism, Japanese literature, temporality of Noh theatre into his photography, and has dialogues with the history of theatre, Bernd and Hilla Becher’s typologies and Marey’s chronophotography of the 19th century. Then I study his "Abandoned Theater" series, which he created after 40 years, and discuss how he transforms the metaphysical concept of recovery to specific photographic process. The third chapter focusses on the “Architecture” series, starting from the theme of modern architecture, to see how he integrates his role as an architect into photography. I also explore his gaze through out-of-focus architectural images, and how he connects to his works with the contexts outside the photographic history, such as iconology, memory, and history. Through an analysis of “Theaters” and “Architecture” series, this thesis unveils abundant layers of time and space in Hiroshi Sugimoto’ s photography, and his reinterpretation of architecture photography by his conceptual photography.
關鍵字(中) ★ 杉本博司
★ 《劇場》系列
★ 《建築》系列
★ 觀念攝影
★ 黑白攝影
★ 日本美學
★ 現代主義建築
關鍵字(英) ★ Hiroshi Sugimoto
★ Theaters Series
★ Architecture Series
★ Conceptual Photography
★ Black and White Image
★ Japanese aesthetics
★ Modern Architecture
論文目次 緒 論 1

一、前言 1
二、研究動機與問題意識 4
三、文 獻 回 顧 5
四、研究方法與章節架構 8

第一章 杉本博司的攝影之道 9
一、日 本: 1948--1970 9
初識西方攝影技藝的背景 9
內在幻象的實踐──攝影模型說 10
  馬克思哲思與日本60年代的反抗風潮 12
二、洛杉磯: 1970--1974 14
  洛杉磯藝術中心設計學院與向安瑟.亞當斯的學習 14
  時間流逝的作品原型:《蘋果習作》 17
三、紐 約: 1974-- 18
  風格摸索期的紐約紀實街拍 18
杉本博司攝影的觀念與技藝 19
  進入當代藝術圈的敲門磚 21
四、對日本文化的追求 22
  古董商與古物 22
  神祕主義中靈的存在 24
小結 26

第二章 內外的虛實幻象--《劇場》與《廢棄劇場》系列復甦的幽靈 27
一、時 間 27
時間的流逝 27
時間的復甦 29
二、1976年《劇場》系列 30
幽靈的復甦 30
幽靈的捕捉 32
幽靈的居所 33
與貝賀夫婦的工業地景比較 36
幽靈的多層意象 37
幽靈的原形──馬雷的連續攝影 42
三、《廢棄劇場》系列 43
軀 殼 44
復 甦 45
小結 46

第三章 來自悠遠處的凝視--《建築》系列 49
一、《建築》系列始末 50
起──從攝影往建築的轉捩 50
末──建築師身分的開展 53
二、《建築》系列 55
失焦的建築影像 57
「經典」建築的巡禮 59
檔案踏查模式的再突破 60
還原建築的原貌 63
三、圖像脈絡下的《建築》系列 65
交疊的圖像記憶──對大眾圖像的參照 65
喚起對話的可能──對史的再編排 67
小 結 71

結 論 73
參考資料 77
圖 版 83
附 件 129
參考文獻 藝術家作品
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指導教授 曾少千(Shao-Chien Tseng) 審核日期 2020-7-28
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